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J. Stenson, The Language of Health, Presentation to Hewlett-Packard. 2000.
J. Mower, Late 19th Century Outdoor Garments. 2011.
I. Scott, Sulkowski, A., Bagley, C., Nelson, J. S., Shrivastava, P., and Waddock, S., Law, Management, and Strategy: Collapsing Boundaries and Managing the Interstices, Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, 2017.
K. Medeiros, Crayne, M., Griffith, J., and Hardy, J., Leader sensemaking in response to crisis: Consequences and insights from COVID-19, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 36th Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA, 2021.
J. King, Leadership, Leadership. Sigma Nu Fraternity, Corvallis, Oregon, 2006.
J. King, Leadership and Change, OSU Fraternity and Sorority Officers. Oregon State University, 2007.
J. King, Leadership and Motivation, OSU Dorm Coordinators. Oregon State University, 2007.
C. Dibrell, Randøy, T., and Davis, P. S., Leadership, competitive environments and firm performance in closely held firms, Strategic Management Society Conference. Paris, France, 2002.
M. Cieri, Leadership Development, Leadership Development. Bend/Madras, 2016.
S. Mayer, Leadership development program to groups of managers in the Oregon business community, Northwest Leadership Institute Program. 2004.
J. King and Friedman, L., Learning How to Listen in Health Care Organizations, Improving Quality Health Care. Corvsllis, Oregon, 2006.
K. Nishida and Burns, L., Learning professional dress through peer-evaluation, Annual Conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association. New Orleans, LA, 2013.
J. King, Down, J., and Bella, D., Learning to Think in Circles, National Academy of Management Meeting. 2000.
J. McAlexander and DuFault, B., Leaving an Identity-Central Community of Practice, Consumer Culture Theory Conference. University of Arizona, 2013.
J. McAlexander, Schouten, J., DuFault, B., and Martin, D., Leaving and Identity-Central Community of Practice, Consumer Culture Theory International Conference. Tucson AZ, 2013.
S. Lee, LEED and sustainable design, Special Lecture Series: Chungbuk University. Cheongju, Korea, 2015.
I. Scott, Legislation and Response: Understanding the Role of the Individual in Implementing Social Change Legislation at Work, SIM/ONE/PNP Junior Faculty Consortium. Atlanta, GA, 2017.
J. Becker-Blease, Legitimacy and Angel Investment, The Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship. London, England, 2010.
A. Huff, Humphreys, A., and Wilner, S. J. S., Legitimacy and the Politics of Things, Consumer Culture Theory 2018. Odense, Denmark, 2018.
J. Hardy and Carr, A., Let’s go there: Academics and practitioners tackle critical knowledge gaps., Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 33rd Annual Conference. Chicago, IL, 2018.
C. Dibrell, Craig, J., and Davis, P. S., Leveraging family-based brand identity to enhance firm competitiveness and performance, The Third Annual Office Depot Small Business Research Forum on “Family Entrepreneurship". Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2007.
T. Paterson, Licensed to be Deviant or Burdened to be A Good Citizen: A Dual Path Model of the Consequences of Ethical Voice, Southern Management Association. New Orleans, LA, 2021.
F. McKee Ryan and Kinicki, A. J., The life facet impact of job loss, Job loss and reemployment research: Critical new directions. Symposium conducted at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, 2001.
F. McKee Ryan, Wu, B., and Kinicki, A. J., Life-facet coping with job loss: Development and validation of a new scale, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Research Methods Division). New Orleans, LA, 2004.
M. Curry, Lightening In a Bottle: Aligning Technology with Natural Area Goals and Strategy., Natural Areas Association 2009 Conference. Vancouver, WA, 2009.
R. Martell, Linking bias to exclusion using computational modeling.. Winnipeg, Canada, 2012.
N. King, Linking Offline and Online Identities: Mobility and Identity, 2013 CLSR-LSPI Seminar on Privacy, Data Protection & Cyber-Security. Bangkok, Thailand, 2013.
