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F. Dansereau, Cho, J., and Yammarino, F., Avoiding the “Fallacy of the Wrong Level”: A Within and Between Analysis (WABA) Approach., Group & Organization Management, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 1-42, 2006.
S. Reynolds, Leavitt, K., and Decelles, K., Automatic Ethics: The Effects of Implicit Assumptions and Contextual Cues on Moral Behavior, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, 2008.
S. J. Reynolds, Leavitt, K., and Decelles, K., Automatic ethics: The effects of implicit assumptions and contextual cues on moral behavior, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 95, pp. 752-760, 2010.
J. Cho, Diehl, M., Fulmer, A., Kuvaas, B., and Wu, I., The Art of Writing and Publishing for Non-Native English Writers, Professional Development Workshop, Academy of Management Conference. Boston, Massachusetts, 2023.
J. Cho and Dansereau, F., Are Transformational Leaders Fair? A Multi-Level Study of Transformational Leadership, Justice Perceptions, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Academy of Management (AOM). Anaheim, CA, 2008.
J. Cho and Dansereau, F., Are Transformational Leaders Fair? A Multi-Level Study of Transformational Leadership, Justice Perceptions, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Leadership Quarterly, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 409-421, 2010.
C. M. Barnes, Dang, C., Leavitt, K., Guarana, C., and Uhlmann, E. Luis, Archival Data in Micro-Organizational Research: A Toolkit for Moving to a Broader Set of Topics, Journal of Management, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 1453-1478, 2018.
J. Down, Applying methodological perspectives to Strategic Management, Transforming Leadership Professional Development Workshop, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA, 2003.
C. Dibrell, Applying methodological perspecitives to Stategic Management, Transforming Leadership Professional Development Workshop at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA, 2003.
D. Ribbink, Dresner, M., and Hofer, C., Airline Financial Distress and Customer Service, Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 89-104, 2011.
C. R. Wanberg, Csillag, B., and Duffy, M. K., After the breakup: How divorcing affects individuals at work, Personnel Psychology, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 77-112, 2023.
J. McAlexander, Koenig, H., and DuFault, B., Advancement in Higher Education: The Role of Marketing in Building Philanthropic Giving Communities, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 243-257, 2014.
C. Dibrell, Cogliser, C., and Hua, S., Adequate measurement isn't just "nice:" A review of measurement practices in management research, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, 2002.
D. Neubaum, Dibrell, C., and Craig, J., Addressing Natural Environmental Concerns from Within: Investigating the Role of Internal Stakeholders in Family and Non-Family Businesses, Family Enterprise Research Conference. Winnipeg, Canada, 2009.
K. Kim, Dansereau, F., Kim, I., Wang, L., Cho, J., and Chiu, C., Addendum: Extending the concept of charismatic leadership further, no. 2. Oxford: , 2013.
W. Duan, Cao, Z., Wang, Y., Zhu, B., Zeng, D., Wang, F. - Y., Qiu, X., Song, H., and Wang, Y., An ACP Approach to Public Health Emergency Management: Using a Campus Outbreak of H1N1 Influenza as a Case Study, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems & Humans, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 1028-1041, 2013.
N. Roberts, Galluch, P., Dinger, M., and Grover, V., Absorptive Capacity and Information Systems Research: Review, Synthesis, and Directions for Future Research, 2012.
J. Hardy, Day, E. A., and Steele, L. M., Ability, goal orientation, and exploratory behavior in active learning, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 30th Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA, 2015.
