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Journal Articles
J. A. Griffith, Gibson, C., Medeiros, K., MacDougall, A., Hardy, J., and Mumford, M., Are You Thinking What I'm Thinking?: The Influence of Leader Style, Distance, and Leader–Follower Mental Model Congruence on Creative Performance, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 153-170, 2018.
J. A. Griffith, Gibson, C., Medeiros, K., MacDougall, A., Hardy, J., and Mumford, M., Are You Thinking What I'm Thinking?: The Influence of Leader Style, Distance, and Leader–Follower Mental Model Congruence on Creative Performance, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 153-170, 2018.
J. Hardy, Gibson, C., Sloan, M., and Carr, A., Are applicants more likely to quit longer assessments? Examining the effect of assessment length on applicant attrition behavior, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 102, pp. 1148-1158, 2017.
C. M. Barnes, Dang, C., Leavitt, K., Guarana, C., and Uhlmann, E. Luis, Archival Data in Micro-Organizational Research: A Toolkit for Moving to a Broader Set of Topics, Journal of Management, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 1453-1478, 2018.
C. Brown and Gupta, U., Applying Case-Based Reasoning to the Accounting Domain, , International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and Management, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 205-221, 1994.
B. Gibbons, Iliev, P., and Kalodimos, J., Analyst Information Acquisition via EDGAR, Management Science, 2020.
C. Brown, Gasser, L., O'Leary, D. E., and Sangster, A., AI on the WWW: Supply and Demand Agents, IEEE Expert, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 50-55, 1995.
J. Giese, Malkewitz, K., Orth, U., and Henderson, P., Advancing the aesthetic middle principle: trade-offs in design attractiveness and strength, 2014.
N. Roberts, Thatcher, J., and Grover, V., Advancing Operations Management Theory Using Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling Techniques, 2010.
R. Graham and King, R. D., Accounting Practices and the Market Valuation of Accounting Numbers: Evidence from Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Thailand, International Journal of Accounting, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 445-470, 2000.
D. Gobeli and Rivas, R., Accelerating Innovation at Hewlett-Packard, Research Technology Management: international journal of research management, vol. Jan/Feb 2005, 2005.
N. Roberts, Galluch, P., Dinger, M., and Grover, V., Absorptive Capacity and Information Systems Research: Review, Synthesis, and Directions for Future Research, 2012.
N. Roberts, Galluch, P., Dinger, M., and Grover, V., Absorptive Capacity and Information Systems Research: Review, Synthesis, and Directions for Future Research, 2012.
Conference Papers
V. Gerasymenko and Eggers, J. P., Shifting focus: sources of managerial attention to new activities in the venture capital industry, in Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2014.
V. Gerasymenko, Cho, S. Yul, Arthurs, J., and Choi, Y., Re-examining Constraints And Ventures' Learning: The Case Of Business Accelerator Programs, in Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 2021.
M. Barnhart, Drenten, J., Gurrieri, L., and Huff, A., Platformization of American Gun Culture, in Consumer Culture Theory 2022 Conference, 2022.
N. Roberts, Gerow, J., and Roberts, S., A Meta-Analytic Review and Extension of the Organizational IT Assimilation Literature, presented at the 2010, 2010.
S. Bina, Graue, W., Jones, D., Kaskela, T., and Walden, E., Discovery of the Optimal Visualization for Representing Three Dimensions of Data Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, in International Conference on Information Systems, Seoul, 2017.
J. Drenten, Gurrieri, L., Huff, A., and Barnhart, M., Digital Curation in Contested Markets: How Gunfluencers Enable the Platformization of Second Amendment Ideology, in Association for Consumer Research 2022 Conference, 2022.
J. Chen, Gurel-Atay, E., Kahle, L. R., and Suh, W. Suk, Changes in Social Values in the United States – 1976-2017: Is a New Age of Tribalism Emerging?, in Association for Consumer Research, 2018.
J. Arthurs and Gerasymenko, V., Adjusting Attention to Organizational Routines in Response to Time Pressure, in Academy of Management, 2017, vol. 2017, no. 1, p. 13179.
Book Chapters
K. Medjad, Krieger, E., Grandsart, R., and Gerasymenko, V., Venture capital and its perceived performance: exploring a mirage., ESKA Publishing: , 2011.
K. Medjad, Krieger, E., Grandsart, R., and Gerasymenko, V., Venture capital and its perceived performance: exploring a mirage., ESKA Publishing: , 2011.
F. Jia, Wu, Z., and Gosling, J., Tetra Pak: Sustainable Initiatives in China, 2019, pp. 63-82.
Z. Wu, Wu, Z., and Golsing, J., Tetra Pak: Sustainable Initiatives in China, 2019, pp. 53-72.
V. Gerasymenko, Medjad, K., Krieger, E., and Grandsart, R., Quelle performance pour les portefeuilles de capital-risque? Ecart entre croyance et realite., ESKA Publishing: , 2011.
V. Gerasymenko, Medjad, K., Krieger, E., and Grandsart, R., Quelle performance pour les portefeuilles de capital-risque? Ecart entre croyance et realite., ESKA Publishing: , 2011.
V. Gerasymenko, Le capital-risque et les jeunes entreprises innovantes en France, FutuRIS: , 2008.
V. Gerasymenko and Nioche, J. - P., Impact of early-stage venture capitalists on the performance of portfolio companies., ESKA Publishing: , 2011.
V. Gerasymenko and Nioche, J. - P., Beneficier des apports des fonds d’amorcage : du financement a la valeur ajoutee, ESKA Publishing: , 2010.
