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C. Dibrell, Davis, P. S., and Pett, T. L., A longitudinal analysis of country of origin as a predictor of strategic change and performance in global industries, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C, 2001.
C. Dibrell, Craig, J., and Neubaum, D., Overcoming the Liability of Theoretical Newness: The Case for Stewardship Theory, Babson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2010.
C. Dibrell, Davis, P. S., and Carol, T., Chronicity and innovation as responses to environmental disruptions, Academy of Management Conference. Honolulu, HI, 2005.
C. Dibrell and Davis, P. S., Strengthening the strategic flexibility-performance relationship: The role of IT among internationalizing firms, Strategic Management Society Conference. Baltimore, MD, 2003.
C. Dibrell, Harveston, P. D., and Davis, P. S., Competitive Strategy, IT Asset Investment and Firm Performance: Implications for Born Global Firms, Babson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Boulder, CO, 2002.
C. Dibrell, Davis, P. S., and Janz, B., The strategy-performance relationship: Time the complementary dimension, Academy of Management Meetings. Toronto, Canada, 2000.
C. Dibrell, Integrating firm temporal activities with information technology: Innovation and performance implications, Strategic Management Society Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2004.
C. Dibrell, Down, J., Green, M., Hansen, E., and Johnson, A., A resource-based view and market orientation theory examination of the role of "familiness" in family business success, Family Business Network Academic Research Forum. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2003.
C. Dibrell, Harveston, P. D., and Davis, P. S., The influence of firm internationalization and cycle time on firm performance, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Sydney, Australia, 2001.
C. Dibrell and Davis, P. S., Performance implications of temporal orientation and IT in organization-environment alignment, Academy of Management. Atlanta, 2006.
C. Dibrell, Neubaum, D., and Craig, J., Untitled, International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA). Sicily, Italy, 2011.
C. Dibrell and Johnson, A., Strategic Planning Lessons from Successful Vertically Integrated Food Processors, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Food Distribution Research Society. Biloxi, MS, 2003.
C. Dibrell, Sakaguchi, T., and Nicovich, S., Development of an integrated supply chain model, Americas Conference on Information Systems. Dallas, TX, 2002.
C. Dibrell, Davis, P. S., and Pett, T. L., A longitudinal analysis of the effects of information technology on firm performance in a global industry, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ, 2000.
C. Dibrell, Craig, J., and Neubaum, D., Strategic Planning And Flexibility As Governance Control Mechanisms In Family And Non-Family Firms., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, 2008.
C. Dibrell, Craig, J., and Neubaum, D., Linking the formal strategic planning process, planning flexibility, and innovativeness to firm performance, Journal of Business Research, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 2000-2007, 2015.
C. Dibrell and Randøy, T., Founding family leadership, product market competition, and firm performance among publicly traded firms, Financial Management Association European Conference. Zurich, Switzerland, 2004.
M. Dickson, Detection of miRNA Using a Double-Strand Displacement Biosensor with a Self-Complementary Fluorescent Reporter, Analytical Chemistry, vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 1313-1926, 2014.
E. Djurdjevic, Stoverink, A., Klotz, A., Koopman, J., Veiga, S. Pires da M., Yam, K. Chi, and Chiang, J., Workplace status: The development and validation of a scale, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 102, no. 7, pp. 1124-1147, 2017.
S. Dolan, Innovation. Eugene, OR, 2018.
S. Dolan, Greetings from the New Beta Alpha Psi Advisor. Eugene, OR, 2017.
K. Dooley, Pathak, S., Kull, T., Wu, Z., Johnson, J., and Rabinnovich, E., Process Network Modularity, Commonality, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Journal of Operations Management, 2019.
K. Dossinger and Rees, L., Uncertainty and authenticity during career transitions, Oxford: , 2022.
W. Dou, Zhao, J. L., and Fan, S., A Collaborative Scheduling Approach for Service-Driven Scientific Workflow Execution, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, vol. 76, no. 6, 2010.
T. Dowling and Kleinsorge, I., Topic presentation on entrepreneurship in Oregon and how the OSU-COB is key to economic development in the state, Oregon in Business Conference. Portland, OR, 2003.
T. Dowling, Business plan application to new ventures in the field of energy efficiency, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy National Meeting. Monterey, CA, 2000.
T. Dowling, Seminars presented on strategic planning processes and techniques including use and implementation of the Balanced Scorecard.. 2005.
T. Dowling, Presentation to the OSU Native American Institute, Presentation at the OSU Native American Institute. Corvallis, OR, 2002.
T. Dowling, Workshop presentation on strategic planning and competitive strategies, Meeting of the Oregon Data Processing Managers Association. Portland, OR, 2005.
T. Dowling, Presentation to CWEST Futures Group, Presentation at CWEST Futures Group. 2002.
T. Dowling, Presentation on strategic planning concepts and a framework for self evaluation of DPMA organizations, Workshop for Oregon Data Processing Managers Association. 2003.
T. Dowling and Hewes, T., Performance Tested Comfort Systems: Creating a Business Model for Northwest HVAC/Weatherization Contractor Training & Certification, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy National Meeting. Monterey, CA, 2000.
J. Down, Dibrell, C., and Craig, J., Entrepreneurial firm success: A triadic examination of strategy planning, choice and flexibility, Babson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Glasgow, Scotland, 2004.
J. Down, Management power and authority: Quo vadis?, Doctoral Student Conference. Seattle, WA, 1995.
J. Down and Dibrell, C., The second coming of deliberate strategic planning processes: Insights gained from a global industry, Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Santa Fe, NM, 2002.
J. Down and Randoy, T., Good corporate governance: A firm life cycle perspective, Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Santa Fe, NM, 2002.
J. Down, The internet and its effect on business: Fundamental or fad?, Presentation at Payup University. Chiang Mai, Thailand, 1999.
J. Down and Dibrell, C., Strategy process insights: Achieving planning discipline and strategic flexibility, Strategic Management Society Conference on Strategic Process. Hartford, CT., 2003.
J. Down and Berman, S. L., Tacit knowledge as a competitive advantage in the national basketball association., Western Academy of Management Conference. Squaw Valley, CA, 1997.
J. Down, Why good people may make unethical business decisions, Oregon State University Alumni Association Classes Without Quizzes Program. Corvallis, OR, 2002.
J. Down, Strategic management: A comprehensive approach to developing and managing business strategies, Presentation at Payup University. Chiang Mai, Thailand, 1999.
J. Down, King, J., and Bella, D., A Modern Odyssey: The Desire to Know 'Nobody', European Group for Organizational Studies 17th Colloquium. Lyon, France, 2001.
J. Down, Berman, S. L., and Hill, C. W., Nothin' but net: Testing organizational theories using sports-related data, Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA., 1998.
J. Down, Applying methodological perspectives to Strategic Management, Transforming Leadership Professional Development Workshop, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA, 2003.
J. Down and King, J., Towards a science of stories: Implications for management education., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL., 1999.
J. Down and Randoy, T., The future of textbook publishing in management, Caucus presentation at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, 2001.
J. Down, The emergent vs. deliberate strategic management process debate: Should we all just get along?, Western Academy of Management Conference. Redondo Beach, CA, 1999.
J. Down, Matching Management Systems with Strategic Process: An Exploratory Study Examining Predictions from an Intra-Firm Application of Agency Theory, Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anchorage, Alaska, 2004.
J. Down, King, J., and Bella, D., Managing invisible hands, Western Academy of Management Conference. Waikoloa, HI., 2000.
J. Down, A Teaching effectiveness seminar: Using a case study to explore the value of case discussion based teaching methods., Presentation at Van Lang University. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 1999.
