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R. Garrett, Covin, J. G., and Slevin, D. P., Top Management Risk Taking, and the Role of Strategic Learning as Determinants of Market Pioneering, 2007 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, ENT Division. 2007.
R. Reynolds-McIlnay, Too Perfect to Touch: Shopper Reluctance to Disturb Neat Product Displays, American Collegiate Retail Association Annual Conference. Secaucus, NJ, 2016.
T. Paterson and Harms, P. D., Too Much of a Good Thing? Grit and the Proliferation of Positive Constructs, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando, FL, 2017.
C. E. Theil, Hardy, J., and Peterson, D. P., Too many sheep in the flock? Span of control attenuates the influence of ethical leadership, 76th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
G. Reeves-DeArmond and Mower, J., Titanic style - Dress and fashion on the voyage, SDHE Historic Textiles and Apparel Collection Display Case Exhibit. Milam, 2012.
C. Dibrell and Davis, P. S., Time-based strategies and firm performance, Academy of Management Conference. Seattle, WA, 2003.
D. Berger, Time Variability in Market Risk Aversion, Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting. 2008.
D. Berger, Time variability in market risk aversion, Financial Management Association Doctoral Consortium. 2007.
C. Dibrell and Davis, P. S., Time pacing behaviors and performance: A three-study exploration, Strategic Management Society Conference. San Francisco, CA, 2001.
H. Koenig, Tie Strength: A New Wrinkle on an Old Friend, International Sunbelt Social Network Conference. San Diego, CA, 1990.
D. Caplan, Throughput Costing: An Old Wolf in New Sheep's Clothing, Ames Chapter of ASWA. Ames, IA, 2004.
J. Blouin, Gibbons, B., Wang, C., and Wellman, L., "Through Thick and Thin: Political Risk and the Interdependencies between MNCs and Host Countries", Oxford University, Corporate Political Engagement in Europe and the US. 2018.
J. Blouin, Gibbons, B., Wang, C., and Wellman, L., "Through Thick and Thin: Political Risk and the Interdependencies between MNCs and Host Countries", University of Chicago, Global Issues in Accounting Conference. 2017.
J. Blouin, Gibbons, B., Wang, C., and Wellman, L., "Through Thick and Thin: Political Risk and the Interdependencies between MNCs and Host Countries", Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Midyear Conference. 2018.
C. Wang, Gibbons, B., Blouin, J., and Wellman, L., "Through Thick and Thin: Political Risk and the Interdependencies between MNCs and Host Countries", University of Colorado, Summer Accounting Research Conference. 2018.
N. Brown, Through A Student's Eyes: A Deep Dive Into Online Learning, Ecampus Professional Development Funds Discussions. OSU - Willamette East, 3rd floor of The Valley Library, 2018.
N. Brown, Through a Student’s Eyes: 4 Simple Ways To Improve Engagement In Your Online Course, 2018 Ecampus Faculty Forum. Corvallis, OR, 2018.
T. Paterson, Thriving Under Pressure: A Study of Business Ph.D. Students, Western Academy of Management. Waikoloa, HI, 2020.
T. Paterson, Luthans, F., and Jeung, W., Thriving at Work: An Empirical Investigation of Antecedents and Outcomes, Academy of Management. Orlando, FL, 2013.
J. Cho and Williams, L., A Three-Stage Model of Transformational/Transactional Leadership, Conference on Cross-Cultural Leadership and Management Studies. Seoul, Korea, 2004.
K. Leavitt, This friendly world: How lucky and a non-adversarial worldview can enhance your productivity and happiness., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, 2014.
S. Bonaccio, Fisher, S., Baldridge, D., Chandler, M., Davis, C., D’Mello, S., Kulkarni, M., Ryan, R., and Samosh, D., Thirty Years of the ADA: Current State and Way Forward, 2021 SIOP Annual Conference. Vitual, 2021.
J. Hardy, Griffith, J., Medeiros, K., and MacDougall, A., Third-party agents as a tool for disrupting mechanisms of gender bias, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 37th Annual Conference. Seattle, WA, 2022.
H. - L. Chen and Culver, B., Thermal Insulation Properties of Military Ballistic Helmet Internal Systems, Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association. Los Angeles, CA, 2007.
