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J. Rose, Brink, A., and Norman, C., The Effects of Compensation Structures and Monetary Rewards on Managers' Decisions to Blow the Whistle, Journal of Business Ethics, 2018.
R. Silberzahn, Uhlmann, E., Martin, D., Anselmi, P., Aust, F., Awtrey, E., Bahník, S., Bai, F., Bannard, C., Bonnier, E., Carlsson, R., Cheung, F., Christensen, G., Clay, R., Craig, M., Rosa, A., Dam, L., Evans, M., Cervantes, I., Fong, N., Gamez-Djokic, M., Glenz, A., Gordon-McKeon, S., Heaton, T., Eriksson, K., Heene, M., Mohr, A., Högden, F., Hui, K., Johannesson, M., Kalodimos, J., Kaszubowski, E., Kennedy, D., Lei, R., Lindsay, T., Liverani, S., Madan, C., Molden, D., Molleman, E., Morey, R., Mulder, L., Nijstad, B., Pope, B., Pope, N., Prenoveau, J., Rink, F., Robusto, E., Roderique, H., Sandberg, A., Schlueter, E., Schönbrodt, F., Sherman, M., Sommer, S., Sotak, K., Spain, S., Spörlein, C., Stafford, T., Stefanutti, L., Täuber, S., Ullrich, J., Vianello, M., Wagenmakers, E., Witkowiak, M., Yoon, S., and Nosek, B., Many analysts, one dataset: Making transparent how variations in analytical choices affect results, Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2018.
R. Silberzahn, Uhlmann, E., Martin, D., Anselmi, P., Aust, F., Awtrey, E., Bahník, S., Bai, F., Bannard, C., Bonnier, E., Carlsson, R., Cheung, F., Christensen, G., Clay, R., Craig, M., Rosa, A., Dam, L., Evans, M., Cervantes, I., Fong, N., Gamez-Djokic, M., Glenz, A., Gordon-McKeon, S., Heaton, T., Eriksson, K., Heene, M., Mohr, A., Högden, F., Hui, K., Johannesson, M., Kalodimos, J., Kaszubowski, E., Kennedy, D., Lei, R., Lindsay, T., Liverani, S., Madan, C., Molden, D., Molleman, E., Morey, R., Mulder, L., Nijstad, B., Pope, B., Pope, N., Prenoveau, J., Rink, F., Robusto, E., Roderique, H., Sandberg, A., Schlueter, E., Schönbrodt, F., Sherman, M., Sommer, S., Sotak, K., Spain, S., Spörlein, C., Stafford, T., Stefanutti, L., Täuber, S., Ullrich, J., Vianello, M., Wagenmakers, E., Witkowiak, M., Yoon, S., and Nosek, B., Many analysts, one dataset: Making transparent how variations in analytical choices affect results, Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2018.
H. Nakayama, Shimada, Y., Zang, L., Terasawa, M., Nishiura, K., Matsuda, K., Toombs, C., Langdon, C., and Nishimura, N., Novel Anti-Obesity Properties of Palmaria mollis in Zebrafish and Mouse Models, Nutrients, vol. 10, no. 10, 2018.
H. Nakayama, Shimada, Y., Zang, L., Terasawa, M., Nishiura, K., Matsuda, K., Toombs, C., Langdon, C., and Nishimura, N., Novel Anti-Obesity Properties of Palmaria mollis in Zebrafish and Mouse Models, Nutrients, vol. 10, no. 10, 2018.
H. Nakayama, Shimada, Y., Zang, L., Terasawa, M., Nishiura, K., Matsuda, K., Toombs, C., Langdon, C., and Nishimura, N., Novel Anti-Obesity Properties of Palmaria mollis in Zebrafish and Mouse Models, Nutrients, vol. 10, no. 10, 2018.
S. He, Chemmanur, T., He, J., and Nandy, D., Product Market Characteristics and the Choice between IPOs and Acquisitions, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2018.
J. Moore, Hsu, P. Hui, and Neubaum, D., Tax Avoidance, Financial Experts on the Audit Committee, and Business Strategy, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, vol. 45, no. 9-10, 2018.
J. Beatty, IV, O. Holmes, Atewologun, D., Baldridge, D., Blancero, D., King, E., Kravitz, D., McKay, P., Ng, E., Nishi, L., Ragins, B., and Wood, G., Building GDO community through storytelling, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
J. Beatty, IV, O. Holmes, Atewologun, D., Baldridge, D., Blancero, D., King, E., Kravitz, D., McKay, P., Ng, E., Nishi, L., Ragins, B., and Wood, G., Building GDO community through storytelling, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
R. Reynolds-McIlnay, Morrin, M., and Nordfalt, J., How Product-Environment Brightness Contrast and Product Disarray Impact Consumer Choice in Retail Environments, Journal of Retailing, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 266-282, 2017.
I. Scott, Sulkowski, A., Bagley, C., Nelson, J. S., Shrivastava, P., and Waddock, S., Law, Management, and Strategy: Collapsing Boundaries and Managing the Interstices, Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, 2017.
J. Hardy, Ness, A., and Mecca, J., Outside the box: Epistemic curiosity as a predictor of creative problem solving and creative performance, Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 104, pp. 230-237, 2017.
