Mitzi Montoya

Dear College of Business Alumni and Friends,

Spring term has arrived! Here at the College of Business, we’re entering the homestretch of what continues to be an accomplishment-rich and momentum-building academic year. And as the new term begins, we wanted to update you on some of our work that’s centered around our strategic initiatives of student recruitment and retention, strengthening our reputation and better serving our region.

This past winter we expanded our footprint in Portland and established a Portland headquarters for the college at the WeWork building on the edge of the Pearl District. WeWork is a unique community-based co-working space that houses multiple ventures, often startups. We also have announced new online/in-person hybrid programs in the Portland metro area: MBAs in Innovation Management and Supply Chain and Logistics Management, plus a graduate certificate in Financial Planning. And, we’ve begun our work with community colleges to establish a 2-plus-2 partnership program that makes a top-flight undergraduate business education available to students who may not be able to relocate to Corvallis.

We’ve launched a focused fundraising effort for scholarships and programs designed to drive student success. We’re establishing a first-year living/learning experience for our incoming students – it’s called Innovation Nation – that will help first-time students connect to each other and to our College of Business family from the moment they arrive on campus. They’ll live at Weatherford and Poling halls, where they’ll have access to makerspace, attend symposiums with various business professionals and participate in many other activities aimed at helping them excel in college and beyond.

In addition, we’ve been busy laying groundwork for developing and building Dean’s Regional Councils made up of alumni and other College of Business partners in Phoenix, Seattle and the San Francisco Bay Area.

We look forward to keeping in touch and sharing our progress with you through this e-newsletter. You can learn more about our plans to advance the college by downloading and reviewing our strategic initiatives overview. You’ll also see more information on our scholarship and fundraising efforts. Have thoughts or ideas? Let us know; you can reach us via email at

As always, thank you for everything you do for the College of Business. We greatly appreciate it.

Best regards,

Mitzi M. Montoya

Sara Hart Kimball Dean

College of Business