
Dennis Adams

Senior Instructor

Office: 541-737-1817

Austin Hall

Austin Hall 411

2751 SW Jefferson Way

2751 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

Profile Field Tabs

Affiliated with: 
College of Business
Research/Career Interests: 

Youth finance education, workplace mental health.

Courses Taught: 

BA 360 - Intro finance

BA 240 - Intro finance

FIN 342 - Intermediate finance

BA 260 - Entrepreneurship

HC 407 - Honors Colloquium - Exploring the History of Commerce through Board Games

Beyond OSU

Bachelors degree, Economics, Brigham Young University

MBA, Finance and Sports Business, University of Oregon

Honors and Awards: 

Margaret E. and Thomas R. Meehan Oregon State University Honors College Course Development Grant Recipient


OSU Advantage Accelerator mentor (2017 - )

University of Oregon New Venture Championship judge (2020)

OSU InnovationX Pitch Competition judge (2019)

Additional Information: 

OSU Hybrid Learning Community graduate (2019)

OSU Center for Teaching and Learning Course Design Institute graduate (2018)

OSU Center for Teaching and Learning Tuesday Teaching Talks Workshops graduate (2018)

Personal Interests: 

Building things, writing, the outdoors, history, board games, biking, playing ukulele and banjo. Dennis was once an active participant/combatant in the Society for Creative Anachronism and other similar organizations. He enjoys the thrill of non-lethal battle.


Originally from Rockville, Maryland, Dennis spent time working in marketing and sales before spending five years as a senior financial analyst at Intel corporation. He has worked in various industries, including real estate, software, computer hardware, automotive, food service, and nonprofit. He has started several businesses and is still an entrepreneur at heart.

My Publications

I currently have no publications listed within this site.