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I. Scott, Keeping the Lights on: Examining and Re-Imagining NLRA Preemption in a Time of Electric Necessity, 2014 WALSB Annual Conference. Monteray, CA, 2014.
C. Stannard and Pedersen, E., Landscape, Form, and Fabric, International Textiles and Apparel Association. Charlotte, North Carolina, 2014.
A. Joshi and Lahiri, N., Language friction and partner selection in cross-border R&D alliance formation, Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 46, pp. 123-152, 2014.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., and Cotte, J., Like a Member of the Family: Including and Excluding Paid Caregivers in Performances of Family, Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 30, no. 15-16, pp. 1680-1702, 2014.
D. Nam, Park, H. Dennis, and Arthurs, J., Looking attractive until you sell: Earnings management, lockup expiration, and venture capitalists, Journal of Management Studies, vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 1286-1310, 2014.
K. Leavitt, Lying for who we are: Motivated dishonesty in response to intractable identity threats., University of Central Florida Behavioral Ethics Conference. Orlando, FL, 2014.
F. Damanpour, Walker, R. M., Chen, J., and Aravind, D., Managerial Innovation and Firm Performance: Evidence from Quantitative Integrations of Research Findings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia PA, 2014.
G. Lu, Managing suppliers to engender supply chain security, DSI Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, 2014.
I. Scott, Mandatory Adoption of Stakeholder Review Processes to Improve Sustainability and Responsiveness of Utility Governance, 2014 ALSB Annual Conference. Seattle, WA, 2014.
I. Scott, Mandatory Adoption of Stakeholder Review Processes To Improve Sustainability and Certainty of Utility Resource Acquisition, Cascadia Business and Sustainability Colloquium. Portland, OR, 2014.
J. McAlexander, DuFault, B., Martin, D., and Schouten, J., The Marketization of Religion: Field, Capital, and Consumer Identity, Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 858-875, 2014.
J. Mower and Pedersen, E., Meta-Analysis of U.S. Wartime Dress Research, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Charlotte, NC, 2014.
N. Carpenter, Berry, C., and Houston, L., A Meta-analytic Comparison of Self- and Other-Reported Organizational Citizenship Behavior., Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 547-574, 2014.
A. G. Wang, Wang, H. Jiannan, Li, J., and Fan, W., Mining knowledge sharing processes in online discussion forums, The 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Big Island, HI. U.S.A, 2014.
B. Marshall, Curry, M., and Kawalek, P., The Moderating Power of IT Bias on User Acceptance of Technology, in Sixth Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on Accounting Information Systems, Auckland, 2014.
A. I. Huffcutt, Howes, S., and Weyhrauch, W. S., Moving forward indirectly: Reanalyzing the validity of employment interviews with indirect range restriction methodology, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, vol. 22, pp. 297-309, 2014.
D. L. Mracek, Day, E. A., Arsenault, M. A., Hardy, J., and Terry, R. A., A multilevel approach to relating subjective workload to performance after shifts in task demands, Human Factors, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 1401-1413, 2014.
A. I. Huffcutt, Howes, S., and Weyhrauch, W. S., Multi-stage artifact correction: An illustration with structured employment interviews, Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice, vol. 7, pp. 548-553, 2014.
M. Barnhart and Ratchford, M., A Multivariate Analysis of Pre-acquisition Drivers of Technology Adoption, Marketing Science Conference. Atlanta, GA, 2014.
R. Reynolds-McIlnay and Morrin, M., Neatness Matters: The Effect of Display Neatness on Product Color Choice, Understanding the Customer’s Sensory Experience Conference. Philadelphia, PA, 2014.
R. Reynolds-McIlnay, Neatness Matters: The Effect of Display Neatness on Product Color Choice, 2014 Shopper Marketing: In-Store, Online, Social and Mobile Conference. Stockholm, Sweden, 2014.
J. Jia, Wu, Z., and Gosling, J., Nestle: Sourcing Strategy in China. 2014.
V. Gerasymenko and Arthurs, J., New insights into venture capitalists' activity: IPO and time-to-exit forecast as antecedents of their post-investment involvement, Journal of Business Venturing, vol. 29, pp. pages 405-420, 2014.
A. Klotz, Hmieleski, K. M., Bradley, B. H., and Busenitz, L. W., New venture teams: A review of the literature and roadmap for future research, Journal of Management, vol. 40, pp. 226-255, 2014.
C. Gallagher and Marks, A., New Ventures: Intersections in Design Education, AIGA Design Education Conference: New Ventures: Intersections in Design Education. Portland, Oregon, 2014.
J. Bum Shin, North Korea: beyond borders, Crystal Theodore, Prelude Exhibition. Duke Hall Gallery, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, 2014.
