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B. Marshall, Shadbad, F., Curry, M., and Biros, D., Do Measures of Security Compliance Intent Equal Non-Compliance Scenario Agreement?, in WISP2022: 2022 Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP), Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec. 2022, 2022.
B. Marshall, Shadbad, F., Curry, M., and Biros, D., Do Measures of Security Compliance Intent Equal Non-Compliance Scenario Agreement?, in WISP2022: 2022 Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP), Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec. 2022, 2022.
N. Roberts, Kim, I., Iyengar, K., and Gerow, J., Does Platform Control Matter? A Meta-Analysis, Front Range Information Systems Research Seminar. 2022.
P. Kalgotra, Baham, C., Shadbad, F., and Sharda, R., Generational Differences in Perceiving the Technology Interruptions: A qualitative Study, European Journal of Information Systems, pp. 1-21, 2022.
G. Shang, Ilk, N., and Fan, S., Need for Speed, but How Much Does It Cost? Unpacking the Fee-Speed Relationship in Cryptocurrency Transactions, Journal of Operations Management, 2022.
R. Reitsma, Hoglund, B., and Achatz, N., NGSS Explorer (Curriculum Network Visualization). 2022.
T. Kaskela, Zhu, B., and Sayali, D., Pixel Importance: The Impact of Saturation and Brightness on the Spread of Information on Social Media, in Springer Cham, 2022, no. 1, p. 105.
B. Hammer and Shadbad, F., Psychological Contract Violations on Information Disclosure: A study of Interpersonal Arrangements and Trust Transference in Social Media Platforms, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2022.
C. K. Tyran, Raja, V. T., and Tyran, K. L., Supporting Student Collaboration for Online Learning: The Impact of Two Instructional Interventions, in Association for Information Systems - Special Interest Group - Education (AIS - SIG - Ed) - 2021, 2022.
R. Reitsma and Krueger, K., A Tale of Two Systems. A Review of the architecting and re-architecting of a long-lived website; (2nd edition). 2022.
M. Curry, Marshall, B., Shadbad, F., and Hong, S., Will SOC Telemetry Data Improve Predictive Models of User Riskiness? A Work in Progress. Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec. 2022, 2022.
R. Reitsma, Breadcrumbs, Nijmegen: , 2021.
J. Chen, Shao, R., and Fan, S., Destabilization and Consolidation: Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Validating the Dual Characteristics of Technology, Research Policy, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 104-115, 2021.
D. Pan, J. Zhao, L., Fan, S., and Zhang, Z., Dividend or No Dividend in Delegated Blockchain Governance: A Game Theoretic Analysis, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, pp. 1-19, 2021.
F. Shadbad and Biros, D., Does Technostress Triger Insider Threat? A conceptual Model and Mitigation Solutions, 2021.
G. Shankaranarayanan and Zhu, B., Enhancing decision-making with data quality metadata, Journal of Systems and Information Technology, vol. 23, no. 2, 2021.
B. Marshall, Curry, M., Correia, J., and Crossler, R. E., Machine Learning and Survey-based Predictors of InfoSec Non-Compliance, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 2021.
B. Marshall, Curry, M., Correia, J., and Crossler, R. E., Machine Learning and Survey-based Predictors of InfoSec Non-Compliance, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1-20, 2021.
N. Ilk, Shang, G., Fan, S., and J. Zhao, L., Stability of Transaction Fees in Bitcoin: A Supply and Demand Perspective, MIS Quarterly, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 563-692, 2021.
F. Shadbad and Biros, D., Understanding Employee Information Security Policy Compliance from Role Theory Perspective, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2021.
N. Roberts, Qahri-Saremi, H., and Vijayasarathy, L., Understanding IT Value at the Managerial Level: Managerial Ambidexterity, Seizing Opportunities, and the Moderating Role of Information Systems Use, 2021.