D. Gobeli, Przybylowski, K., and Rudelius, W., Linking Teaching to Research Publication Opportunities: Experience in Seven European Countries., Conference Proceedings. 2002.
J. McAlexander, Listening to the Customer, Innovation in the Forest Products Industry: New Processes, Business Systems, and Products. Corvallis, OR, 2003.
J. McAlexander, Living and Leaving Brand Community, Royal Bank Distinguished Visiting Speaker. Montreal Canada, 2013.
M. Barnhart and Penaloza, D. Lisa, Living Capitalism: Consumer Identity and Consciousness in Transformational Consumer Research, Conference on Transformative Consumer Research. Hanover, NH, 2007.
K. Malkewitz and Ketcham, N., Logo Life Cycles, Western Oregon University Academic Excellence Showcase. 2018.
K. Malkewitz and Ketcham, N., Logo Life Cycles: A Proof-of-Concept Research Project Examining the Logo Life Cycle, 3rd Northwest Marketing Research Symposium. 2018.
C. Dibrell, Davis, P. S., and Pett, T. L., A longitudinal analysis of country of origin as a predictor of strategic change and performance in global industries, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C, 2001.
C. Dibrell, Davis, P. S., and Pett, T. L., A longitudinal analysis of the effects of information technology on firm performance in a global industry, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ, 2000.
P. James Frischmann, A Longitudinal Perspective on Nonarticulation in the Statement of Cash Flows, Northwest Accounting Research Group. Levenworth, Washington, 2008.
J. Rode, Arthaud-Day, M., Ramaswami, A., and Howes, S., A longitudinal study of emotional intelligence and mid-career success, Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
M. Swift and Virick, M., Looking Beyond the Knowledge Source-Recipient Relationship in the Transfer of Tacit Knowledge, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA, 2008.
J. Lee, Cho, J., and Pillai, R., Loyalty as Moral Glue in Korea? The Mediating Effects of Affective Commitment on the Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Follower Work Outcomes, Midwest Academy of Management. Chicago, Illinois, 2017.
K. Leavitt, Lying for who we are: Motivated dishonesty in response to intractable identity threats., University of Central Florida Behavioral Ethics Conference. Orlando, FL, 2014.
K. Leavitt and Sluss, D. M., Lying for Who We Are: Social and Relational Identity as Drivers of Dishonesty, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec, 2010.
J. Yang, Hsieh, P. - H., and Kim, Y. H., The magnet effect of price limits: evidence from transactions data, Financial Management Association meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah, 2006.
P. - H. Hsieh, Kim, Y. H., and Yang, J., The Magnet Effect of Price Limits: Evidence from Transactions Data, Asian Finance Association Meeting. Hong Kong, 2007.
P. - H. Hsieh, Kim, Y. H., and Yang, J., The Magnet Effect of Price Limits: Evidence from Transactions Data, National Joint Statistical Meetings. Seattle, Washington, 2006.
D. Baldridge, Ling, Y., and Floyd, S. F., Making the Most of Global Reach: Toward a Model of the Impact of National Culture on Issue Selling, Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Seattle, WA, 2003.
K. Malkewitz, Making Your Passion Your Occupation: How to Get Employed Doing What You Love, Baker Scholars Distinguished Speaker Series. 2009.
J. Bailes, Ruttanaporn, S., Komaratat, D., and Cheniam, S., Management Accounting Practices of Thai Manufacturing Firms, Asia Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues. Beijing , China, 2000.
S. Biswas and Akroyd, C., Management Control in a Rapidly Growing Family Business, Global Accounting & Organizational Change Network Conference. Melbourne, Australia, 2017.
C. Akroyd, Jollands, S., and Sawabe, N., Management Control of Time and Space: (Re)framing the Transacting Context, Japan Association of Management Accounting. Osaka, Japan, 2015.
C. Akroyd, Jollands, S., and Sawabe, N., Management control rhythms in a product innovation setting: Enabling adaptive practices in highly competitive and uncertain environments, Global Management Accounting Research Symposium. Sydney, Australia, 2017.
