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K. Malkewitz and Ketcham, N., Logo Life Cycles: A Proof-of-Concept Research Project Examining the Logo Life Cycle, 3rd Northwest Marketing Research Symposium. 2018.
A. Marks and Design, M. Susan Weld, Logo/Creative Strategy for The Confluence. 2021.
B. Marshall, Su, H., McDonald, D., and Chen, H., Linking Ontological Resources Using Aggregatable Substance Identifiers to Organize Extracted Relations, in Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, Jan 4-8, 2005, Big Island, Hawaii, 2005.
R. Martell, Linking bias to exclusion using computational modeling.. Winnipeg, Canada, 2012.
P. Mathew, Long-Horizon Seasoned Equity Performance in the Pacific Rim Financial Markets, Review of Financial Economics, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 317-333, 2002.
S. Mayer, Leadership development program to groups of managers in the Oregon business community, Northwest Leadership Institute Program. 2004.
J. McAlexander, Living and Leaving Brand Community, Royal Bank Distinguished Visiting Speaker. Montreal Canada, 2013.
J. McAlexander, Listening to the Customer, Innovation in the Forest Products Industry: New Processes, Business Systems, and Products. Corvallis, OR, 2003.
J. McAlexander, Schouten, J., DuFault, B., and Martin, D., Leaving and Identity-Central Community of Practice, Consumer Culture Theory International Conference. Tucson AZ, 2013.
J. McAlexander and DuFault, B., Leaving an Identity-Central Community of Practice, Consumer Culture Theory Conference. University of Arizona, 2013.
J. McAlexander, Kim, S., and Roberts, S., Loyalty: The Influences of Satisfaction and Brand Community, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 1-11, 2003.
K. Medeiros, Crayne, M., Griffith, J., and Hardy, J., Leader sensemaking in response to crisis: Consequences and insights from COVID-19, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 36th Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA, 2021.
K. Medeiros, Crayne, M. P., Hardy, J., Griffith, J. A., and Damadzic, A., Leader sensemaking style in response to crisis: Consequences and insights from the COVID-19 pandemic, Personality and Individual Differences, 2021.
J. Mower, Late 19th Century Outdoor Garments. 2011.
V. T. Raja, A Lagrangean Heuristic for the Design of Capacitated Star-Star Concentrator Networks, INFORMS Joint National Meeting. Los Angeles, CA, 1995.
V. T. Raja, A Lagrangian Heuristic for Network Design, College of Business Research Seminar Series. Corvallis, OR, 2001.
L. Rees and Kopleman, S., Logics and logistics for future research: Appropriately interpreting the emotional landscape of multi-cultural negotiation, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 131-145, 2019.
L. Rees, Friedman, R., Oelkalns, M., and Lachowicz, M., Limiting fear and anger responses to anger expressions, International Journal of Conflict Management, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 581-605, 2020.
N. Roberts and Grover, V., Leveraging IT Infrastructure to Facilitate Competitive Activity via Customer Agility: An Empirical Investigation, 2012.
J. C. Rode, Arthaud-Day, M. L., Ramaswami, A., and Howes, S., A longitudinal study of emotional intelligence and mid-career success, presented at the 2016, 2016.
J. Rode, Arthaud-Day, M., Ramaswami, A., and Howes, S., A longitudinal study of emotional intelligence and mid-career success, Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
F. McKee Ryan, Wu, B., and Kinicki, A. J., Life-facet coping with job loss: Development and validation of a new scale, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Research Methods Division). New Orleans, LA, 2004.
F. McKee Ryan and Kinicki, A. J., The life facet impact of job loss, Job loss and reemployment research: Critical new directions. Symposium conducted at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, 2001.
