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T. Blackburne and Quinn, P., Disclosure Speed: Evidence from Nonpublic SEC Investigations, The Accounting Review, 2022.
S. Bina, Graue, W., Jones, D., Kaskela, T., and Walden, E., Discovery of the Optimal Visualization for Representing Three Dimensions of Data Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, in International Conference on Information Systems, Seoul, 2017.
J. Bierstaker, Downey, D., Rose, J., and Thibodeau, J., Does Reading a Story or Checklist Result in Superior Knowledge Structure Development? Implications for Judgment and Decision Making, Journal of Information Systems, 2017.
D. Berger, Pukthuanthong, K., and Yang, J., Is the diversification benefit of frontier markets realizable by mean-variance investors? The evidence of investable funds, Journal of Portfolio Management, vol. 39, pp. 36-48, 2013.
J. Becker-Blease, Do Men and Women Angels Invest Differently?, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Babson Park, MA, 2008.
J. Becker-Blease and Irani, A., Do Corporate Governance Attributes Affect Adverse Selection Costs? Evidence from Seasoned Equity Offerings, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 281-296, 2008.
J. Becker-Blease, Khoury, T., and Paul, D., Does a change in firm visibility affect value?, SMS Annual International Conference. Madrid, Spain, 2014.
J. Becker-Blease, Does Inclusion in a Smaller S&P Index Create Value?, Northern Finance Association. Quebec City, Quebec, 2003.
J. Becker-Blease and Paul, D., Does Inclusion in a Smaller S&P Index Create Value?, Financial Review, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 307-330, 2010.
J. Becker-Blease, Does Corporate Social Responsibility Attract the "Right" Investors, Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing Conference. Oxford, England, 2015.
J. Becker-Blease, Does Inclusion in a Smaller S&P Index Create Value?, Financial Management Association. Denver, CO, 2003.
J. Becker-Blease, Do Men and Women Angels Invest Differently?, USASBE Conference. Dallas, TX, 2007.
J. Barden and Mitchell, W., Disentangling the influences of leaders' relational embeddedness on interorganizational exchange, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 1440-1461, 2007.
D. Baldridge, Dibrell, C., and Neubaum, D., Disabled Enterpreneurs: A Model of Entrepreneurial Intention, Babson Conference. Chapel Hill, NC, 2008.
D. Baldridge, Kulkarni, M., Eugster, B., and Dirmyer, R., Disability, Gender and Race: Does Educational Attainment Reduce Earning Disparity for All or Just Some?, Personnel Assessment and Decisions, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 90-99, 2019.
