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N. Rothman, Pratt, M., Rees, L., and Vogus, T., Understanding the dual nature of ambivalence: Why and when ambivalence leads to good and bad outcomes, Academy of Management Annals, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1-40, 2017.
O. Mason McGonagall and Lee, S., When less is more: Space perceptions of mobile and stationary RV dwellers, Indoor and Built Environment, 2017.
A. Rose, Rose, J., Sanderson, K., and Thibodeau, J., When Should Audit Firms Introduce Analyses of Big Data into the Audit Process?, Journal of Information Systems, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 81-99, 2017.
L. Houston, Grandey, A. A., and Sawyer, K., Who Cares if "Service with a Smile" is Authentic?: An Expectancy-Based Model of Customer Race and Perceptions of Service Interactions, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2017.
P. Frischmann and Tree, D., Who is Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? The Effects of Schedule UTP, 2017 Southwestern Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association. Little Rock, Arkansas, 2017.
D. Ribbink, Pun, H., and Yan, T., Winning the Bid: Competition in NPD Contracting, POMS. Seattle, 2017.
C. Durban, Baldridge, D., Houston, L., and Yang, L. - Q., Withheld Disability Accommodation requests, perceived integration, and desire to stay, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
C. Durban, Baldridge, D., Houston, L., and Yang, L. - Q., Withheld Disability Accommodation Requests, Perceived Integration and Desire to Stay, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
E. Saeidi and Romeo, L., Women's Reaction to Whole 3D Body Scanning and its Influence on Body Satisfaction, in International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) International Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, 2017.
H. - L. Chen, Palomino, M., Gutierrez, V., and Robinson, S., Wood-rotting fungal pigments as colorants in oil-based textile dyes, Coatings, vol. 7, no. 152, 2017.
E. Djurdjevic, Stoverink, A., Klotz, A., Koopman, J., Veiga, S. Pires da M., Yam, K. Chi, and Chiang, J., Workplace status: The development and validation of a scale, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 102, no. 7, pp. 1124-1147, 2017.
A. Bourne, (3.04 Best Practices for Teaching Introductory Courses, AAA National Meeting. New York City, 2016.
A. Klotz and Bolino, M. C., 7 ways people quit their jobs. 2016.
C. Akroyd, O'Grady, W., and Scott, I., An adaptive management model: A beyond budgeting informed approach, Monash Forum on Management Accounting. Melbourne, Australia, 2016.
T. Paterson, Varley, A., Cooper, C., Spreitzer, G., and Fritz, C., Advancing the Well-being Research Agenda: What Do We Need to Know to Be Our Best Selves at Work, Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
I. Scott, Antitrust and Socially Responsible Collaboration: A Chilling Combination?, American Business Law Journal, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 97-144, 2016.
J. Sanchez-Burks, Bartel, C., Rees, L., and Huy, Q., Assessing collective affect recognition via the Emotional Aperture Measure, Cognition and Emotion, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 117-133, 2016.
T. Paterson, Harms, P. D., Steel, P., and Credé, M., An Assessment of the Magnitude of Effect Sizes: Evidence from 30 Years of Meta-Analysis in Management, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 2016.
M. Curry, Marshall, B., Raja, V. T., Reitsma, R., and Wydner, K., BA302: Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP Exercise/Walkthrough. p. 25, 2016.
S. Howes, Weyhrauch, W. S., and Waples, C. J., Behavioral cues as indicators of deception in structured employment interviews, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 119-131, 2016.
C. Akroyd, O'Grady, W., and Scott, I., Beyond budgeting and management change: Responding flexibly to environmental turbulence, Advances in Management Accounting World Conference on Management Accounting Research. Monterey, California, 2016.
J. Elston and Alon, I., Business Cultural Intelligence Quotient: A Five-Country Study, Thunderbird International Business Review, 2016.
I. Scott, A business model for success: Enterprises serving the base of the pyramid with off-grid solar lighting, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 70, pp. 50-55, 2016.
L. Burns, Mullet, K., and Bryant, N., Business of Fashion, no. 5. New York: , 2016.
K. S. Jones, Houston, L., and Johnson, T. D., Can You See Me Now? Social Invisibility and Career Success for the Black Professional Class, Academy of Management (AOM). Anaheim, CA, 2016.
