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C. Dibrell, Sakaguchi, T., and Nicovich, S., Development of an integrated supply chain model, Americas Conference on Information Systems. Dallas, TX, 2002.
D. Baldridge, Dibrell, C., and Neubaum, D., Disabled Enterpreneurs: A Model of Entrepreneurial Intention, Babson Conference. Chapel Hill, NC, 2008.
D. Neubaum and Maureen, A., Does it pay to be nice? Organizational care, performance and the moderating role of discretion, Strategic Management Society Meeting. Orlando FL, 2005.
D. Neubaum and Mitchell, M. S., Ethics and Entrepreneurship: The effect of venture age and entrepreneurial orientation on ethical climates, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. 2002.
S. Noxel, Family Business Succession: Planning for a Productive Outcome, Dunn Carney Ag Summit. Wilsonville, Oregon, 2014.
D. Neubaum, Craig, J., Dibrell, C., Hayton, J., and Zahra, S., Family Culture and Strategic Flexibility: The Moderating Effects of Stewardship, Family Business Conference. Starksville, MS, 2007.
C. Gallagher, Alsobrook, L., Hammett, L., and Nielsen, S., The Figure: Transcribing the Human Form, Catalog Design Collaboration w/ Law Alsobrook. 2006.
L. H. Nishii, Mayer, D. M., Vestal, A., Porter, R. L., and Raver, J. L., Gender diversity and creativity: The moderating role of group LMX, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial & Organizational Pshychology. New Orleans, LA, 2009.
J. Raver, Nishii, L., and Vestal, A., Gender diversity norms: Influences upon group information elaboration and performance, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Montreal, 2010.
G. Leroy, Chen, H., Martinez, J., Eggers, S., Falsey, R., Kislin, K., Huang, Z., Li, J., Xu, J., McDonald, D., and Ng, G., Genescene: Biomedical text and data mining, ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2003). Houston, TX, USA, 2003.
C. Dibrell, Nicovich, S., and Sakaguchi, T., Global integrated supply chain: A theoretical typology, Global Information Technology Management (GITM) World Conference. Dallas, TX, 2001.
D. Neubaum, How Do I Publish Quality Research in Family Business? Workshop on Best Practices in Family Business Research, Professional Development Workship. San Diego, CA, 2016.
T. Nguyen, Fahey, C., Olstad, S., and Olstad, A., Impact of Pharmacy Student Involvement in Medical Reconciliation on Samaritan Health Services Outpatient Clinics, ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. New Orleans, LA, 2015.
D. Neubaum, Cordeiro, J., and Veliyath, R., Incentives for monitors: Director stock-based compensation and firm performance, Academy of Management National Meeting. 2002.
L. P. Young, Burns, L., and Noyes, M. B., The Influence of Clothing on the Perception of Professional Credibility, Western Regional Meeting of the Association of College Professors of Textiles and Clothing. Napa, CA, 1985.
D. Neubaum and Zahra, S. A., Institutional ownership and corporate social performance: The moderating effect of investment horizon, activism, and coordination, Academy of Management National Meeting. 2002.
C. Fahey, Nguyen, T., Olstad, S., and Olstad, A., Involvement of Pharmacy in Admission and Discharge Medication Review to Improve Patient Outcomes in an Inpatient Setting, ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. New Orleans, LA, 2015.
I. Scott, Sulkowski, A., Bagley, C., Nelson, J. S., Shrivastava, P., and Waddock, S., Law, Management, and Strategy: Collapsing Boundaries and Managing the Interstices, Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, 2017.
K. Nishida and Burns, L., Learning professional dress through peer-evaluation, Annual Conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association. New Orleans, LA, 2013.
D. Neubaum, Managing the academic career: Panel discussion at the Southern Management Association. 2000.
J. McAlexander, Nassen, K., and C. Shrader, B., McDonnell Douglas Corporation: A Case Study, Midwest Case Writers Association Annual Conference. Ames, Iowa, 1988.
