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D. Baldridge and Kulkarni, M., Career Adaptation and Success after Adult Onset Hearing Loss, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
D. Baldridge, Eddleston, K. A., and Veiga, J. F., Paths to Success: Do Male and Female Managers Follow the Same Road?, Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Washington, D.C., 2001.
D. Baldridge and Swift, M., Age and Assessments of Disability Accommodation Request Normative Appropriateness, Human Resource Management (US), 2015.
D. Baldridge, Research on Hearing Loss and Salary, ALDA Con. Scotsdale AZ, 2015.
D. Baldridge and Swift, M., Withholding Requests For Disability Accommodation: The Influence Of Individual And Situational Attributes, Annual Meeting, IBAM. San Diego, 2010.
D. Baldridge, Withholding Accommodation Requests: The Role of Workgroup Supportiveness and Requester Attributes., Academy of Management. Briarcliff Manor, NY., 2005.
D. Baldridge, Beatty, J., Konrad, A., and Moore, M., People with disabilities: Identity, stigmatization, accommodation, and intersection with gender and aging effects on employment opportunities. In Bendl, R., Bleijenbergh, I., Henttonen, E., & Mills, A. J., The Oxford Handbook of Diversity in Organisation, Oxford UK: , 2018.
D. Baldridge and Swift, M., Withholding Requests For Disability Accommodation: The Influence Of Individual And Situational Attributes, Journal of Management, vol. 39, pp. 743-762, 2013.
D. Baldridge, Moore, M., and Konrad, A., Workplace Inclusion of People with Disabilities: Toward Greater Understanding of the Role of Disability Attributes, Social Support and Barriers, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Boston, 2012.
D. Baldridge and Veiga, J. F., Toward greater understanding of the willingness to request an accommodation: Can requesters' beliefs disable the ADA?, Academy of Management Review, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 85-99, 2001.
D. Baldridge, Career and work adaptation after deafness/hearing loss, 2021 ALDAcon. Niagara Falls, NY, 2021.
D. Baldridge and Veiga, J. F., The Everyday ADA: The Influence of Requesters' Assessments on Decisions to ask for Needed Accommodation, Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Denver CO, 2002.
D. Baldridge and Kulkarni, M., The Shaping of Sustainable Careers Post Hearing Loss, Human Relations, 2017.
D. Baldridge and Veiga, J. F., The Impact of Anticipated Social Consequences on Recurring Disability Accommodation Requests, Journal of Management, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 158-179, 2006.
D. Baldridge and Swift, M., Work Context and People with Disabilities Expectations Regarding Compliance with Requests for Disability Accommodation, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. San Antonio, TX, 2011.
D. Baldridge, Toward a Model of Nonverbal Cues and Emotion in Email, Academy of Management. Briarcliff Manor, NY, 2005.
D. Baldridge and Kulkarni, M., THE SHAPING OF SUSTAINABLE CAREERS POST HEARING LOSS, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
D. Baldridge, Career Success After Hearing Loss, vol. 35, no. 1, Berthesda, MD, pp. 12-16, 2014.
D. Baldridge, van Esch, C., Sugiyama, K., Phillips, K., Bilimoria, D., Kulik, C., Case, S., Shih, M., and Hall, E., Panel Symposium Submission # Advancing the Research on Stereotypes in the Management Field: What is Shared and What is Different Across Diverse Groups?, Annual meeting. Orlando, 2013.
D. Baldridge and Kulkarni, M., How do people continue successful careers after hearing loss?, International Federation of Hard of Hearing People, 2021.
D. Baldridge, Hearing Loss & Workplace Inclusion, 2022 HLAA Convention. Tampa, FL, 2022.
D. Baldridge, Barriers to the Accommodation of People with Disabilities: An Examination of the Information Processing that Shapes Request Likelihood, Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Denver, CO, 2002.
D. Baldridge, Enabling Inclusion: People With Disabilities Enriching the Workforce.. DamonBrooks, 2017.
D. Baldridge, Working with Cochlear Implants, Cochlear America. Portland, 2016.
D. Baldridge, Eddleston, K. A., and Veiga, J. F., Saying "no" to being uprooted: The impact of family and gender on willingness to relocate, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 131-149, 2006.
