Coakley, J. and Tyran, C.K. “A Framework for Controlling Cheating in IS Education.” Proceedings of International Conference on Informatics Education & Research, 2001.
Coakley, J. and Tyran, C.K. "Can E-Cheating be Prevented?: An Approach to Detect Plagiarism in Computer Skills Courses." Proceedings of Seventh Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2001.
Coakley, J.R. and Tyran, C.K. “The WWW and Computer Skills Training: Key Issues for Design and Implementation”, Proceedings of the International Academy for Information Management, December 10-12, 1999.
Coakley J.R. and Tyran, C.K. “Computer skills and student learning: The impact of feedback and on-line learning resources on student learning performance,” Proceedings of the Fifth Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 13-15, 1999, pp 957-959.
Brown, C.E. and Coakley, J.R. “Financial Neural Network Applications: Brief Literature Review and Extensive Bibliography”, Collected Papers of the Eighth Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax, August 14th, 1999, pp 119-132.
Coakley, James R., Mark K. Fiegener, and David M. White. "Assessing Strategic IT Alignment in a Transforming Organization", Proceedings of the Association of Information Systems (AIS) National Conference, Aug 96, pp. 291-293
Coakley, James R., Mark K. Fiegener, Bruce A. Leader, and David M. White. "An Approach to Assess the Degree of Integration Between an Organization’s IS and Business Strategies", Proceedings of the Association of Information Systems (AIS) National Conference, Aug 95, pp 220-222.
Chou, Huey-Wen, James R. Coakley and William L. Harrison. "End User Computing Management Practices in Taiwan and the U.S.," Proceedings of the Pan Pacific Conference on I.S., July 1995, pp. 434-436.
Coakley, James R. and William Harrison. "Factors Affecting Resource Allocations in Software Maintenance," Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Management, May 27-28 1994, pp. 97- 105.
Coakley, James R., Linda F. Gammill, and Carol E. Brown. "Artificial Neural Networks in Accounting and Finance", Fourth Annual Research Workshop on AI/ES in Accounting, Auditing and Tax, Orlando, FL, Aug 12, 1995 (presenter).