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Z. Wu and Fu, J., Toward a Theory of Supply Chain Fields -- Understanding the Institutional Process of Supply Chain Localization, Journal of Operations Management, vol. 58, pp. 27-41, 2018.
E. A. Atilla, Steward, M., Wu, Z., and Hartley, J., Triadic Relationships in Healthcare, Business Horizons, 2018.
J. Chen, UNPACKING AMBICULTURALISM: A SYNTHESIS APPROACH TO RESTORE HHHUMANITY, AMR Paper Development Workshops. Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 2018.
L. Huangfu, Hayne, S., Ma, J., and Roberts, N., Untitled, 2018.
P. - H. Hsieh, Chang, X., and Olstad, A., Using a Q Matrix to Assess Students' Latent Skills in an Online Course, 2018.
N. Brown, Using Company Case Studies in the Online Classroom, Ecampus Faculty Luncheon. OSU - Horizon Room (MU 49), 2018.
I. Scott, Utilizing Energy and Environmental Law: Focus on Innovation, Creativity, and Economics, Oil and Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 557-564, 2018.
N. Roberts and Dinger, M., Virtual Customer Environment Design and Organizational Innovation: An Exploration-Exploitation Perspective, 2018.
M. S. Cardon, Murnieks, C., and Winsted, K. F., Well-being challenges from dual identities of hybrid entrepreneurship, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Ireland, 2018.
P. Schilpzand and Huang, L., When and How Experienced Incivility Dissuades Proactive Performance: An Integration of Sociometer and Self-Identity Orientation Perspectives, Journal of Applied Psychology, 2018.
I. Scott, When Values Collide: The Complex Interaction of Free Expression, RFRA, and the Fourteenth Amendment in the Workplace, Annual Meeting. Monterey, CA, 2018.
K. Chi Yam, Barnes, C. M., Leavitt, K., and Uhlmann, E. L., Why so Serious? Experimental and Field Evidence that Morality and a Sense of Humor are Psychologically Incompatible., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Chicago, 2018.
A. Huff and Barnhart, M., Why Trump's Idea to Arm Teachers May Miss the Mark. 2018.
D. Aiken, Sukhdial, A., Campbell, R., Kent, A., and Malkewitz, K., Winning Isn’t Everything: An Investigation Linking Old School Values to BIRGing, CORFing, BIRFing, and CORSing Behaviors, presented at the 2018, 2018.
D. Aiken, Sukhdial, A., Campbell, R., Kent, A., and Malkewitz, K., Winning Isn’t Everything: An Investigation Linking Old School Values to BIRGing, CORFing, BIRFing, and CORSing Behaviors, Sport Marketing and Sponsorship Conference. 2018.
C. Connelly and Baldridge, D., Workplace Experiences of Persons with Disabilities, Human Relations, 2018.
S. Howes, Henning, J. B., Mills, M. J., and Huffman, A. H., Yes Virginia, there is a gender disparity problem – and it goes beyond STEM., Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice, vol. 11, pp. 318-323, 2018.
A. Kaliyamurthy and Schau, H., The algorithmic gaze shaping consumption, Association for Consumer Research. 2019.
A. Kaliyamurthy and Schau, H., Algorithms in practice, Consumer Culture Theory Conference. 2019.
T. Paterson and Huang, L., Am I Expected to Be Ethical? A Role-Definition Perspective of Ethical Leadership and Unethical Behavior, Journal of Management, 2019.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., and Scott, I., American Consumers' Understandings of the Right to Consume Firearms, in Consumer Culture Theory Consortium, 2019.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., and Scott, I., American Consumers' Understandings of the Right to Consume Firearms, Consumer Culture Theory 2019. Montreal, Canada, 2019.
J. Mower and Pedersen, E., American Designers Step Up: Historical Design Inspiration from 1940 to 1945, Fashion, Style & Popular Culture, vol. 6, no. 3, 2019.
P. Frischmann, Lin, K. - C., and Wang, D., Analyst reaction to non-articulation between the balance sheet and the statement of cash flows, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 2019.
K. Chung, Kim, O., Lim, S., and Yang, S., An analytical measure of market underreactions to earnings surprises, International Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 64, pp. 612-624, 2019.