D. Baldridge, Dibrell, C., and Neubaum, D., A Model Of Entrepreneurial Intentions Within The Persons With Disabilities Population, in Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research:, Chapel Hill, NC., 2008, vol. Vol. 28, no. Iss. 5, p. Article 4.
D. Baldridge, Positive Self-Advocacy and Career Success, ALDACon. Indianapolis, IN, 2011.
D. Baldridge and Veiga, J. F., Toward Greater Understanding of the Impact of Disabilities on Workplace Isolation & Career Outcomes., Academy of Management. Atlanta, 2006.
D. Baldridge, Beatty, J. E., Böhm, S., Kulkarni, M., and Moore, M., Advancing Research on Discrimination: The Contextual Meanings and Effects of the Word "Disability, 2014 Academy of Management Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2014.
D. Baldridge, Ling, Y., and Floyd, S. F., Making the Most of Global Reach: Toward a Model of the Impact of National Culture on Issue Selling, Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Seattle, WA, 2003.
D. Baldridge, Hearing Loss and Career Success: Refining Yourself, Your Career, and Your Social Network, 2017.
A. A. Baldwin, Brown, C., and Trinkle, B. S., Accounting Doctoral Program Demographics, American Accounting Association Diversity Section Mid-Year Meeting. New Orleans, LA USA, 2008.
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A. A. Baldwin, Brown, C., and Trinkle, B. S., XBRL: An Impacts Framework and Research Challenge, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, vol. 3, pp. 97-116, 2006.
D. B. Balkin and Swift, M., Top Managment Team Compensation in New Ventures, Southern Management Association Regional Meeting. South Carolina, 2005.
D. B. Balkin and Swift, M., Top Management Team Compensation in High Growth Technology Ventures, Human Resource Management Review, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-11, 2006.
M. Banyi, Errors in estimating share repurchases, Journal of Corporate Finance, 2008.
J. Barden and Mitchell, W., Disentangling the influences of leaders' relational embeddedness on interorganizational exchange, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 1440-1461, 2007.
J. Barden and Vestal, A., Horizontal Competition and Interorganizational Exchange Partner Selection: An Analysis of Major League Baseball Player Trades, Strategic Organization, 2019.
J. Barden and Choi, Y., Swinging for the Fences? Payroll, Performance and Risk Behavior in the Major League Baseball Draft, Journal of Sport Management, 2021.
J. Barden, Steensma, K., and Lyles, M., The influence of parent control structure on parent conflict in Vietnamese international joint ventures: an organizational justice-based contingency approach, Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 156-174, 2005.
J. Barden, The influences of being acquired on subsidiary innovation adoption, Strategic Management Journal, vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 1269-1285, 2012.
J. Barden, Bluhm, D., Mitchell, T., and Lee, T., Hometown Proximity, Coaching Change, and the Success of College Basketball Recruits., Journal of Sport Management, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 230-246, 2013.
C. M. Barnes, Dang, C., Leavitt, K., Guarana, C., and Uhlmann, E. Luis, Archival Data in Micro-Organizational Research: A Toolkit for Moving to a Broader Set of Topics, Journal of Management, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 1453-1478, 2018.
M. Barnhart and Penaloza, D. Lisa, Living Capitalism: Consumer Identity and Consciousness in Transformational Consumer Research, Conference on Transformative Consumer Research. Hanover, NH, 2007.
M. Barnhart, Round Table panelist - The future of research in eldercare, North American Association for Consumer Research Conference. New Orleans, 2015.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., and Cotte, J., Like a Member of the Family: Including and Excluding Paid Caregivers in Performances of Family, Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 30, no. 15-16, pp. 1680-1702, 2014.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., McAlexander, J., and McAlexander, B., Consumers’ Assemblages of Fear and Safety with Firearms: Obstacles to Addressing Gun Violence in an Armed America, Association for Consumer Research Conference 2017. San Diego, CA, 2017.
