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J. Lee, Cho, J., and Phillai, R., Does Transformational Leadership Promote the Perception of Ethical Leadership? A Moderated Mediation of Procedural Justice and Power-Distance Orientation, Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 89-101, 2020.
D. Berger, Cao, X., and Pukthuanthong, K., Earnings conference calls and institutional monitoring: Evidence from textual analysis, Journal of Financial Research, 2020.
L. Rees, Emotions and emotion training in the workplace. 2020.
L. Rees, Emotions, emotional intelligence, and ambivalence in the workplace. 2020.
A. I. Huffcutt, Howes, S., Dustin, S. L., Chmielewski, A. N., Marshall, Ca, Metzger, R. L., and Gioia, V. P., Empirical assessment of typical versus maximal responding in behavior description interviews, Human Performance, pp. 1-21, 2020.
J. Kalodimos and Leavitt, K., Experimental Shareholder Activism: A Novel Approach to Organizational Research, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 120, 2020.
L. Steele, Campbell, J., and Lee, G., Express yourself: Why managers' disclosure tone varies across time and what investors learn from it, Contemporary Accounting Research, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 1140-1171, 2020.
L. Rees, ? Featured in radio interview with Tina Dacin, Laura Rees, & host David Moses for ELMNT FM Radio in Toronto/Ottawa. 2020.
L. Rees, Featured in radio interview with Tina Dacin, Laura Rees, & host David Moses for ELMNT FM Radio in Toronto/Ottawa. 2020.
R. Gardner, Umphress, E., Stoverink, A., and Leavitt, K., Feeling Activated and Acting Unethically: The Influence of Activated Mood on Unethical Behavior to Benefit a Teammate, Personnel Psychology, vol. 73, pp. 95-123, 2020.
J. Deng, Foreign Exchange Risk, Hedging, and Tax-Motivated Outbound Income Shifting, Journal of Accounting Research, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 953-987, 2020.
C. Murnieks, Cardon, M. S., and Haynie, J. M., Fueling the Fire: Identity centrality, affective interpersonal commitment and gender as drivers of entrepreneurial passion, Journal of Business Venturing, 2020.
K. Leavitt, Schabram, K., Barnes, C. M., and Prashanth, H., Ghost in the machine: On organizational theory in the age of machine learning, Academy of Management Review, 2020.
T. Bhandari, Iliev, P., and Kalodimos, J., Governance Changes through Shareholder Initiatives: The Case of Proxy Access, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2020.
K. - S. Chen and Yang, J., Housing Price Dynamics, Mortgage Credit and Reverse Mortgage Demand: Theory and Empirical Evidence, Real Estate Economics, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 599-632, 2020.
J. Cho, Schilpzand, P., and Paterson, T., How and When Humble Leadership Facilitates Employee Job Performance: The Roles of Feeling Trusted and Job Autonomy, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 169-184, 2020.
V. Gerasymenko, Arthurs, J., and Cho, S. Yul, How and When Investment Horizons Determine Venture Capital Firms' Attention Breadth to Portfolio Companies., Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 475-503, 2020.
L. Rees, How to calmly navigate personal interactions during COVID-19, 2020.
T. Paterson and Welbourne, T., I Am Therefore I Own: Implications of Organization-Based Identity for Employee Stock Ownership, Human Resource Management (US), vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 175-183, 2020.
J. Mecca and Hardy, J., IGNITE panel with data: The who, what, when, & where of candidate feedback, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 35st Annual Conference. Austin, TX, 2020.
J. Chen, Shao, R., Fan, S., and Li, J., Impact of Team Size on Technological Contributions: Unpacking Disruption and Development, AOM Annual Meeting. Vancouver CA, 2020.
C. Akroyd and Kober, R., Imprinting founders' blueprints on management control systems, Management Accounting Research, vol. 46, 2020.
J. Li and Chang, X., Improving Mobile Health Apps Usage: A Quantitative Study on mPower Data of Parkinson's Disease, Information Technology and People, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 399–420, 2020.
J. - C. Hung, Liu, H. - C., and Yang, J., Improving the realized GARCH's volatility forecast for Bitcoin with jump-robust estimators, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, vol. 52, pp. 101-165, 2020.
