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D. Berger, Financial turbulence and Beta estimation, Applied Financial Economics, vol. 23, pp. 251-263, 2013.
J. Elston, Financing the Entrepreneurial Decision: An Empirical Approach Using Experimental Data on US High Technology Entrepreneurs, London: , 2013.
I. Chira, The Impact of Governance Characteristics on the Stock Price of Cross Listed Companies, Journal of Economics and Finance, 2013.
I. Chira and Madura, J., Impact of the Galleon Case on Informed Trading Before Merger Announcements, Journal of Financial Research, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 325-347, 2013.
J. Elston, International Entrepreneurship, “Practical Problems in Economics”. Bratislava, Slovakia., 2013.
J. Elston, Measuring Risk Attitudes of High-Technology Entrepreneurs, University Lecture. Vienna Austria, 2013.
J. Elston, Measuring the Impacts of Risk Attitudes and Entrepreneurship of US High Technology Entrepreneurs, Fulbright Inter-Country invited lecture. Rome, Italy, 2013.
K. Kim, Liu, H., and Yang, J., Reconsidering Price Limit Effectiveness, Journal of Financial Research, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 493-518, 2013.
J. Elston, Risk Attitudes, Wealth and Sources of Entrepreneurial Start-Up Capital, London: , 2013.
Z. Jiang, Kim, K. A., Lie, E., and Yang, S., Share Repurchases, Catering, and Dividend Substitution, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 21, no. June 2013, pp. 36-50, 2013.
S. He, Untitled, Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS) Conference. Croatia, 2013.
I. Chira, Bad News and Bank Performance during the 2008 Financial Crisis, Applied Financial Economics, vol. 24, no. 18, pp. 1-12, 2014.
J. Kalodimos, Gilbert, T., Hrdlicka, C., and Siegel, S., Daily Data is Bad for Beta: Opacity and Frequency-Dependent Betas, Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 2014.
J. Becker-Blease, Khoury, T., and Paul, D., Does a change in firm visibility affect value?, SMS Annual International Conference. Madrid, Spain, 2014.
J. Gokhale, Brooks, R., and Tremblay, V. J., The Effect on Stockholder Wealth of Product Recalls and Government Action: The Case of Toyota's Accelerator Pedal Recall, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 54, no. November 2014, pp. 521-528, 2014.
J. Elston, Rondi, L., and Bhattacharyya, N., Executive Compensation and Agency Issues in Italy, International Journal of Corporate Governance, vol. 5, no. 3/4, 2014.
J. Kalodimos, How Important is Governance? Evidence from Heart Attack Survival, Southwestern Finance Association Annual Conference. Dallas, TX, 2014.
J. Elston, International Entrepreneurship. Vienna, 2014.
I. Chira, Risk Change during Crises: How do Purely Local Companies Differ from Cross-listed Firms? Evidence from the European Crisis of 2010-2012, Journal of Economics and Business, 2014.
I. Chira, Special Dividend Distributions, Firm Characteristics, and Economic Conditions, Journal of Applied Finance: theory, practice, education, 2014.
R. Brooks, Kim, Y. H., and Yang, J., What makes when-issued trading attractive to financial markets?, Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 245-271, 2014.
R. Brooks, Mathew, P., and Yang, J., When-issued trading in the Indian IPO market, Journal of Financial Markets, vol. 19, pp. 170-196, 2014.
S. He, Anti-Takeover Provisions, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance, Financial Management Association Annual Meeting 2015. Orlando, 2015.
R. Shao, Closed-end fund IPOs, Sold not Bought, Financial Management Association (FMA) Conference. Las Vegas, NV, 2015.
J. Yang and Lin, K. C., The cost of corporate social irresponsibility, Finance Seminar. Taiwan, 2015.
J. Yang and Lin, K. C., The cost of corporate social irresponsibility, Finance Seminar. Taiwan, 2015.
J. Elston, Cultural Intelligence Antecedents, European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference. Warsaw, Poland, 2015.
J. Becker-Blease, Does Corporate Social Responsibility Attract the "Right" Investors, Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing Conference. Oxford, England, 2015.
P. Mathew and H. Yildirim, S., Does Director Affiliation Lead to Analyst Bias?, Applied Economics, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 272-287, 2015.
R. Houmes and Chira, I., The Effect of Ownership Structure on the Price Earnings Ratio-Returns Anomaly, International Review of Financial Analysis, 2015.
J. Yang, Empirical Financial Studies and Policy Implications, 3rd Global Economy and Governance International Conference. Taipei, 2015.
J. Elston, A Hierarchy of Cultural Intelligence Antecedents, Academy of Management Annual Meetings. Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2015.
J. Elston, A Hierarchy of Cultural Intelligence Antecedents, Academy of Business (AIB) Bengaluru Conference. India, 2015.
J. Kalodimos, Internal Governance and Performance: Evidence From When External Discipline is Weak, Seminar Series. San Diego State University, 2015.
J. Elston, Measuring Cultural Intelligence. Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2015.
J. Yang and Luo, Y., A model of price limits on individual stocks, World Finance Conference. Buenos Aires, 2015.
J. Yang and Luo, Y., A model of price limits on individual stocks, Finance Seminar. Taiwan, 2015.
J. Becker-Blease and Sohl, J., New venture legitimacy: the conditions for angel investors, Small Business Economics, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 735-749., 2015.
J. Kalodimos, Iliev, P., and Bhandari, T., Public versus Private Provision of Governance: The Case of Proxy Access. 2015.
K. H. Chung and Yang, S., Reverse Stock Splits, Institutional Holdings, and Share Value, Financial Management, vol. 44, no. Spring 2015, pp. 177-216, 2015.
J. Elston, The Role of Informal Capital in Growth in China, International Conference on Small Business (ICSB) World Conference on Entrepreneurship at a Global Crossroads. Dubai, UAE, 2015.
D. Berger and Turtle, H., Sentiment Bubbles, Journal of Financial Markets, vol. 23, pp. 59-74, 2015.
J. Elston and Alon, I., Business Cultural Intelligence Quotient: A Five-Country Study, Thunderbird International Business Review, 2016.
C. Lee, Chung, K. H., and Yang, S., Corporate Governance and the Informational Efficiency of Prices, Financial Management, vol. 45, no. Spring 2016, pp. 239-260, 2016.
J. Yang, Lin, K. C., and Johnson, S., The cost of corporate social irresponsibility, Finance Seminar. Taiwan, 2016.
J. Yang, Lin, K. C., and Johnson, S., The cost of corporate social irresponsibility, Finance Seminar. Taiwan, 2016.
J. Yang, Lin, K. C., and Johnson, S., The cost of corporate social irresponsibility, Finance Seminar. Taiwan, 2016.
J. Yang, Lin, K. C., and Johnson, S., The cost of corporate social irresponsibility, Entrepreneurship Society Seminar. Taiwan, 2016.
J. Becker-Blease, The Effects of Executive, Firm, and Board Characteristics on Executive Exit, Financial Review, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 527-557, 2016.
J. Elston, Evidence on the Dynamic Nature of Executive Compensation and Corporate Governance in China, International Journal of Corporate Governance, vol. 7, no. 3, 2016.
