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L. Burns, The Future of Fashion Design Education, Asian Fashion Federation Annual Meeting. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2008.
S. A. Zahra, Rawhouser, H., Bhawe, N., Neubaum, D., and Hayton, J. C., Globalization of Social Entrepreneurship, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 117-131, 2008.
B. Maue, Murnieks, C., and Ferrante, C., Going to war to keep up with the Joneses: Questions about earnings effects on U.S. military pilot service, Academy of Management. Anaheim, 2008.
K. Mullet and Park, M., Hanbok Sport, 2008 ITAA Proceedings Annual Conference. Schaumburg, IL, 2008.
G. Archer, Harvesting Rawls Bounty: Growing an Environmental Ethic from the Work of John Rawls, Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, 2008.
K. Malkewitz and Orth, U., Holistic package design and consumer brand impressions, Journal of Marketing, 2008.
U. Orth and Malkewitz, K., Holistic Package Design and Consumer Brand Impressions, 2008.
K. Malkewitz and Orth, U., Holistic package design and consumer brand impressions, Journal of Marketing, 2008.
P. Mathew and Michayluk, D., How Does Bunching Affect Bid-Ask Spread Component Estimation?, Financial Management Association International. Dallas, Texas, 2008.
J. Yang and Elston, J., The Impact of Accounting Standards and Ownership Structure on IPO Underpricing: Evidence from Germany's Neuer Markt, Academy of Entrepreneurial Finance. Las Vegas, NV, 2008.
J. Yang and Elston, J., The impact of accounting standards and ownership structure on IPO underpricing: evidence from Germany’s Neuer Market, Academy of Entrepreneurial Finance Conference. Las Vegas, 2008.
A. Stokes and Turri, A., The Impact of Eco-Labeling on Consumer Perceptions, Marketing and Public Policy 2008 Pre-conference Workshop. 2008.
C. Dibrell, Craig, J., and Hansen, E. N., The Impact of Firm Natural Environment Policy on the Market Orientation to Innovation Relationship in SMEs, Babson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Chapel Hill, NC, 2008.
J. Becker-Blease, The Impact of Gender on Voluntary and Involuntary Executive Departure, California Corporate Finance Conference. Loyola, CA, 2008.
J. Moore and Aier, J. K., The Impact of Tax Status on the Relation between Employee Stock Options and Debt, Journal of the American Taxation Association, vol. 30, no. 1, 2008.
A. H. Huffman, Howes, S., Payne, S. C., and Castro, C. A., The importance of construct breadth when examining interrole conflict, Educational and Psychological Measurement, vol. 68, pp. 515-530, 2008.
C. Gallagher, In Other’s Words. 2008.
J. Becker-Blease, Incorporating Stakeholders into Corporate Finance, Financial Education Association. Hilton Head, SC;, 2008.
E. Pedersen and Mullet, K., Infusing Cross-Cultural Aspects into a Professional Curriculum, 2008 Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. Honolulu, HI, 2008.
J. Chen and Sawhney, M., Innovation Radar 2.0, Kauffman Symposiums on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Data. Washington, DC, 2008.
K. Mullet and Pedersen, E., Inspiration India, 2008 ITAA Proceedings Annual Conference. Schaumburg, IL, 2008.
J. Becker-Blease, Integrating stakeholderism into finance., Stakeholder Marketing Consortium. Boston, MA, 2008.
J. Becker-Blease, Integrating sustainability into finance discipline, Financial Management Association. Dallas, TX, 2008.
K. Liu, Arthurs, J., Cullen, J., and Alexander, R., Internal sequential innovations: How does interrelatedness affect patent renewal?, Research Policy, vol. 37, pp. 946-953, 2008.
S. Lee, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Alternative Officing, Annual Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) International Conference. Veracruz, Mexico, 2008.
V. Gerasymenko, Le capital-risque et les jeunes entreprises innovantes en France, FutuRIS: , 2008.
J. Craig, Dibrell, C., and Davis, P. S., Leveraging family-based brand identity to enhance firm competitiveness and performance., Journal of Small Business Management, 2008.
