Dear College of Business alumni and other friends,
It’s a particularly exciting time here at the college as we celebrate our 2016 bachelor’s degree and MBA recipients while also looking ahead to the growth the 2016-17 academic year will bring.
In June we conferred undergraduate degrees on approximately 400 students and MBAs on another 96 as we marked our 50th anniversary of serving our state, region and beyond by providing Masters of Business Administration education.
Building on that half-century of advanced business instruction, this coming fall we’re adding two new MBA tracks to the online/in-person program we offer in Portland. Innovation Management, which includes a special Launch Corps component for select, startup students, and Supply Chain and Logistics Management will join a hybrid MBA lineup that already includes Business Analytics and Organizational Leadership.
On the undergraduate side, this fall marks the start of our Innovation Nation first-year-experience program for new pre-business students. Innovation Nation will unite all of our freshmen in a living/learning community headquartered at the Weatherford and Poling residence halls, where they’ll have access to a high-tech makerspace, mingle with visiting professionals and fully immerse themselves in the College of Business’ culture of success.
Of course, we couldn’t do any of this without your continued support. Thank you very much for all you do for the college, and we hope you have a fun, safe and relaxing summer.
Mitzi Montoya,
Sara Hart Kimball Dean