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J. Lennon, Kim, M., Lee, J., and Johnson, K. K. P., Antecedents of consumer emotions on Black Friday, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada, 2010.
J. Becker-Blease, Angel Capital and Women Entrepreneurs, Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Boston, MA, 2005.
D. Knuff, Anecdotal Hearsay, American Marketing Association. Tampa, 2006.
T. H. Park, Li, J., Zhao, H., and Chau, M., Analyzing Writing Styles of Bloggers with Different Opinions, The 9th Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS). Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2009.
E. Tural, Analyzing visual discomfort in a senior living environment: a case study, 44th Annual Conference of Environmental Design Research Association. Providence, RI, 2013.
E. Tural, Analyzing low light luminosity with high dynamic range (HDR) photography, 44th Annual Conference of Environmental Design Research Association. Providence, RI, 2013.
E. Tural, An Analytical Tool for the Evaluation of Open Building Projects, ARCC Spring Research Conference: Stimulating Research. Tempe, Arizona, 2003.
P. Frischmann, Wang, D., and Lin, K. - C., Analyst Reaction to Nonarticulation in the Statement of Cash Flows, 2017 Western Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association. San Francisco, CA, 2017.
C. Brown and Baldwin, A. A., An Analysis of the Accounting Doctoral Industry: Observations and Unanswered Questions, American Accounting Association Diversity Section Mid-Year Meeting. New Orleans, LA USA, 2008.
S. J. Lennon and Burns, L., Analysis of Clothing Personal Appearance Symbols in Characterization, Sociological and Psychological Aspects of Dress Post-conference Workshop. Atlanta, GA, 1989.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., and Scott, I., American Consumers' Understandings of the Right to Consume Firearms, Consumer Culture Theory 2019. Montreal, Canada, 2019.
A. Huff and Cotte, J., The Ambivalent Role of Adult Siblings in Family Decisions about Elder Care, Association for Consumer Research. St Louis, 2011.
A. Huff, The Ambivalent Role of Adult Siblings in Family Decisions about Elder Care, Consumer Culture Theory. Chicago, 2011.
T. Paterson and Huang, L., Am I Expected to Be Ethical? A Role-Definition Perspective of Ethical Leadership and Behavior, Academy of Management. Atlanta, GA, 2017.
H. Koenig and McAlexander, J., Alumni Giving: Cultivating Connections that Build Commitment, Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education. San Diego, CA, 2007.
L. Huang and Paterson, T., Aligning Ethical Leadership and Enabling Group Voice: A Revisit to Multilevel Ethical Leadership, Southern Management Association. New Orleans, LA, 2013.
A. Kaliyamurthy and Schau, H., Algorithms in practice, Consumer Culture Theory Conference. 2019.
A. Kaliyamurthy and Schau, H., The algorithmic gaze shaping consumption, Association for Consumer Research. 2019.
S. Lee, Airport wayfinding and the interactive map design for the elderly, International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG) 2014. 2014.
K. Mullet, Air Control. Live gallery presentation, Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association. Pasadena, CA, 1995.
J. King, Aikido Leadership, Beaver Leaders Leadership Conference. OSU, Corvallis, Oregon, 2006.
V. T. Raja, An AI-based Heuristic for solving an Extended Concentrator Location Problem, College of Business Research Seminar Series. Corvallis, OR, 2002.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., An AI-based Heuristic for solving a Generalized Concentrator Location Problem, INFORMS National Meeting. Seattle, WA, 1998.
W. Hung, Lin, C. - T., and Yang, J., Aggregate 52-week high, limited attention, and time-varying momentum profits, Research Seminar. Victoria, Canada, 2022.
A. Anthony, Agency Problems and Cash Savings from Equity Issuance, FMA Doctoral Consortium. Chicago, IL, 2013.
J. Elston, Agency Costs, Dividends and Executive Compensation: Empirical Evidence from Germany, Annual Academy of International Business- Southeast USA. Tampa, FL, 2010.