T. Blackburne, Bernard, D., and Thornock, J., Information flows among rivals and corporate investment, Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 136, no. 3, pp. 760-779, 2020.
C. R. Wanberg, Ali, A. A., and Csillag, B., Job seeking: The process and experience of looking for a job, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, vol. 7, pp. 315-337, 2020.
R. Reitsma, Hoglund, B., Marks, A., Chaker, D., and Marks, A., K-12 Engineering and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): A Network Visualization and Analysis, in American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2020.
L. Zhu, Restubog, S. L. D., Leavitt, K., Wang, M., and Zhou, L., Lead the Horse to Water, but Don't Make Him Drink: The Effects of Moral Identity Symbolization on Coworker Behavior Depend on Perceptions of Proselytization, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, vol. 156, pp. 53-68, 2020.
A. H. Huffman, Smith, N. A., and Howes, S., LGBTQ parents and the workplace., no. 2nd Ed., New York: , 2020, pp. 271-285.
L. Rees, Friedman, R., Oelkalns, M., and Lachowicz, M., Limiting fear and anger responses to anger expressions, International Journal of Conflict Management, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 581-605, 2020.
K. Malkewitz and Ketcham, N., The Logo Life Cycle: An Abstract, presented at the 2020, 2020, p. 101--102.
C. Butler, Roberts, N., and Vijayasarathy, L., Managing Software Development Projects for Success: Aligning Plan- and Agility-Based Approaches to Project Complexity and Project Dynamism, 2020.
J. Mower, "Markdowns in the early 1940s.". 2020.
K. Malkewitz, Meme Products, presented at the 2020, 2020.
S. Summers, Memory as Equality, OSU Undergraduate Student Success Summit. Oregon State University, 2020.
D. Liang, Zhang, H., Chang, X., and Huang, H., Modeling and Regionalization of China's PM2.5 Using Spatial-Functional Mixture Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 116, no. 553, pp. 116–132, 2020.
K. H. Chung, Kim, O., Lim, S., and Yang, S., A new metric of market underreaction to earnings announcements: An empirical test, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 2020.
M. Elman, Minnier, J., Chang, X., and Choi, D., Noise Accumulation in High Dimensional Classification and Total Signal Index, Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 21, no. 36, pp. 1-23, 2020.
C. Murphy and Kreiner, G. E., Occupational boundary play: Crafting a sense of identity legitimacy in an emerging occupation, Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 871-894, 2020.
M. Palomino, Gutierrez, S., Van-Court, R. C., Chen, H. - L., and Robinson, S., Oil-Based Fungal Pigment from Scytalidium cuboideum as a Textile Dye, Journal of Fungi, vol. 62, no. 2, p. 53, 2020.
V. Maille, Morrin, M., and Reynolds-McIlnay, R., On the Other Hand..: Enhancing Promotional Effectiveness with Haptic Cues, Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 100-117, 2020.
D. Ribbink, Panel Discussion on Experiments, Academy of Management Conference. remote, 2020.
B. Gibbons, "Passive Debt Ownership and Corporate Financial Policy", Financial Management Association. 2020.
B. Gibbons, "Passive Debt Ownership and Corporate Financial Policy", Southern Finance Association. 2020.
K. Hoke, O’Connell, K., Semken, S., and Arora, V., Promoting a Sense of Place Virtually: A Review of the ESA Weekly Water Cooler Chat Focused on Virtual Sense of Place, vol. 101, no. 4, 2020.
J. Chen, Walker, R. M., and Sawhney, M., Public Service Innovation: A Typology, Public Management Review, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 1674-1695, 2020.
F. Shadbad, Baham, C., and Biros, D., A Qualitative Approach to Understand Unintentional Information Security Misbehaviors, in Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2020.
I. Scott, Brown, E., and Yordy, E., R Corps: When Should Corporate Values Receive Religious Protection, Berkeley Business Law Journal, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 91-133, 2020.
Y. - K. Chang, Chou, R. K., and Yang, J., A rare move: the effects of switching from a closing call auction to a continuous trading, The Journal of Futures Markets, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 308-328, 2020.
D. Wang, Xin, Y., Chang, X., and Su, X., Realized Volatility Forecasting and Volatility Spillovers: Evidence from Chinese Non-Ferrous Metals Futures, International Journal of Finance and Economics, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 2713–2731, 2020.
