Stoll, J. (2022). Soul Force for the Workforce: The Intersection of Career, DEI and Spirituality. Keynote, New England Consortium Conference. Massachusetts Career Development Association.
Stoll, J. (2022). The Spiritual Connection between Leadership & Career. Workshop, San Francisco State University President’s Leadership Fellows Program. San Francisco, CA.
Stoll, J. (2022). A Remix on Networking & Professionalism. Workshop, San Francisco State University President’s Leadership Fellows Program. San Francisco, CA.
Pierre, D., Reid, W., Stoll, J., Stroye, S., & Thomas-Petit.A. (2021). Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace. Panel. Rutgers Club of New York City.
Stoll, J. (2021). Soul Force for the Work Force. Workshop, NACE Conference & Expo. National Association of Colleges and Employers.
Stoll, J. (2021). The W's and Why's of Spiritual Development within Career Development and Student Affairs. Workshop, NCDA Global Conference. National Career Development Association.
Stoll, J. (2021). Advancing DEI through Career Education, Change, and Collaboration. Workshop, NASPA Annual Conference. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators.
Cole, C. & Stoll, J. (2020). Yosso and a Remix on Professionalism, Networking and Leadership. Presentation, Carney Sandoe & Associates Forum/Diversity Conference.
Bates, M. & Stoll, J. (2020). Disruption = Change: Advancing Equity for Marginalized Students. Presentation, NACE Webinar, National Association of Colleges and Employers.