A. Puley, Read, M., Tural, E., and Lee, S., A Case Study Examining the CCT of Fluorescent Lighting on Student On-task behavior in an Elementary School Classroom, Interior Design Educators Council Annual Conference. Portland, OR, 2016.
K. Leavitt and Murphy, C., Cashing in or selling out? Authenticity as moral capital in craft industries, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
M. Pagell and Wu, Z., Chapter 5: Business Examples of Sustainable Supply Chains. In, Sustainable Supply Chains., 2016.
Z. Wu and Pagell, M., Chapter 5: Business Examples of Sustainable Supply Chains. In, Sustainable Supply Chains, 2016.
M. Cieri, Coaching for Improved Performance, Monthly Meeting. Eugene, OR, 2016.
A. Rumpakis, Bee, C., and Lee, J., Collegiate Athletic Rebranding: Transforming the Visual Identity of Oregon State University, Journal of School Public Relations, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 249-274, 2016.
C. Toombs, Commercialization of university technologies, Oregon State University Vista Club. MU, 2016.
W. S. Weyhrauch, Howes, S., and Huffcutt, A. I., A comparative meta-analysis of past- and future-oriented structured interview formats, Annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
J. Wu, Li, J. T., and Chen, J., Competitive Actions and Responses in a Group-based Market: The Interplay of Competition and Cooperation, SMS special conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Coopetition. Rome, Italy, 2016.
C. Lee, Chung, K. H., and Yang, S., Corporate Governance and the Informational Efficiency of Prices, Financial Management, vol. 45, no. Spring 2016, pp. 239-260, 2016.
P. Frischmann and Barrick, J., Corporate taxes and lobbying: Getting a seat at the table., 6th European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Conference on Current Research in Taxation. Bonn, Germany, 2016.
P. Frischmann and Barrick, J., Corporate taxes and lobbying: Getting a seat at the table., 2016 Western Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association. Seattle, WA, 2016.
J. Yang, Lin, K. C., and Johnson, S., The cost of corporate social irresponsibility, Finance Seminar. Taiwan, 2016.
J. Yang, Lin, K. C., and Johnson, S., The cost of corporate social irresponsibility, Entrepreneurship Society Seminar. Taiwan, 2016.
J. Yang, Lin, K. C., and Johnson, S., The cost of corporate social irresponsibility, Finance Seminar. Taiwan, 2016.
J. Yang, Lin, K. C., and Johnson, S., The cost of corporate social irresponsibility, Finance Seminar. Taiwan, 2016.
R. D'Lima, Ribbink, D., and Vachon, S., Cultural Differences and Risk Mitigation Strategies, DSI Annual Conference. Austin, TX, 2016.
A. Marie Florie and Mullet, K., “Current State of Graduate Education: Is there a Need to form an ITAA Alliance?, ITAA Annual Conference. Vancouver, BC Canada, 2016.
C. Murnieks, Customer Discovery, OSU Accelerator. Corvallis, 2016.
N. King and Forder, J., Data Analytics and Consumer Profiling: Finding Appropriate Privacy Principles for Discovered Data, Computer Law and Security Review, vol. 32, pp. 696-714, 2016.
T. Carroll, Karim, S., and Long, C. P., Delaying Change: Examining How Industry and Managerial Turbulence Impact Structural Realignment, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 791-817, 2016.
E. Tural, Read, M., and Lee, S., Design for collaborative learning: The shifting ground of campus building design, IDEC Annual Conference. Portland, OR, 2016.
J. Hardy, Developing a Dynamic Computational Theory of Unmet Expectations in the Development of Turnover Decisions, Workshop on Computational Modeling. Athens, OH, 2016.
M. J. Mills, Fullagar, C. J., and Howes, S., Development and implementation of a multifaceted well-being intervention, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, vol. 3, pp. 360-375, 2016.
C. Wang, Zhu, B., and Zuo, M., Differences between Younger and Senior Information Providers in Senior Online Communities, in the Fifteeth workshop on e-Business (WeB 2016) in Dublin, 2016.