M. Barnhart and Huff, A., Arming School Staff Will Pose Risks to Students that Outweigh Chance of Shooting, 2019.
K. Mullet, The art of Fashion. Corvallis, OR, 2019.
I. Scott and Brown, E., Belief v. Belief: Resolving LGBTQ Rights Conflicts in the Religious Workplace, American Business Law Journal, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 55-113, 2019.
J. Stornelli, Pereira, B., and Vann, R. J., Big Picture, Bad Outcomes: When Visual Perspectives Harm Health Goal Pursuit, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2019.
X. Chang and Li, J., Business Performance Prediction in Location-based Social Commerce, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 126, pp. 112-123, 2019.
Q. Zhang, Su, R., Ryu, S., Li, C., and Yu, K., Can Work Teams Prosper with Membership Flux? The Role of Team Receptivity to Newcomers, in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019, vol. 2019, no. 1.
G. Lee, Cho, S. Yul, Arthurs, J., and Lee, E. Kyung, CEO Pay Inequity, CEO-TMT Pay Gap, and Acquisition Premiums, Journal of Business Research, vol. 98, pp. 105-116, 2019.
T. - Y. Tung, Burns, L., and Koenig, H., Choice Overload and Online Approach Behavior, International Journal of e-Business Research, vol. 15, no. 4 (October-December), pp. 56-72, 2019.
C. Murnieks, Arthurs, J., Cardon, M. S., Farah, N., Stornelli, J., and Haynie, J. M., Close your Eyes or Open your Mind: Effects of Sleep and Mindfulness Exercises on Entrepreneurs' Exhaustion, Journal of Business Venturing, 2019.
J. Hardy, Computational models of learning, training, and socialization: A targeted review and a look toward the future, 2019.
A. Chen and Roberts, N., Connecting Personality Traits to Social Networking Site Addiction: The Mediating Role of Motives, 2019.
A. Huff and Barnhart, M., Consumers, Culture, Marketing Strategy, and Market Systems: Integrating Marketing Research and Firearms Studies, New York: , 2019.
J. Elston, Corporate Governance: What We Know And Don't Know, Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 2019.
T. M. Inouye, Joshi, A., Hemmatian, I., and Robinson, J. A., Counteracting Globalization's Skeptics: How Diasporas Influence the Internationalization Preferences of Minority Entrepreneurs' Firms, Global Strategy Journal, 2019.
L. Steele and Lee, G., Debt Structure and Conditional Conservatism, Journal of Financial Reporting, 2019.
I. Parkman and Malkewitz, K., Design briefs in design-driven new product development, 2019.
M. Read, Designing with Color in the Early Childhood Education Classroom: A Theoretical Perspective, Creative Education, no. 10, 2019.
H. - S. (Huck) Lee and Kesavan, S., Determinants of Excess Inventory Announcement and Stock Market Reaction in the Retail Sector, vol. 8, 2019, pp. 197-233.
F. Shadbad and Biros, D., Developing an Unintentional Information Security Misbehavior Scale (UISMS), in Proceeding of Midwest Association for Information Systems, 2019.
J. Mower, "Developing "mannish" model stocks: Merchandising strategies for apparel retailers during the early 1940s.". 2019.
N. Roberts and Kim, I., Digital Platform Life Cycles in Nascent Markets, Front Range Information Systems Research Seminar. 2019.
D. Baldridge, Kulkarni, M., Eugster, B., and Dirmyer, R., Disability, Gender and Race: Does Educational Attainment Reduce Earning Disparity for All or Just Some?, Personnel Assessment and Decisions, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 90-99, 2019.
T. M. Inouye, Robinson, J. A., and Joshi, A., Does a Federal Glass Ceiling Have Differential Effects on Female and Male Technology Entrepreneurs?, Hershey, PA: , 2019.
S. Kim, Cha, S., and Cho, J., Does Frequent Inter-Unit Contact Leads to Higher Global Identification? The Contextualizing Role of Subsidiary Managers, Western Academy of Management. Sonoma, CA, 2019.
J. Elston, Dr. Audretsch: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Doing Small Business Research, 2019.