P. James Frischmann, A Longitudinal Perspective on Nonarticulation in the Statement of Cash Flows, Northwest Accounting Research Group. Levenworth, Washington, 2008.
M. Swift and Virick, M., Looking Beyond the Knowledge Source-Recipient Relationship in the Transfer of Tacit Knowledge, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA, 2008.
A. Rose and Rose, J., Management Attempts to Avoid Accounting Disclosure Oversight: The Effects of Trust and Knowledge on Corporate Directors' Governance Ability, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 193-205, 2008.
J. Arthurs, Hoskisson, R. E., Busenitz, L. W., and Johnson, R. A., Managerial agents watching other agents: Multiple agency conflicts regarding underpricing in IPOs, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 277-294, 2008.
A. Davis and Tama-Sweet, I., Managers' Use of Language Across Alternative Disclosure Outlets: Earnings Press Releases versus MD&A, Financial Economics and Accounting Conference. 2008.
T. Carroll, Mark E. Nissen: Harnessing Knowledge Dynamics: Principled Organizational Knowing & Learning, 2008.
K. Malkewitz, The Marketing Canon, Christian Albrechts Universität zu Kiel. 2008.
J. Morris, Matching Media to Message: When and When Not to Use Distance Learning, IQPC Distance Learning Summit. Sao Paulo Brasil, 2008.
J. Becker-Blease, Goldberg, L., and Kaen, F. R., Mergers and Acquisitions as a Response to the Deregulation of the Electric Power Industry: Value Creation or Value Destruction?, Journal of Regulatory Economics, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 21-53, 2008.
B. Cluver, Microbiological Degradation of Naturally Colored Cotton Fibers, International Textile and Apparel Association Conference. Schaumburg, IL, 2008.
C. Brown, Baldwin, A. A., and Trinkle, B. S., Minority PhDs in Accounting: Distribution and Trends, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA USA, 2008.
D. Baldridge, Dibrell, C., and Neubaum, D., A Model Of Entrepreneurial Intentions Within The Persons With Disabilities Population, in Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research:, Chapel Hill, NC., 2008, vol. Vol. 28, no. Iss. 5, p. Article 4.
C. Dibrell, Baldridge, D., and Neubaum, D., A Model Of The Impact Of Disability Attributes On Career Utility And Entrepreneurial Intentions., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. 2008.
J. Chen and Madrigal, R., Moderating and Mediating Efects of Team Identifcation in Regard to Causal Attributions and Summary Judgments Following a Game Outcome,", Journal of Sport Management, no. 6, 2008.
B. Zhu and Gaynor, M., Monitoring Conflicts in Virtual Teams: A Social Network Approach, Second China Summer Workshop on Information Management. Kunming, China, 2008.
B. Zhu, Gaynor, M., and Bradner, S., Monitoring Team Conflicts through the Visualization of Social Networks, 7th Workshop on e-Business. Paris, France, 2008.
M. Swift and Paris, L., A multidimensional examination of the motivation to engage in knowledge sharing: integrating identification theory with social exchange theory, Southern Management Association Regional Meeting. St. Petersburg, Florida, 2008.
M. Barnhart and Penaloza, L., Negotiating Agency in the Elderly Consumption Ensemble, North American Association for Consumer Research. San Francisco, CA, 2008.
S. C. Payne, Howes, S., Boswell, W. R., and Barger, E. J., Newcomer psychological contracts and employee socialization activities: Does perceived balance in obligations matter?, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 73, pp. 465-472, 2008.
C. Brown, Trinkle, B. S., and Baldwin, A. A., PhDs in Accounting: Gender Distribution and Trends, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA USA, 2008.
A. Bourne, Predictability of Fraudulent Financial Reporting, CBFA Annual Conference - Indianapolis, IN. Indianapolis, IN, 2008.
J. Li, Wang, G. Alan, and Chen, H., PRM-based identity matching using social context, IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 2008). Taipei, Taiwan, 2008.
J. Li, Wang, H. Jiannan, Zhang, Z., and J Zhao, L., Process component identification from business policy documents, China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2008). Yunnan, China, 2008.