C. E. Theil, Peterson, D., and Hardy, J., Affective responses in a virtue-less work environment, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 29th Annual Conference. Honolulu, HI, 2014.
J. Becker-Blease, The Advisory Role of the Board of Directors, Financial Management Association. Dallas, TX, 2008.
R. Graham, Advertising Assets, University of Auckland. Auckland NZ, 2007.
R. Martell, The adverse effects of implicit bias and micro-inequities in the workplace: Much ado about something, Sixth Annual Southern Utah Federal Law Symposium. St. George Utah, 2013.
U. Orth, Advantageously Positioning Oregon Wine, Presentation to Oregon Wine Advisory Board, Research Committee. Corvallis, OR, 2002.
T. Paterson, Varley, A., Cooper, C., Spreitzer, G., and Fritz, C., Advancing the Well-being Research Agenda: What Do We Need to Know to Be Our Best Selves at Work, Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
D. Baldridge, Beatty, J. E., Böhm, S., Kulkarni, M., and Moore, M., Advancing Research on Discrimination: The Contextual Meanings and Effects of the Word "Disability, 2014 Academy of Management Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2014.
K. Mullet and Pedersen, E., Adrian Update, Costume Society of America. San Antonio, 2015.
D. S. Bajwa, Raja, V. T., Tyran, C. K., and Tyran, K., The adoption and use of technologies to support virtual teams, Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN) 2009 Conference. Toronto, 2009.
C. Dibrell, Cogliser, C., and Hua, S., Adequate measurement isn't just "nice:" A review of measurement practices in management research, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, 2002.
D. Neubaum, Dibrell, C., and Craig, J., Addressing Natural Environmental Concerns from Within: Investigating the Role of Internal Stakeholders in Family and Non-Family Businesses, Family Enterprise Research Conference. Winnipeg, Canada, 2009.
C. Akroyd, O'Grady, W., and Scott, I., An adaptive management model: A beyond budgeting informed approach, Monash Forum on Management Accounting. Melbourne, Australia, 2016.
S. Lee, ADA 2010, Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. Baltimore, Maryland, 2012.
A. Bourne and Megraw, M., Active Teaching and Learning in a Flipped Classroom, CTL Winter Symposium 2015. Oregon State University, 2015.
R. Graham, Accounting practices and market values: Evidence from Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Thailand, The Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting. Melbourne Australia, 1999.
C. Brown, Baldwin, A. A., and Trinkle, B. S., Accounting Doctoral Program Demographics, 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association. New York, NY, 2009.
A. A. Baldwin, Brown, C., and Trinkle, B. S., Accounting Doctoral Program Demographics, American Accounting Association Diversity Section Mid-Year Meeting. New Orleans, LA USA, 2008.
C. Brown and Baldwin, A. A., Accounting, Diversity, and the AAA Diversity Section, Diversity Section of the American Accounting Association Mid-Year Meeting. San Antonio, TX, 2009.
L. Eiler, Accounting Disclosure Quality and Synergy Gains: Evidence from Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, International Accounting Section Mid-Year Meeting. Palm Beach, CA, 2010.
L. Eiler, Accounting Disclosure Quality and Synergy Gains: Evidence from Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, 2009 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, 2009.
A. Kaliyamurthy and Schau, H., Accommodating the algorithmic gaze, Mittelstaedt & Gentry Doctoral Symposium. 2021.
A. Aziz and Murnieks, C., Accepting members into the family: The role of conferences in moving outliers into the mainstream of entrepreneurship research, Babson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Babson Park, 2005.
C. Steggell, Hooker, K., Bowman, S., Brandt, J., and Lee, M., Acceptance of gerotechnologies by older women in rural areas, 2nd International Conference on Technology and Aging. Toronto, ON, 2007.
T. Khoury, Accelerating the Nanotech Revolution: Market-Driven Strategies, Global Emerging Technology Initiative & GLOCOM. Tokyo, Japan, 2003.
