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C. Brown, XBRL: The Future of Financial Reporting - A Research Challenge, Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology Section Midyear Meeting. Clearwater, Florida, 2004.
C. Brown, XBRL: The Future of Financial Reporting - A Research Challenge, Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology Section Midyear Meeting. Clearwater, Florida, 2004.
J. Morris and Eggert, J., Designing Gray Zone Simulations, TechLearn Conference. Las Vegas NV, 2005.
B. Marshall, Quiñones, K., Su, H., Eggers, S., and Chen, H., Visualizing Aggregated Biological Pathway Relations, in Proceedings of the 2005 Joint ACM/IEEE Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2005), June 7-11, 2005 , Denver, CO, 2005.
B. Marshall, Su, H., McDonald, D., Eggers, S., and Chen, H., Aggregating Automatically Extracted Regulatory Pathway Relations, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 100- 108, 2006.
D. B. Audretsch and Elston, J., Can Institutional Change Impact High-Technology Firm Growth: Evidence from Germany's Neuer Markt, Journal of Productivity Analysis, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 9-23, 2006.
L. Eiler, Cross-Listed Firms and the Value-Relevance of 20-F Reconciliations, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, 2006.
L. Eiler, Cross-Listed Firms and the Value-Relevance of 20-F Reconciliations, International Accounting Section Mid-Year Meeting. Los Angeles, CA, 2006.
R. S. Chirinko and Elston, J., Finance, Control and Profitability: An Evaluation of German Bank Influence, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 69-88, 2006.
J. Elston, Financing Entrpreneurship, Max Planck Workshop on Entrepreneurship. Jena Germany, 2006.
D. Baldridge, Eddleston, K. A., and Veiga, J. F., Saying "no" to being uprooted: The impact of family and gender on willingness to relocate, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 131-149, 2006.
J. Elston, Characterizing the Entrepreneur, Central Oregon Busness Roundtable. Riverwalk Hotel, 2007.
J. Elston, Financing Entrepreneurship, Ringberg Conference on Strategic Entrepreneurship. Tegernsee Germany, 2007.
J. Elston, Financing Entrepreneurship, Research Brown Bag. OSU Cascades, 2007.
M. Elton, Marketing Commodities: Building and Maintaining Brand Strength, Pacific North West Vegetable Association Annual Conference and Trade Show. Kennewick, Washington, 2007.
J. Becker-Blease, Elkinawy, S., and Stater, M., Media Reporting of Executive Resignations: Is There a Gender Difference?, Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 98-113, 2007.
J. Elston and Rondi, L., Shareholder Protection and the Cost of Capital: Evidence from German and Italian Firms, Statistica Applicata (Italian Journal of Applied Statistics), vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 153-172, 2007.
S. A. Zahra, Hayton, J. C., Neubaum, D., and Rawhouser, H., Social Role of Entrepreneurship, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Launch Conference. Oakbrook, IL, 2007.
K. D. Quiñones, Su, H., Marshall, B., Eggers, S., and Chen, H., User-Centered Evaluation of Arizona BioPathway: An Information Extraction, Integration, and Visualization System, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 527-536, 2007.
J. Elston, Dividends and Agency Issues: Empirical Evidence From Germany, Atlantic Schools of Business Conference. St. John's Newfoundland, 2008.
J. Elston, Dividends and Agency Issues: Empirical Evidence From Germany, Atlantic Schools of Business Conference. St. John's Newfoundland, 2008.
M. Elton, Ehtics in Advertising: The Unilever case study, Friday Forum. Corvallis, Oregon, 2008.
M. Elton, Ethics in Advertising: The Unilever case study, Special Topics: Ethics in Advertising. Corvallis, Oregon, 2008.
J. Elston, Financing Entrepreneurship, The Entrepreneurial Process. Jena Germany, 2008.
S. A. Zahra, Rawhouser, H., Bhawe, N., Neubaum, D., and Hayton, J. C., Globalization of Social Entrepreneurship, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 117-131, 2008.
J. Yang and Elston, J., The Impact of Accounting Standards and Ownership Structure on IPO Underpricing: Evidence from Germany's Neuer Markt, Academy of Entrepreneurial Finance. Las Vegas, NV, 2008.
J. Yang and Elston, J., The impact of accounting standards and ownership structure on IPO underpricing: evidence from Germany’s Neuer Market, Academy of Entrepreneurial Finance Conference. Las Vegas, 2008.
L. Eiler, Bryant-Kutcher, L., and Guenther, D. A., Taxes and Investment Opportunities: Valuing Permanently Reinvested Foreign Earnings, National Tax Journal, vol. 61, pp. 699-720, 2008.
L. Eiler, Accounting Disclosure Quality and Synergy Gains: Evidence from Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, International Accounting Section Mid-Year Meeting. Palm Beach, CA, 2010.
J. Elston, Agency Costs, Dividends and Executive Compensation: Empirical Evidence from Germany, Annual Academy of International Business- Southeast USA. Tampa, FL, 2010.
G. Bhatt, Emdad, A., Roberts, N., and Grover, V., Building and Leveraging Information in Dynamic Markets: The Role of IT Infrastructure Flexibility as Enabler of Organizational Responsiveness and Competitive Advantage, 2010.
J. Elston, DIVIDENDS, EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION, AND AGENCY COSTS:, Annual Meetings of the Academy of Finance. Chicago Il, USA, 2010.
J. Becker-Blease, Kaen, F., Etebari, A., and Baumann, H., Employees, Firm Size, and Profitability in U.S. Manufacturing Industries, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 7-23, 2010.
J. Elston, Financing Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Meeting Global Challenges: US-German Innovation Policy. Washington DC, 2010.
J. Elston, Firm Growth and Gibrat’s Law, Colloquium for Young Scientists on Understanding Firm Growth. Stockholm Sweden, 2010.
J. Becker-Blease, Elkinawy, S., and Stater, M., The Impact of Gender on Voluntary and Involuntary Executive Departure, Economic Inquiry, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 1102-1118., 2010.
R. Reitsma, Eom, M., and Hootman, J., IT curriculum and critical skills set for effective IT professionals: is there a gap?, 2010 Portland CIO Forum. Portland, OR, 2010.
T. Khoury, Qian, G., and Qian, Z., The performance implications of intra- and inter-regional geographic diversification, Strategic Management Journal, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 1018-1030, 2010.
J. Elston, Risk Attitudes, Wealth and Sources of Entrepreneurial Start-up Capital, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 82-89, 2010.
B. Zhu and Chau, M., Understanding Awareness Diffusion at Twitter.com, in Proceedings of the Sixteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Lima, Peru, August 12th-15th 2010, 2010.
J. Elston and Yang, J., Venture Capital, Ownership Structure, Accounting Standards and IPO Underpricing: Evidence from Germany, Journal of Economics and Business, vol. 62, no. Special Issue, pp. 517-536, 2010.
