Case Study
E. & J. Gallo Winery
E. & J. Gallo Winery, a family-owned company and leader in the U.S. wine industry, markets and distributes its wine, spirits and other alcoholic products in more than 110 countries.
Lifelong learning is more important now than ever, and Gallo invests in its employees through a Sales Leadership Development Program. To keep pace with a changing global marketplace, Gallo turned to the professional development expertise at the College of Business.
We created “Selling in a Digital World,” a custom hybrid in-person/online training program in digital marketing to upskill employees and expand their capabilities.
To provide a national sales team with multifaceted training and digital marketing experience.
Gallo met with the College of Business' executive and professional development team to discuss training and professional development needs.
Combining OSU’s online capabilities and College of Business subject matter experts, a custom program with multiple learning formats was created for Gallo.
Gallo’s sales team completed a pre-assignment online, then received instructor-led training at three training roadshows held across the country.
Upskilled employees: Gallo’s entire sales team learned about selling in a digital world and how to participate in retailers’ marketing efforts. When participants were surveyed after the training, Selling in a Digital World earned a 95% employee satisfaction score, exceeding Gallo’s target beginning-and-ending net promoter scores.