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D. Baldridge, van Esch, C., Sugiyama, K., Phillips, K., Bilimoria, D., Kulik, C., Case, S., Shih, M., and Hall, E., Panel Symposium Submission # Advancing the Research on Stereotypes in the Management Field: What is Shared and What is Different Across Diverse Groups?, Annual meeting. Orlando, 2013.
B. H. Bradley, Klotz, A., Postlethwaite, B. E., and Brown, K. G., Ready to rumble: How team personality composition and task conflict interact to improve performance, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 98, pp. 385-392, 2013.
K. Kim, Liu, H., and Yang, J., Reconsidering Price Limit Effectiveness, Journal of Financial Research, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 493-518, 2013.
M. Puzakova, Kwak, H., and Taylor, C. R., The Role of Geography of Self in "Filling In" Brand Personality Characteristics: Consumer Inference of Claim-Irrelevant Attributes, Journal of Advertising, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 16-29, 2013.
A. Klotz, Veiga, S. P. da Motta, Buckley, M. R., and Gavin, M., The role of trustworthiness in recruitment and selection: A review and guide for future research, Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 34, pp. S104-S119, 2013.
S. K. Kim, Arthurs, J., Sahaym, A., and Cullen, J., Search behavior and technological capital of the diversified firm: The impact of fit on innovation, Strategic Management Journal, vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 999-1009, 2013.
Z. Jiang, Kim, K. A., Lie, E., and Yang, S., Share Repurchases, Catering, and Dividend Substitution, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 21, no. June 2013, pp. 36-50, 2013.
S. Song and Kim, M., Strategies for Building Brand Equity for Unfamiliar Companies, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. 2013.
T. Carroll, Håkonsson, D. Døjbak, and Klaas, P., The Structural Properties of Sustainable, Continuous Change: Achieving Reliability Through Flexibility, The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 179-205, 2013.
Z. Wu, Johnson, J., Kull, T., Pathak, S., Rabinovich, E., and Wu, Z., Supply Network Design and Product Environmental Performance. NSF Final Report, 2013., 2013.
Y. Kim, Yan, T., and Choi, T., Toward a Theory of Nexus Supplier, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS). Denver, CO, 2013.
N. King and Raja, V. T., What Do They Know About Me In The Cloud? A Comparative Law Perspective On Protecting the Privacy and Security of Sensitive Consumer Data, American Business Law Journal, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 413-482, 2013.
M. Puzakova, Kwak, H., and Rocereto, J., When Humanizing Brands Goes Wrong: The Detrimental Role of Brand Anthropomorphization Amidst Product Wrongdoings, Journal of Marketing, vol. 77, no. 3, pp. 81-100, 2013.
S. Song and Kim, M., Building brand equity for unfamiliar Asian companies, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. 2012.
J. McAlexander and Koenig, H., Building Communities of Philanthropy in Higher Education: Contextual Influences, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 122-131, 2012.
M. Kim, Consumer research in an era of omnichannel retailing.. 2012.
Y. Kim, Dependence Asymmetry as a Moderator in the Curvilinear Relation between Tie Strength and Value Creation in Buyer-Supplier Relations, Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. San Francisco, CA, 2012.
S. Song and Kim, M., Does Bigger and More Mean Better?: An Examination of Product Presentation Mix for Handbags in Online Shopping, AMA/ACRA Triennial Retail Conference. Seattle, Washington, 2012.
J. Yoo and Kim, M., The effect of website reputation and brand name on consumer responses on the Internet., International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. 2012.
C. Akroyd and Kober, R., The emergence and utilisation of management control systems in a high growth firm, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. Washington DC, 2012.
R. Khare, An, Y., Li, J., Song, I. - Y., and Hu, X., Exploiting Semantic Structure for Mapping User-specified Form Terms to SNOMED CT Concepts, 2012 ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI 2012). Miami, FL, USA, 2012.
E. L. Uhlmann, Leavitt, K., Menges, J. I., Koopman, J., Howe, M., and Johnson, R. E., Getting Explicit about the Implicit: A Taxonomy of Implicit Measures and Guide for their Use in Organizational Research, Organizational Research Methods, vol. 15, pp. 553-601, 2012.
S. Kessler, Cho, J., Xia, J., Stelluton, G., and Ropo, A., Playing a New Tune: Lessons from Examining Leadership in Orchestras, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). San Diego, CA, 2012.
N. King and Raja, V. T., Protecting the Privacy and Security of Sensitive Customer Data in the Cloud, Computer Law and Security Review, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 308-319, 2012.