B. Cluver and Chen, H. L., Thermal Insulation Properties of Mesh Knit and Foam Padding Internal Systems for the Military Ballistic Helmets, International Textile and Apparel Association Conference. Los Angeles, CA, 2007.
K. Mullet and Chen, H. L., Thermal Insulation of Three Garment Sleeve Structures, Thermal Manikins and Modeling: Papers Sixth International Thermal Manikin and Modeling Meeting. Hong Kong, China, 2006.
K. Leavitt, Mitchell, T. R., and Peterson, J., Theory Pruning: Strategies for Reducing Our Dense Theoretical Landscape, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, 2008.
C. Steggell, Binder, S. K., Davidson, L. A., Vega, P. R., Hutton, E. D., and Rachele, A. S., Theory in housing research: A ten-year review, Meeting of the American Association of Housing Educators. Orlando, FL, 1999.
T. - Y. Tung and Burns, L., A Theoretical Model of the Too-Much-Choice Effect, Global Marketing Conference. Singapore, 2014.
J. Li, Xia, L., and Zhou, X., Theme creation for digital collections, International Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC 2008). Berlin, Germany, 2008.
T. Paterson and Harms, P. D., That's Interesting! Or Is It? On the Incommensurability of Academic and Practitioner Interests, Academy of Management. Boston, MA, 2019.
K. Mullet, Tenth Mountain. Live gallery presentation, Annual Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association. San Francisco, CA, 1991.
S. Jollands, Akroyd, C., and Sawabe, N., Temporality, Change and the Stand-alone Sustainability Report, European Network for Research in Organisational and Accounting Change. Galway, Ireland, 2015.
C. Akroyd and Horii, S., The Temporal Effect of Organizational Controls in an Uncertain Environment, Hawaii Accounting Research Conference. Hilo, Hawaii, 2020.
C. Akroyd, Horii, S., and Sawabe, N., The Temporal Effect of Management Control in an Uncertain Environment, The University of Wisconsin - Madison - Accounting Workshop. Madison, Wisconsin, 2016.
M. Hacker and Doolen, T., Teams in Context, Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Dallas, TX, 2001.
M. Cieri, Team Building, CADET - Student Leadership. Dixion Rec Center, 2016.
J. Chen, Neubaum, D., Reilly, R. R., and Lynn, G. S., Team Autonomy and New Product Development Performance, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, 2013.
H. Koenig, Schneider, C. L., and Cluskey, M., Teaching Practices Related to Customer Service Dimensions: A Study of Dietetics Educators, American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference, Foodservice Systems Management Education Council Research Reports. St. Louis, MO, 2001.
K. Mullet, Teaching Portfolios, ITAA Special Topic Presentations. Pasadena, CA, 1995.
J. Down, A Teaching effectiveness seminar: Using a case study to explore the value of case discussion based teaching methods., Presentation at Van Lang University. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 1999.
S. Lee, Teaching Computer Graphics for 3-D Presentations in Interior Design in This Fast Changing World, 2007 Annual Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Mid-West Conference. Chicago, IL, 2007.
V. T. Raja, Lewis, S., and Tolan, J., Teaching and maintaining campus community during a pandemic, Higher Ed Community of Practice - Deloitte Faculty Panel. Portland (Zoom), 2020.
R. Brooks, Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Using the Dividend Growth Model in Financial Planning Problems, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Finance Association. St. Louis, 2003.
I. Scott, Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Creating a Twenty-First Century Public Utility Commission, 2013 Annual Meeting. Boston, 2013.
R. Reitsma, Cyr, M., Mooney, M., Sullivan, J., and Ybarra, G., Teachengineering Resources for K-12, 4th Annual NSF-NSDL meeting. 2004.
R. Reitsma, Vanlue, W., and Lewis, P., TeachEngineering Poster Session, OSU 2007 National Science Board Site Visit. 2007.
R. Reitsma, Sullivan, J., and Cyr, M. N., TeachEngineering Poster Session, National Science Digital Library Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, 2006.
R. Reitsma and Marshall, B., TeachEngineering: K-12 Teacher Use Study, Special Workshop on TeachEngineering/GK-12 Integration. Boulder, CO., 2009.