N. Ilk and Fan, S., Combining Textual Cues with Social Clues: Utilizing Social Features to Improve Sentiment Analysis in Social Media, Decision Sciences, 2020.
N. Roberts and Gerow, J., Connecting the Role of the Information Technology Function to its Contribution to the Organization, 2020.
V. Arora and Semken, S., Connecting to Place - Virtually. 2020.
J. Chen, Shao, R., Fan, S., and Li, J., Impact of Team Size on Technological Contributions: Unpacking Disruption and Development, AOM Annual Meeting. Vancouver CA, 2020.
R. Reitsma, Hoglund, B., Marks, A., Chaker, D., and Marks, A., K-12 Engineering and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): A Network Visualization and Analysis, in American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2020.
C. Butler, Roberts, N., and Vijayasarathy, L., Managing Software Development Projects for Success: Aligning Plan- and Agility-Based Approaches to Project Complexity and Project Dynamism, 2020.
K. Hoke, O’Connell, K., Semken, S., and Arora, V., Promoting a Sense of Place Virtually: A Review of the ESA Weekly Water Cooler Chat Focused on Virtual Sense of Place, vol. 101, no. 4, 2020.
F. Shadbad, Baham, C., and Biros, D., A Qualitative Approach to Understand Unintentional Information Security Misbehaviors, in Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2020.
V. T. Raja, Lewis, S., and Tolan, J., Teaching and maintaining campus community during a pandemic, Higher Ed Community of Practice - Deloitte Faculty Panel. Portland (Zoom), 2020.
F. Shadbad and Biros, D., Technostress and its Influence on Employee Information Security Policy Compliance, Information Technology and People, 2020.
S. Fan and Ilk, N., A text analytics framework for automated communication pattern analysis, Information & Management, vol. 57, no. 4, 2020.
A. Chen and Roberts, N., Connecting Personality Traits to Social Networking Site Addiction: The Mediating Role of Motives, 2019.
F. Shadbad and Biros, D., Developing an Unintentional Information Security Misbehavior Scale (UISMS), in Proceeding of Midwest Association for Information Systems, 2019.
N. Roberts and Kim, I., Digital Platform Life Cycles in Nascent Markets, Front Range Information Systems Research Seminar. 2019.
D. Campbell and Roberts, N., Effective Use of Analytic DSS and Job Performance, 2019.
F. Shadbad, Biros, D., and Sharma, M., Examining Technostress on Employees Security-related Behaviors, INFORMS Annual Meeting. 2019.
R. Reitsma and Marks, A., The Future of Data: Too Much Visualization — Too Little Understanding?, Dialectic, vol. 2, no. 2, 2019.
M. Curry, Marshall, B., and Crossler, R. E., Identifying potentially risky insider on-compliance using machine learning to assess multiple protection motivation behaviors, in WISP2021: 2021 Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP), 2019.
D. Pan, J. Zhao, L., and Fan, S., Impacts of Consensus Algorithms in Cryptocurrency: A Theoretical Analysis of PoW versus PoS in Ethereum, no. 1. pp. 16-22, 2019.
M. Curry, Marshall, B., Correia, J., and Crossler, R. E., InfoSec Process Action Model (IPAM): Targeting Insider's Weak Password Behavior, Journal of Information Systems, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 201-225, 2019.
J. Chen, Shen, J., and Fan, S., Knowledge Networks, Collaboration Networks, and Innovation: A Replication and Extension, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, 2019.
N. Ilk and Fan, S., A Process Mining Framework for Communication Pattern Analysis in Online Contact Centers, Winter Conference On Business Analytics. Salt lake city, 2019.
B. Hammer, Zhang, T., Shadbad, F., and Agrawal, R., Psychological Contract Violation and Sharing Intention on Facebook, in Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019.
N. Ilk, Shang, G., and Fan, S., A Supply and Demand Model for Bitcoin’s Data Space Marketplace, Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems. Munich, 2019.
