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M. Pagell and Gobeli, D., How Plant Managers' Experiences and Attitudes towards Sustainability Relate to Operational Performance, Production and Operations Management, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 278-299, 2009.
M. Pagell, Wu, Z., and Wasserman, M., Thinking Differently About Purchasing Portfolios: An Assessment of Sustainable Sourcing, Journal of Supply Chain Management, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 57-73, 2010.
M. Pagell and Wu, Z., Building a More Complete Theory of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Using Case Studies of Ten Exemplars, Journal of Supply Chain Management, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 37-56 JSCM Best Paper of the Year; Citation of Excellence Awards for 2013 (Emerald), 2009.
M. Pagell, Wu, Z., and Murthy, N. N., The supply chain implications of recycling, Business Horizons, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 133-143, 2007.
M. Pagell and Wu, Z., Enhancing integration of supply chain functions within a firm: Exploring the critical factors through eleven cases, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 295-315, 2006.
M. Pagell and Wu, Z., Chapter 5: Business Examples of Sustainable Supply Chains. In, Sustainable Supply Chains., 2016.
M. Pagell, Walton, S., Wasserman, M., and Handfield, R., Building Prevention Capabilities: A Resource-Based Approach to Environmental Performance Advantages, Decision Sciences Institute Conference. Boston, 2004.
M. Pagell, Yang, C., Krumwiede, D., and Sheu, C., The Relationship Between Environmental Uncertainty, Supply Chain Investments, and Performance: The Influence of Investments in Environmental Management and Buyer Supplier Relationships, Decision Sciences Institute Conference. Boston, 2004.
M. Pagell, Walton, S., Wasserman, M., and Handfield, R., Using a Pollution Prevention Capability to Reduce Supply Chain Risk, 4th International Seminar on Risk and the Supply Chain. East Lansing Michigan, 2004.
M. Pagell, Russo, M., and Brewer, K., Taking the next steps at business schools, Education for Sustainability West Conference. 2004.
M. Pagell and Krause, D., Determining when Multiple Respondents are needed in Supply Chain Research: The Case of Purchasing and Operations, North American Research Symposium on Purchasing and Supply Management. Tempe, 2004.
M. Pagell and Krause, D., Re-examining the Relationship between Operational Flexibility and Environmental Uncertainty, Meeting of the Academy of Management. Seattle, 2003.
M. Pagell, Understanding the Factors that Enable and Inhibit the Development of an Integrated Internal Supply Chain, Decision Sciences Institute Conference. San Diego, 2002.
M. Pagell, Katz, J., and Sheu, C., The Importance of National Culture in Operations Management Research: An Exploratory Study, Meeting of the Academy of Management. Denver, 2002.
M. Pagell and Krause, D., Re-Exploring the Relationship Between Flexibility and the External Environment, Decision Sciences Institute Conference. San Francisco, 2001.
M. Pagell and Sheu, C., Buyer Behaviors and Supply Chain Performance: An International Exploration, Academy of Management Meeting. Washington D.C., 2001.
M. Pagell, Katz, J., and Bloodgood, J., Understanding Suppliers' Responses to Uncertainty: Extending The Miles And Snow Typology To Supply Chain Behavior, Decision Sciences Institute Conference. Orlando, 2000.