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D. Berger and Pukthuanthong, K., Fragility, stress, and market returns, Journal of Banking & Finance, 2016.
J. Kalodimos, A Gadfly's Perspective. 2016.
S. He and Lei, C. W., Human Capital, Management Quality, and the Exit Decisions of Entrepreneurial Firms, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, vol. 51, 2016.
S. He and Chemmanur, T. J., Institutional Trading, Information Production, and Corporate Spin-offs, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 38, 2016.
J. Elston and Weidinger, A., Internationalization and Regional Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence on the Formation of New Ventures in China, 33rd Annual International Business Research Conference. Dubai, 2016.
J. Elston, Internationalization and Regional Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence on the Formation of New Ventures in China, International Workshop on Entrepreneurship in China. China, 2016.
J. Elston, Internationalization, Geographic Location and Entrepreneurial Intention, Academy of International Business Annual onference. New Orleans, LA, 2016.
J. Kalodimos, Proposals Meant to Spark Nuanced Conversation about Stock Buybacks. 2016.
J. Kalodimos, Public versus Private Provision of Governance: The Case of Proxy Access, SFS Cavalcade. Toronto, Ontario, 2016.
J. Elston, Chen, S., and Weidinger, A., The role of informal capital on new venture formation and growth in China, Small Business Economics, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 79-91, 2016.
D. Berger, Roll, R., and Pukthuanthong, K., On valuing human capital and relating it to macro variables, Financial Management Association Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, 2016.
P. Mathew, Takahashi, H., and Yamakawa, Y., Board members' influence on resource investments to start-ups and IPO outcomes: Does prior affiliation matter?, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol. 49, no. June 2018, pp. 30-42, 2018.
R. Longo, Careers in Accounting Profession, West Albany High School, Business Education. Albany, OR, 2018.
C. - C. Teng and Yang, J., Chinese Lunar New Year Effect, Investor Sentiment, and Market Deregulation, Finance Research Letters, vol. 27, pp. 175-184, 2018.
J. Chen, Shao, R., and Fan, S., Development of Context-based Indices for Measuring Dynamic and Dualistic Nature of Innovation, Academy of Management Annual Conference. Chicago, IL, 2018.
J. Elston, Evidence on the Dynamic Nature of Executive Compensation and Corporate Governance in China, Corporate Governance. Copenhagen, 2018.
J. Elston, Weidinger, A., and Widmer, M., An Examination of the Relationship Between Size and Growth of Listed Firms in the United Arab Emirates, 7th International Conference on Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE). Oxford, UK, 2018.
R. Silberzahn, Uhlmann, E., Martin, D., Anselmi, P., Aust, F., Awtrey, E., Bahník, S., Bai, F., Bannard, C., Bonnier, E., Carlsson, R., Cheung, F., Christensen, G., Clay, R., Craig, M., Rosa, A., Dam, L., Evans, M., Cervantes, I., Fong, N., Gamez-Djokic, M., Glenz, A., Gordon-McKeon, S., Heaton, T., Eriksson, K., Heene, M., Mohr, A., Högden, F., Hui, K., Johannesson, M., Kalodimos, J., Kaszubowski, E., Kennedy, D., Lei, R., Lindsay, T., Liverani, S., Madan, C., Molden, D., Molleman, E., Morey, R., Mulder, L., Nijstad, B., Pope, B., Pope, N., Prenoveau, J., Rink, F., Robusto, E., Roderique, H., Sandberg, A., Schlueter, E., Schönbrodt, F., Sherman, M., Sommer, S., Sotak, K., Spain, S., Spörlein, C., Stafford, T., Stefanutti, L., Täuber, S., Ullrich, J., Vianello, M., Wagenmakers, E., Witkowiak, M., Yoon, S., and Nosek, B., Many analysts, one dataset: Making transparent how variations in analytical choices affect results, Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2018.
W. Hung and Yang, J., The MAX Effect: Lottery Stocks with Price Limits and Limits to Arbitrage, Journal of Financial Markets, vol. 41, pp. 77-91, 2018.
S. He, Chemmanur, T., He, J., and Nandy, D., Product Market Characteristics and the Choice between IPOs and Acquisitions, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2018.
J. Blouin, Gibbons, B., Wang, C., and Wellman, L., "Through Thick and Thin: Political Risk and the Interdependencies between MNCs and Host Countries", Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Midyear Conference. 2018.
J. Blouin, Gibbons, B., Wang, C., and Wellman, L., "Through Thick and Thin: Political Risk and the Interdependencies between MNCs and Host Countries", Oxford University, Corporate Political Engagement in Europe and the US. 2018.
C. Wang, Gibbons, B., Blouin, J., and Wellman, L., "Through Thick and Thin: Political Risk and the Interdependencies between MNCs and Host Countries", University of Colorado, Summer Accounting Research Conference. 2018.
B. Gibbons, Iliev, P., and Kalodimos, J., Analyst Information Acquisition via EDGAR, Management Science, 2020.
J. Elston, Austria's Research Opportunities, Spotlight on Austria: Fulbright U.S. Scholar Opportunities. Online Webinar, 2020.
D. Berger, Cao, X., and Pukthuanthong, K., Earnings conference calls and institutional monitoring: Evidence from textual analysis, Journal of Financial Research, 2020.
J. Kalodimos and Leavitt, K., Experimental Shareholder Activism: A Novel Approach to Organizational Research, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 120, 2020.
T. Bhandari, Iliev, P., and Kalodimos, J., Governance Changes through Shareholder Initiatives: The Case of Proxy Access, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2020.
K. - S. Chen and Yang, J., Housing Price Dynamics, Mortgage Credit and Reverse Mortgage Demand: Theory and Empirical Evidence, Real Estate Economics, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 599-632, 2020.
J. Chen, Shao, R., Fan, S., and Li, J., Impact of Team Size on Technological Contributions: Unpacking Disruption and Development, AOM Annual Meeting. Vancouver CA, 2020.
J. - C. Hung, Liu, H. - C., and Yang, J., Improving the realized GARCH's volatility forecast for Bitcoin with jump-robust estimators, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, vol. 52, pp. 101-165, 2020.
K. H. Chung, Kim, O., Lim, S., and Yang, S., A new metric of market underreaction to earnings announcements: An empirical test, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 2020.
B. Gibbons, "Passive Debt Ownership and Corporate Financial Policy", Financial Management Association. 2020.
B. Gibbons, "Passive Debt Ownership and Corporate Financial Policy", Southern Finance Association. 2020.
Y. - K. Chang, Chou, R. K., and Yang, J., A rare move: the effects of switching from a closing call auction to a continuous trading, The Journal of Futures Markets, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 308-328, 2020.