J. L. Kriegh, Jackson, A. T., N Campos, R., Thiele, A., Nguyen, T., Dederer, R., McNamara, D., Howes, S., and Kausel, E. E., The relationship between goal orientation and escalation of commitment, Annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
D. Neubaum, Thomas, C. H., Dibrell, C., and Craig, J. B., Stewardship Climate Scale: An Assessment of Reliability and Validity, Family Business Review, 2017.
R. Reynolds-McIlnay, Morrin, M., and Nordfalt, J., The Black Sheep of Visual Merchandising: Asymmetric Response to Multicolor Displays, American Marketing Association/American Collegiate Retail Association Triennial Conference. Coral Gables, FL, 2015.
T. Moss, Neubaum, D., and Meyskens, M., The Effect of Virtuous and Entrepreneurial Orientations on Microfinance Lending and Repayment: A Signaling Theory Perspective, Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 27-52, 2015.
T. Nguyen, Fahey, C., Olstad, S., and Olstad, A., Impact of Pharmacy Student Involvement in Medical Reconciliation on Samaritan Health Services Outpatient Clinics, ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. New Orleans, LA, 2015.
C. Fahey, Nguyen, T., Olstad, S., and Olstad, A., Involvement of Pharmacy in Admission and Discharge Medication Review to Improve Patient Outcomes in an Inpatient Setting, ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. New Orleans, LA, 2015.
C. Dibrell, Craig, J., and Neubaum, D., Linking the formal strategic planning process, planning flexibility, and innovativeness to firm performance, Journal of Business Research, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 2000-2007, 2015.
J. Chen, Neubaum, D., Reilly, R., and Lynn, G., The Relationship between Team Autonomy and New Product Development Performance under Different Levels of Technological Turbulence, Journal of Operations Management, vol. 33-34, no. 1, pp. 83–96, 2015.
S. Noxel, Family Business Succession: Planning for a Productive Outcome, Dunn Carney Ag Summit. Wilsonville, Oregon, 2014.
K. Liu, Arthurs, J., Nam, D., and Mousa, F., Information diffusion and value redistribution among transaction partners of the IPO firm, Strategic Management Journal, vol. 35, no. 11, pp. 1717-1726, 2014.
D. Nam, Park, H. Dennis, and Arthurs, J., Looking attractive until you sell: Earnings management, lockup expiration, and venture capitalists, Journal of Management Studies, vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 1286-1310, 2014.
G. Reeves-DeArmond, Mower, J., Nishida, K., LeHew, M., Rees, K., West, A., and Becker, J., Opportunities for Massive Open Online Course use and development in ITAA and the clothing/textiles discipline, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Charlotte, North Carolina, 2014.
M. A. Zachary, Payne, T., and Neubaum, D., Organizational Resilience Following Periods of Crisis: How Family Control and Firm Age Influence Change in Emphasis on Innovation, Theories of Family Enterprise Research Conference. Alberta, Canada, 2014.
C. Bee and Neubaum, D., The Role of Cognitive Appraisal and Emotions of Family Members in the Family Business System, Journal of Family Business Strategy, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 323-333, 2014.
A. Van Gils, Dibrell, C., Neubaum, D., and Craig, J., Social Issues in the Family Enterprise, Family Business Review, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 193-205, 2014.
C. Newman, Turri, A. M., Howlett, E., and Watson, A., Twenty Years of Country-of-Origin Food Labeling Research: A Review of the Literature and Implications for Food Marketing Systems, Journal of Macromarketing, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 505-519, 2014.
D. Neubaum, What Can Social Entrepreneurship Researchers Learn From Family Business Scholars, Professional Development Workship. Phildelphia, PA, 2014.
A. Joshi, Nerkar, A., and Mallapragada, G., Which Technologies are Included in Patent Pools? How Market and Social Factors Impact Selection, in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014.
J. Rose, Rose, A., Norman, C., and Mazza, C., Will Disclosure of Friendship Ties between Directors and CEOs Yield Perverse Effects?, The Accounting Review, vol. 89, no. 4, pp. 1545-1563, 2014.
G. Reeves-DeArmond and Nishida, K., Consumer perceptions of entertainment licensed apparel associated with premises that challenge cultural values: The case of Dexter licensed apparel and its open-text advertising, Popular Culture Assocation National Conference. Washington D.C., 2013.
J. Rose, Mazza, C., Norman, C., and Rose, A., The Influence of Director Stock Ownership and Board Discussion Transparency on Financial Reporting Quality, Accounting, Organizations and Society, vol. 38, pp. 397-405, 2013.
K. Nishida and Burns, L., Learning professional dress through peer-evaluation, Annual Conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association. New Orleans, LA, 2013.
A. Rose, Rose, J., and Norman, C., Is the Objectivity of Internal Audit Compromised When the Internal Audit Function is a Management Training Ground?, Journal of Accounting and Finance, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1001-1019, 2013.
F. Ng, Harrison, J., and Akroyd, C., A Revenue Management Perspective of Management Accounting Practice in Small Businesses, Meditari Accountancy Research, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 92-116, 2013.
G. Reeves-DeArmond, Mower, J., and Nishida, K., Student and faculty perceptions of the development and use of Massive Open Online Courses in clothing and textiles education, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2013.
J. Chen, Neubaum, D., Reilly, R. R., and Lynn, G. S., Team Autonomy and New Product Development Performance, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, 2013.
R. Garrett and Neubaum, D., Top Management Support and Initial Strategic Assets: A Dependency Model of Internal Corporate Venture Performance, Journal of Product Innovation Management, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 896 - 915, 2013.
