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J. Elston and Albach, H., Bank Affiliations and Firm Capital Investment in Germany, IFO Studien: Zeitschrift fur Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung, vol. 1, pp. 1-15, 1994.
R. Brooks, Bid-Ask Spread Components Around Anticipated Announcements, Journal of Financial Research, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 375-386, 1994.
R. Brooks, Dividen Predicting Using Put-Call Parity, International Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 373-392, 1994.
J. Elston, Does Firm Size Matter? Evidence on the Impacts of Liquidity Constraints on firm Investment Behavior in Germany, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics Conference annual meetings. Chania, Greece, 1994.
J. Elston, Banks, Finance and Investment in German: A Review Article, Small Business Economics, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 475-479, 1995.
R. Brooks and Chiou, S. - N., A Bias in Closing Prices: The Case of the When Issued Anomaly, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 441-454, 1995.
R. Agarwal and Elston, J., Bank-firm relationships, financing and firm performance in Germany, Economic Letters, vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 225-232, 2001.
D. B. Audretsch and Elston, J., Does firm size matter? Evidence on the impact of liquidity constraints on firm investment behavior in Germany, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 1-17, 2001.
J. Elston and Goldberg, L., Executive Compensation and Agency Costs in Germany, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics annual meeting. Dublin Ireland, 2001.
J. Elston, Growth of Neuer Markt Firms, Workshop on Financing the New Economy: A German-US Comparison. Washington DC, 2001.
J. Yang and Kim, Y. H., The impact of price limits on initial public offerings: evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange, Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting. Cleveland OH, 2001.
J. Yang and Kim, Y. H., The impact of price limits on initial public offerings: evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange, Financial Management Association Annual Doctoral Student Seminar. Toronto, Canada, 2001.
J. Yang and Kim, Y. H., The impact of price limits on initial public offerings: evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange, Finance workshop at the University of Cincinnati. 2001.
J. Elston, The Neuer Markt: Real and Financial Factors,, Joint seminar with the Wolfgang Goethe University and the Deutsche Bundesbank. Frankfurt, Germany, 2001.
R. Brooks, May, D. O., and Mishra, C., The Performance of Firms Before and After They Adopt Accounting-Based Performance Plans, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 205-222, 2001.
J. Bailes and Nielsen, J., Using Decision Trees to Manage Capital Budgeting Risk, Management Accounting Quarterly, no. Winter, pp. 14-17, 2001.
J. Elston, What's New About the New Economy, Workshop on Financing the New Economy in Germany. Washington DC, 2001.
J. Moulton, "California Electricity Futures: The NYMEX Experience", Financial Management Association Annual Meeting. 2002.
J. Elston, Changing Policies and New Economic Growth: Germany in Transition, Presentation at the School for Policy and Environmental Economics, Institute for European Studies, Indiana University. Bloomington IN, 2002.
J. Elston, Changing Policies and New Economic Growth: Germany in Transition, Presentation at the School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University. Malibu CA, 2002.
J. Elston, The Digital Economy?, Orlando Technology Forum on the Digital Economy. Orlando FL, 2002.
P. Mathew, Long-Horizon Seasoned Equity Performance in the Pacific Rim Financial Markets, Review of Financial Economics, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 317-333, 2002.
J. Elston, A Preliminary Examination of the Relationship Between Firm Size, Growth, and Liquidity in the Neuer Markt, Presentation at the American Economic Association. Atlanta, GA, 2002.
J. Elston, A Preliminary Examination of the Relationship Between Firm Size, Growth, and Liquidity in the Neuer Markt, Meetings of the Western Economic Association. Seattle WA, 2002.
J. Yang, Kim, Y. H., and Yague, J., The relative performance between price limits and trading halts: Spanish evidence, Finance workshop at the University of Cincinnati. 2002.
J. Becker-Blease, Stock Liquidity and Investment Opportunities, Babson College. Babson Park, MA, 2002.
J. Becker-Blease, Stock Liquidity and Investment Opportunities, Financial Management Association. San Antonio, TX, 2002.
J. Elston, What's New About the New Economy?, American Business Women's Association Annual Awards Dinner. Winter Park FL, 2002.
