Carol Brown

Emeritus Appointment

Office: 541-737-3309

Austin Hall

Austin Hall 302

2751 SW Jefferson Way

2751 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

Profile Field Tabs

Affiliated with: 
College of Business
Research/Career Interests: 


Ph.D. Oregon State University, 1989 Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence, Software Systems & Information Systems) Minor: Business Administration

M.S. University of Oregon, Graduate School of Business, 1977 Accounting and Statistics

B.S. University of Wisconsin, 1972 Art


2010-2012 Oregon State University Associate Dean of Academic Programs

1992-2010 Oregon State University Associate Professor of Accounting Accounting Information Systems, Advanced Cost Accounting, Principles of Accounting, and Managerial Accounting

1989-1992 Oregon State University Assistant Professor of Accounting

1978-1989 Oregon State University Instructor of Accounting

1976-1977 University of Oregon Graduate Teaching Fellow & Research Assistant


College Service 

Committee Member, Accounting Faculty Search Committee. (2006 - Present).

Course Coordinator, Accounting Principles, BA213 Managerial Accounting, Course. (2004 - Present).

Course Coordinator, Accounting Principles, BA211 Financial Accounting Course. (2004 - 2007).

Committee Member, IT Advisory Council. (April 2007 - Present).

Committee Member, Executive Steering Committee. (January 2007 - Present).

Committee Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (2007 - Present).

Committee Chair, Diversity Task Force. (2005 - Present).

College of Business Library Liaison. (2003 - Present).

Committee Member, Core Curriculum Task Force. (2006 - 2007).

Committee Member, Graduate Program Committee. (2005 - 2007).

Committee Chair, Graduate Program Committee. (2005 - 2006).

Committee Member, Instructional Technology Coordinator Search Committee. (2005).

Committee Member, Undergraduate Program Committee. (2003 - 2005).

Faculty Advisor, Minority Business Student Association. (1994 - 2001).

Committee Chair, Undergraduate Program Committee. (1995 - 1997).

College of Business Webmaster. (1994 - 1997).

Committee Member, Undergraduate Program Committee. (1993 - 1997).

Committee Member, Accounting Accreditation Task Force. (1995 - 1996).

Committee Member, College of Business Accreditation Task Force. (1995 - 1996).

Committee Chair, Faculty Scholarship and Qualifications. (1995 - 1996).

Committee Member, Faculty Scholarship Committee. (1993 - 1996).

Committee Member, Production Management Faculty Search Committee. (1994).

Committee Chair, Faculty Scholarship Committee. (1993 - 1994).

University Service 

Committee Member, Curriculum Council. (2005 - Present).

Committee Member, Extended Campus Subcommittee of the Curriculum Council. (2007).

Committee Chair, Fisheries and Wildlife Undergraduate Program Review Team. (2006 - 2007).

Committee Member, Oregon State University Computing Resources Committee. (2001 - 2004).

Committee Chair, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee. (1995 - 1996).

Committee Member, Oregon State University Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee. (1993 - 1996).

Committee Member, Curriculum Council. Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee liaison. (1994 - 1995).

Professional Affiliations

Chairperson, Workshop committee for the Artificial Intelligence / Emerging Technology Section of the American Accounting Association.

Editor, Associate Editor, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Sarasota, Florida. (2004 - Present).

Editorial Review Board Member, The International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, Huelva, Spain. (2003 - Present).

Editorial Review Board Member, Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management. (1991 - Present).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Accounting Association, Sarasota, Florida. (2006).

Outside reviewer for tenure, Bentley College, Waltham, Massachusetts. (2006).

Committee Member, Annual Meeting Program Committee, Artificial Intelligence / Emerging Technology Section of the American Accounting Association. (2003 - 2004).

Program Coordinator, Western Region for the Artificial Intelligence / Emerging Technology Section of the American Accounting Association. (2003 - 2004).

Editor, Conference Proceedings, Collected Papers of the Thirteenth Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax. (August 2004).

Chairperson, Thirteenth Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax. (August 2004).

Editor, Conference Proceedings, Collected Papers of the Twelfth Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax. (August 2003).

Chairperson, Twelfth Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax. (August 2003).

Editor, Conference Proceedings, Collected Papers of the Eleventh Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax. (August 2002).

Chairperson, Eleventh Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax. (August 2002).

Editor, Conference Proceedings, Collected Papers of the Tenth Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax. (August 2001).

Chairperson, Tenth Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax. (August 2001).

Editor, Conference Proceedings, Collected Papers of the Ninth Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax. (August 2000).

Chairperson, Ninth Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax. (August 2000).

Editor, Associate Editor, American Accounting Association Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems Section World Wide Web Site. (1995 - 1997).

Committee Member, Program Committee, The Third World Congress on Expert Systems. (1996 - January 1996).

Committee Member, American Accounting Association Information Systems/Management Advisory Services Notable Contribution to the Literature Award committee. (1995 - 1996).

Editorial Review Board Member, Issues in Accounting Education. (1995 - 1996).

Committee Member, Center for Educational Technology in Accounting (CETA). (1994 - 1996).

Committee Member, Institute of Management Accountants, Salem Area Chapter 314, Salem, OR. (1990 - 1996).

Director of Manuscripts, Institute of Management Accountants, Salem Area Chapter 314. (1990 - 1996).

Editor, Associate Editor, Expert Systems Applications for Accounting, Auditing, and Tax", Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal (Special Issue). (December 1995).

Chairperson, American Accounting Association Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems Section. (1994 - 1995).

Editorial Review Board Member, International Journal of Applied Expert Systems. (1994 - 1995).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. (1990 - 1995).

Session Chair, CAIA 95 Workshop on World Wide Web, in conjunction with The Eleventh IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications, Los Angeles, California. (February 19, 1995).

Committee Member, American Accounting Association Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems Section. (1994).

Chairperson, American Accounting Association Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems Section. (1993 - 1994).

Program Organizer, "Financial Applications of Expert Systems."  The Second World Congress on Expert Systems. (January 1994).

Sponsored Research

"The Strategic Management of Teams," with David Gobeli, Manolete Gonzalez and Dennis Kaldenberg, OSU-IBM Partnership Research Project, 1993, $20,000; 1994, $30,000

"Expert Systems for Management Accounting Tasks," with Mary Ellen Phillips, Institute of Management Accountants, 1993, $19,700

My Publications

I currently have no publications listed within this site.