
Ben Kahn


Austin Hall

Austin Hall 324

2751 SW Jefferson Way

2751 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
Office Hours: 
Thursdays, 4-5 pm

Profile Field Tabs

Affiliated with: 
College of Business
Courses Taught: 

BA 562 Managing Projects


Ben has over 30-years of experience working for Oregon state government agencies including the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). His expertise and experience comes from working in key positions including technology, research and project management. He has the Oregon Project Management Certification, the Project Management Institute Professional Certification, and bachelor's and master's degrees in business management from Oregon State University. He has managed large, multi-million dollar projects while working for these Oregon state agencies.

He is currently Manager of Innovation and Planning at Driver and Motor Vehicle Services Division (DMV), ODOT. In that role, he leads the Service Transformation Program, an effort to help Oregon DMV vastly improve customer service by leveraging technology. Since taking on this role in 2015, DMV has replaced its 1960 legacy systems, added over 40 new online services, added real-time interfaces to key business partners, implemented self-service appointment scheduling, and greatly improved customer service.

Ben looks for ways to transform processes to better meet the needs of stakeholders including customers, employees, and business partners. He embraces diversity and equity, making sure all services offered by DMV are equitable and reach all customers.

Ben was recently appointment by Governor Brown to serve on the Electronic Government Portal Advisory Board. He is married, has four children, two currently attending Oregon State University. He enjoys biking, hiking and banjo playing. Over the years, his family has hosted eight foreign exchange students, many for the entire school year. He also speaks conversational Spanish.

My Publications

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