B. H. Bradley, Postlethwaite, B. E., Klotz, A., Hamdani, M. R., and Brown, K. G., Reaping the benefits of task conflict in teams: The critical role of team psychological safety climate, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 97, pp. 151-158, 2012.
R. Reitsma, Zarske, M., Sullivan, J., Klenk, P., Forbes, M., and Carlson, D., The TeachEngineering Digital Library: Improving Access to the P-12 Engineering Conversation, in Proceedings 2nd P-12 Engineering and Design Education Research Summit, 2012.
C. Akroyd and Kober, R., Trust and control: The case of a high-growth firm, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. Washington DC, 2012.
M. Kim, Website design and consumer behaviors in the U.S., Korea, the Global Fashion Hub2012 semiannual meeting of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. Seoul, Korea, 2012.
D. Baldridge, Moore, M., and Konrad, A., Workplace Inclusion of People with Disabilities: Toward Greater Understanding of the Role of Disability Attributes, Social Support and Barriers, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Boston, 2012.
Y. Kim and Choi, T. Y., Buyer-Supplier Relations and Supplier Embeddedness: Outcomes based on Dyads and Extended Ties, Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. Boston, MA, 2011.
S. Lennon, Kim, M., Lee, J., and Johnson, K. K. P., Consumer Misbehavior on Black Friday: A Process Model, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, 2011.
S. Lee and Kang, M., Consumers' Perceptions, Attitudes, and Purchase Intentions for Environment-Friendly Interior Materials and Products, Environmentally Responsible Interior Design (ERID) Conference. Boulder, CO, 2011.
T. Khoury and Peng, M., Does institutional reform of intellectual property rights lead to more inbound FDI in developing countries?, Journal of World Business, 2011.
J. Yoo and Kim, M., The effect of product coordination and a model’s face on the Internet, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, 2011.
A. Kopczenski and Kim, M., Factors affecting university alumni’s purchase of university licensed merchandise, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, 2011.
A. Kopczenski and Kim, M., Factors affecting university alumni’s purchase of university licensed merchandise, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, 2011.
T. Carroll and Karim, S., A framework of organisations as dynamic structures, International Journal of Strategic Change Management, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 230-246, 2011.
S. Lennon, Kim, M., Lee, J., and Johnson, K. K. P., Happy as a Lark or Mad as a Hornet?: Consumer Emotions on Black Friday, KAMS Spring International Conference/2011 ITAA-KAMS Joint Symposium. Seoul, Korea, 2011.
R. Kline and Lee, S., Healthcare Wayfinding Systems for the Aging Population, Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. Boulder, CO, 2011.
Y. Kim, Johnston, D., Linderman, K., Sawaya, W., and Chen, Y. - S., The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Supply Chain Performance: The Case of Product Quality at Daimler-Chrysler, Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. Boston, MA, 2011.
V. Gerasymenko, Medjad, K., Krieger, E., and Grandsart, R., Quelle performance pour les portefeuilles de capital-risque? Ecart entre croyance et realite., ESKA Publishing: , 2011.
J. F. Rocereto, Puzakova, M., Anderson, R. E., and Kwak, H., The Role of Response Formats on Extreme Response Style: A Case of Likert-Type vs. Semantic Differential Scales, Advances in International Marketing, vol. 22, pp. 53-71, 2011.
M. Kim, Malkewitz, K., and Orth, U., The Role of Visual Fluency on a Thumbnail Page in E-retailing: A Process Model, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, 2011.
T. Khoury and Pleggenkuhle-Miles, E., Shared inventions and the evolution of capabilities: Examining the biotechnology industry, Research Policy, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 943-956, 2011.
O. Ybarra, Rees, L., Kross, E., and Sanchez-Burks, J., Social context and the psychology of emotional intelligence: A key to creating positive organizations, Oxford: , 2011.
Y. Kim, Choi, T. Y., Dooley, K., and Yan, T., Structural Investigation of Supply Networks: A Social Network Analysis Approach, Journal of Operations Management, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 194-211, 2011.
Y. Kim, Choi, T., Monczka, R. M., and McDowell, C. P., Supplier Relationship Management: An Implementation Framework, Tempe AZ, 2011.
K. Medjad, Krieger, E., Grandsart, R., and Gerasymenko, V., Venture capital and its perceived performance: exploring a mirage., ESKA Publishing: , 2011.
S. Lee and Kline, R., Wayfinding Study in Virtual Environments: The Elderly vs. the Younger-aged Groups, International Journal of Architectural Research, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 63-76, 2011.
N. King, Why Privacy Discussions about Pervasive Online Customer Profiling Should Focus on Expanding Roles of Third-Parties, International Journal of Private Law, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 193-229, 2011.
