The Oregon State MBA seeks to develop students into leaders ready to tackle the challenges of today’s global business environment. This is accomplished through the following learning goals and objectives:
Analyze and synthesize information across disciplines/functions in order to evaluate business opportunities and make sound business decisions.
Analyze the impact of an enterprise on its various stakeholders using deontological and consequential lenses.
Demonstrate awareness of the current U.S. legal and global regulatory business environment.
Demonstrate comprehension of cultural commonalities and differences in international business activities and customs.
Develop effective management techniques for cross-cultural business.
Demonstrate and apply appropriate management science and statistical tools to analyze business conditions.
Evaluate business environment and opportunities and devise strategies for responding effectively to problems, threats, and opportunities.
Construct and communicate a logical, relevant, and professional quantitative assessment of business information in an effective manner.
Construct and communicate a logical, relevant, and professional qualitative assessment of business information in an effective manner.
Summarize and apply theories of effective leadership.
Summarize and apply theories of team composition, process, and motivation (including inclusivity and diversity) to effectively manage work teams.