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J. Rose, Performance Evaluations Based on Financial Information: How do Managers Use Situational Information?, Managerial Finance, vol. 30, pp. 46-65, 2004.
A. Rose, Rose, J., and Norman, C., Is the Objectivity of Internal Audit Compromised When the Internal Audit Function is a Management Training Ground?, Journal of Accounting and Finance, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1001-1019, 2013.
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J. Rose, Norman, C., and Rose, A., Perceptions of Investment Risk Associated with Material Control Weakness Pervasiveness and Disclosure Detail, The Accounting Review, vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 1787-1808, 2010.
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N. Roberts, Qahri-Saremi, H., and Vijayasarathy, L., Understanding IT Value at the Managerial Level: Managerial Ambidexterity, Seizing Opportunities, and the Moderating Role of Information Systems Use, 2021.
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N. Roberts and Grover, V., Leveraging IT Infrastructure to Facilitate Competitive Activity via Customer Agility: An Empirical Investigation, 2012.
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N. Roberts, Jeyaraj, A., and Gerow, J., Assessing the Connections Among Top Management Support, IT Assimilation, and Business Value of IT: A Meta-Analysis.
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N. Roberts, Galluch, P., Dinger, M., and Grover, V., Absorptive Capacity and Information Systems Research: Review, Synthesis, and Directions for Future Research, 2012.
N. Roberts, Thatcher, J., and Klein, R., Tying Context to Post-Adoption Behavior Within Information Technology: A Conceptual and Operational Definition of Mindfulness, presented at the 2007, 2007.
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