G. Reeves-DeArmond, Mower, J., Nishida, K., LeHew, M., Rees, K., West, A., and Becker, J., Opportunities for Massive Open Online Course use and development in ITAA and the clothing/textiles discipline, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Charlotte, North Carolina, 2014.
M. A. Zachary, Payne, T., and Neubaum, D., Organizational Resilience Following Periods of Crisis: How Family Control and Firm Age Influence Change in Emphasis on Innovation, Theories of Family Enterprise Research Conference. Alberta, Canada, 2014.
X. Koufteros, Peng, D., Lu, G., and Peters, R., Organizational structure and supply chain integration: an empirical, cross-regional examination, Journal of Organization Design, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1-17, 2014.
C. Murnieks, Mosakowski, E. M., and Cardon, M. S., Pathways of passion: Identity centrality, passion and behavior among entrepreneurs, Journal of Management, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 1586-1606, 2014.
H. - L. Chen, Weber, G., Hinsch, E., Freitas, S., and Robinson, S., Pigments extracted from the wood-staining fungi Chlorociboria aeruginosa, Scytalidium cuboideum and S. ganodermophthorum show potential for use as textile dyes, Color Technology, vol. 130, no. 6, pp. 445-452, 2014.
A. Joshi and Lahiri, N., The Power of Words: How, Why, and When Do Language Barriers Affect Alliance Formation?", in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014.
T. - M. (Catherine Jai and King, N., Privacy versus Reward: Do Loyalty Programs Increase Consumers' Willingness to Share Personal Information with Third-party Advertisers and Data Brokers?, ACRA 2014 Annual Conference. Dallas, Texas, 2014.
T. - C. Cheng, Hsieh, P. - H., and Yang, S. - F., Process Control for the Vector Autoregressive Model, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 57-81, 2014.
X. Koufteros, Lu, G., Lai, K. ‐ hung, Wong, C. W. Y., and Cheng, T. C. E., Product development practices, manufacturing practices, and performance: a mediational perspective, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 156, pp. 83-97, 2014.
T. Paterson, Luthans, F., and Milosevic, I., A Proposed Orthogonal Relationship between Psychological Capital and Ethical Leadership, Charlotte, NC: , 2014.
K. Mullet, Parsons, J., and Stannard, C., Publishing Design Research, ITAA Annual Conference. Charlotte, 2014.
K. Reddy-Best and Pedersen, E., Queer Women's Experiences Purchasing Clothing and Looking for Clothing Styles, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Charlotte, NC, 2014.
A. Vestal, Realizing the potential of geographically distributed R&D: Location, team networks, and the quality of team innovation, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Philadelphia, PA, 2014.
J. Hardy, Day, E. A., and Imose, R. A., Relating mental toughness to complex task learning and adaptive performance, Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 68, pp. 59-64, 2014.
I. Chira, Risk Change during Crises: How do Purely Local Companies Differ from Cross-listed Firms? Evidence from the European Crisis of 2010-2012, Journal of Economics and Business, 2014.
C. Bee and Neubaum, D., The Role of Cognitive Appraisal and Emotions of Family Members in the Family Business System, Journal of Family Business Strategy, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 323-333, 2014.
S. Reynolds, Dang, C. T., Yam, K. C., and Leavitt, K., The role of moral knowledge in everyday immorality: What does it matter if I know what is right?, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, vol. 123, pp. 124-137, 2014.
H. - L. Chen and Maqsood, E., The Saudi Arabian traditional clothes as an inspiration for fashionable and modern designs, Annual meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association. Charlotte, NC, 2014.
K. Zhang, Ouksel, A. M., Fan, S., and Liu, H., Scalable Audience Targeted Models for Brand Advertising on Social Networks, Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Recommender systems. Foster City, CA, USA, 2014.
V. Gerasymenko and Eggers, J. P., Shifting focus: sources of managerial attention to new activities in the venture capital industry, in Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2014.
J. Cho, Silence is Golden: A Conceptual Investigation of Leaders’ Extraversion and Introversion Personality in Collectivism, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). Honolulu, Hawaii, 2014.
N. King and Jessen, P. W., Smart Metering Systems and Data Sharing: Why Getting a Smart Meter Should Also Mean Getting Strong Information Privacy Controls to Manage Data Sharing, International Journal of Law and Information Technology, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 215-253, 2014.
J. Bum Shin, Social Empathy: Coexistence, International Poster Design Exhibition, VIDAK. Gallery Yiang, Seoul, Korea, 2014.
A. Van Gils, Dibrell, C., Neubaum, D., and Craig, J., Social Issues in the Family Enterprise, Family Business Review, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 193-205, 2014.
