The Commons

Providing a safe, welcoming space for students to receive academic support and build a community.

What We Do

Collaborative Peer Tutoring

The Commons is a free, collaborative peer-tutoring space located in the Bernard A. Newcomb Digital Commons on the second floor of Austin Hall. It is a new addition to the suite of academic support services offered by the college and the university.

Peer tutors are available to assist students with questions, homework, and other concerns related to coursework and study and test habits. Students from BA 223/390 (Principles of Marketing) and BA 240/360 (Finance) are highly encouraged to stop by for specialized tutoring. Tutoring is also available for a broad range of additional courses, including BA 211 and BA 275.


  • In-Person Hours
    • Open on a walk-in basis: 3 – 7 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
    • Finals Week: 3 – 7 p.m. Tuesday

Peer tutors are available to assist students with questions, homework, and other concerns related to coursework and study and test habits.

Let’s enjoy the hard work of studying. Free coffee available to all!

Meet the Team  Join on Zoom

University Resources

Oregon State University provides a wide range of resources to help you succeed:

Supplemental Instruction Tables >
Academic Success Center >
Career Development Services >
Counseling & Psychological Services >

Additional Peer Support

Additional peer-support and community spaces offering a place to study and academic services are:

The Arch, Weatherford C101
Monday  Thursday: 2  7 p.m.
Sunday: 4  7 p.m.

The Hub, Austin 102
Monday  Friday: 10 a.m. 3 p.m.

come Join Us

Upcoming Events