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S. K. Francis and Burns, L., Consumer Grudge Holding: An Empirical Analysis of Mother and Daughter Clothing Consumers, The 1989 Conference on Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, The Hague. 1989.
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K. D. Frankenberger and Graham, R., Should Firms Increase Advertising Expenditures During Recessions?, Marketing Science Reports, vol. 03-000, no. 03-115, pp. 65-85, 2003.
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P. Frischmann and Barrick, J., Corporate taxes and lobbying: Getting a seat at the table., 6th European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Conference on Current Research in Taxation. Bonn, Germany, 2016.
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P. James Frischmann, Academic Perspective, Accounting Career Vision Seminar. Pocatello, ID, 2010.
P. Frischmann and Frees, E. W., Demand for Services: Determinants of Tax Preparation Fees, Journal of the American Taxation Association, vol. Supplement, no. May, 1999, pp. 1-23, 1999.
P. James Frischmann, Experimental Evidence on the Role of Tax Complexity in Investment Decisions, Accounting Research Workshop. Provo, UT, 2005.
P. Frischmann, Schedule UTP: Reducing Tax Return Uncertainty or Increasing Financial Statement Engineering?, Accounting Workshop. Corvallis, OR, 2012.
P. James Frischmann, A Longitudinal Perspective on Nonarticulation in the Statement of Cash Flows, Northwest Accounting Research Group. Levenworth, Washington, 2008.
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P. James Frischmann, Discussant - Disclosure Decisions Regarding Permanently Reinvested Foreign Earnings, Western Regional Meeting - AAA. Orange County, 2011.
P. Frischmann, Kimmel, P., and Warfield, T. D., Innovation in Preferred Stock: Current Developmenta and implications for Tax Policy and Financial Reporting, Accounting Horizons, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 201-218, 1999.
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P. James Frischmann, Nonarticulation in the Statement of Cash Flows: Implications for Education and Practice, Accounting Department Brown Bag Luncheon. Pocatello, ID, 2010.
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P. James Frischmann, Mutual funds before and after tax returns: The case of tax clientele, 2003 Western Regional Meeting. Colorado, 2003.
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P. James Frischmann, Discussant - A Constitutional Right to a State Tax Deduction, Western Regional Meeting - AAA. Orange County, 2011.
P. James Frischmann, Sources of Nonarticulation in Cash Flow Statements, Northwest Accounting Research Group. Lake Chelan, WA, 2006.
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P. James Frischmann, Experimental Evidence on the Role of Tax Complexity in Investment Decisions, Fall, 2004 Northwest Accounting Research Group. Levenworth, WA, 2004.
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