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D. Simpson, Use of Supply Chain Relationships to Recycle Secondary Materials, International Journal of Production Research, 2010.
D. Simpson and Samson, D., Developing strategies for green supply chain management, Decision Line, vol. 39, no. 4, 2008.
D. Simpson, Klassen, R. D., and Power, D. J., Non participation as a driver of institutional change in corporate social and environmental performance, Academy of Management Annual Conference. Chicago, IL, 2009.
D. Simpson, Use of Supply Chain Relationships to Recycle Secondary Materials, Academy of Management Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA, 2008.
D. Simpson, Defining multiple strategies of green supply chain: a resource based perspective, European Operations Management Association Annual Conference. Groningen, Netherlands, 2008.
D. Simpson, Committed or compliant? Supplier responses to customer’s environmental performance requirements, Academy of Management Annual Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, 2006.
D. Simpson, Greening the automotive supply chain, Pacific Asian Consortium for International Business Education and Research (PACIBER) Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada, 2005.
D. Simpson, Environment as a Supply Chain Management Issue, European Operations Management Association Annual Conference. Budapest, Hungary, 2005.