C. Dibrell, Baldridge, D., and Neubaum, D., A Model Of The Impact Of Disability Attributes On Career Utility And Entrepreneurial Intentions., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. 2008.
D. Neubaum, Dibrell, C., and Craig, J., Navigating the Competitive Landscape: The Mediating Role of Innovation in Strategic Planning Capabilities, Academy of Management National Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, 2007.
G. Reeves-DeArmond, Mower, J., Nishida, K., LeHew, M., Rees, K., West, A., and Becker, J., Opportunities for Massive Open Online Course use and development in ITAA and the clothing/textiles discipline, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Charlotte, North Carolina, 2014.
D. Neubaum, Sullivan, D., and Barringer, B. R., Organizational citizenship behaviors in rapid growth firms, Babson Entrepreneurship Conference. 2003.
M. A. Zachary, Payne, T., and Neubaum, D., Organizational Resilience Following Periods of Crisis: How Family Control and Firm Age Influence Change in Emphasis on Innovation, Theories of Family Enterprise Research Conference. Alberta, Canada, 2014.
C. Dibrell, Craig, J., and Neubaum, D., Overcoming the Liability of Theoretical Newness: The Case for Stewardship Theory, Babson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2010.
J. McAlexander and Njue, J., Positioning Services, Presentation to Sawa Sawa Academy. Kenya, 1992.
M. Kulkarni, Baldridge, D., Bruyere, S., Colella, A., Connelly, C., Bonaccio, S., Gellatly, I., Breier, C., Baumgärtner, M., Boehm, S., Nittrouer, N., Hebl, M., King, E., Lynch, J., Mitra, A., Xu, H., Van Laer, K., and Scholz, F., Presenter Symposium: Allies and detractors: Insights on disability inclusion in organizations, 2021 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Virtual, 2021.
S. Noxel, Recognizing Excellence in Family Business, Oregon Society of CPA’s, Forest Products Division. Portland, Oregon, 2012.
J. L. Kriegh, Jackson, A. T., N Campos, R., Thiele, A., Nguyen, T., Dederer, R., McNamara, D., Howes, S., and Kausel, E. E., The relationship between goal orientation and escalation of commitment, Annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
J. Hardy, Day, E. A., Steele, L. M., Westlin, J., and Nguyen, C., Self-efficacy, achievement- versus learning-oriented effort, and complex task learning, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 31st Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
D. Neubaum, Zahra, S. A., Gedlovic, E., and Shulman, J., Social Entrepreneurship: Domain, Contributions and Ethical Dilemnas, University of Minnesota Conference on Entrepreneurship and Ethics. Minneapolis, MN, 2006.
S. A. Zahra, Hayton, J. C., Neubaum, D., and Rawhouser, H., Social Role of Entrepreneurship, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Launch Conference. Oakbrook, IL, 2007.
C. Dibrell, Craig, J., and Neubaum, D., Strategic Planning And Flexibility As Governance Control Mechanisms In Family And Non-Family Firms., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, 2008.
G. Reeves-DeArmond, Mower, J., and Nishida, K., Student and faculty perceptions of the development and use of Massive Open Online Courses in clothing and textiles education, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2013.
B. Zhu, Ramsey, M., Chen, H., Hauck, R. V., Ng, T. D., and Schatz, B., Support Concept-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval: A Knowledge Management Approach, ICIS’99, 20th Annual International Conference on Information Systems. 1999.
J. Chen, Neubaum, D., Reilly, R. R., and Lynn, G. S., Team Autonomy and New Product Development Performance, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, 2013.
R. Garrett and Neubaum, D., Top Management Support and Initial Strategic Assets: Improving ICV Performance, 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, 2011.
C. Dibrell, Neubaum, D., and Craig, J., Untitled, International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA). Sicily, Italy, 2011.
D. Neubaum, What Can Social Entrepreneurship Researchers Learn From Family Business Scholars, Professional Development Workship. Phildelphia, PA, 2014.
C. Gallagher and Nielsen, S., XXX: The Power of Sex in Contemporary Design. 2006.
