Samantha Tucker | Hometown: Arvada, Colorado | Accountancy and Business Information Systems
What is the best resource in Austin Hall?
The study rooms reserved for College of Business students, the computer labs, and the constant events that take place (including having space for student clubs to conduct their own events).
What college experience was your most valued and what have you gained of value through this experience?
Being a part of multiple clubs, and especially being involved as an officer in Beta Alpha Psi was incredibly rewarding. My involvement with the Instutute of Management Accountants was also a great highlight of my time in college. All of the tours that are organized for students really stand out for me – having the opportunity to meet business men and woman one-on-one or in a small group or at their place of business will be something I remember for a long time. I learned a lot of skills in how to conduct myself as a business woman and how to potentially find a mentor once I leave Oregon State University.
Is there a faculty member that especially inspired you? When you come back to campus who would you want to visit?
Two names stand out to me above all of the rest into – Rene Reitsma and Chris Akroyd. Both devote so much time to their students, and I think that the college should know how incredibly valuable we find this. Having interactions with professors like these doesn't happen at every university, and it is something to be treasured. I will never forget either of them and the amount of care they put into my education in growth. It's not an exaggeration to say that both have contributed greatly to the ideas I have for my future. Other faculty include Amy Bourne – the most dedicated and tenacious professor I think I’ve run into – Kara Obermire, Jared Moore, and Ania Rose. I’m happy to see what the accounting school is becoming, and I’m happy to have been a part of the program. VT Raja is also an amazing member of the BIS faculty, and I hope I get to see all of them again!
What is your best memory of Austin Hall? What will you miss into – or not miss!
I will never forget walking into Austin on my first day of freshman year. It has been an incredible gift, and I have spent more hours here than I care to admit! I wish there was more interaction among students in terms of different majors, but that just happens wherever you go. I will miss the professors and the open space. I will miss the events going on every week because I don’t think a lot of colleges have that.
Are you excited to graduate? What are you doing next?
Very. It’s a turning point as everyone says. It feels like getting to the end of Candyland where there really isn’t any instruction on what to do next. That’s a good thing though because it’s kind of up to me at this point. I’m ready. I’m starting out at PwC in Portland, Oregon, this fall as an assurance associate, and plan to stay there for a few years until I figure out my next step! Hopefully at some point I’ll move abroad to Germany or Belgium, and become involved in social change.
Do you feel prepared for the future?
I feel prepared enough. I think that a lot of people want certainty because throughout college you’re basically told exactly what you need to do: what classes are required, the rubric for a project, the layout of an exam and what to study. However, life isn’t like that, and I think it’s okay to be worried and not 100 percent sure where the path leads next. After all, it’s impossible to predict everything, so being prepared for the unexpected is what is important.
Do you have anyone to thank for your experience and your degree?
A lot of people. To all the faculty who gave me amazing experiences into – Amy Bourne, Chris Akroyd, Rene Reitsma, VT Raja, Michele Swift into – from conferences, to job references, to scholarship references. To the College of Business and the university for the scholarships I received into – I really couldn’t have afforded school without them and would have definitely had to stay longer. To my parents for all of the support I’ve received over the four years I’ve been here. To the advising staff for helping me get abroad, study there, and remain sane while there. To all of my peers into – ESPECIALLY those in the BIS program into – my senior year has provided me with so many great experiences with group projects (something I wasn’t sure I’d ever have, ha!). Finally to all the departments who have kept me employed during school into – UHDS as an underclassman and Third Party Billing/Business Affairs as an upperclassman into – Thank you!!!
I also wanted to thank the University for investing so much in the College of Business during my time here. It was a big reason why I came to OSU from Colorado, and I don’t regret my decision one bit – it made it worth it to be here and to have thousands of dollars invested in experiences that I was happy to take advantage of. I push everyone I know to take advantage of those resources!