
Julie Ann Elston


Office: 541-322-3165

Ph.D., M.A. Economics, University of Washington, June 1992.
M.S. Quantitative Economics (Statistics), Baruch College, New York, June 1985.
B.A. Business Administration, University of Washington, June 1982.

Profile Field Tabs

Affiliated with: 
College of Business
Research/Career Interests: 

Julie Ann Elston is a Professor of Finance in the College of Business at Oregon State University. She has published over 60 scholarly articles, papers and books in the fields of financial economics, entrepreneurship, and international business. She has held the Fulbright Kathryn and Craig Hall Distinguished Chair for Entrepreneurship in Central Europe at the Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien multiple times, including most recently in 2021-2022.

As a regular contributor to the field of entrepreneurship, she is Editor of Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal and was named the 2019 Editor of the Year.  She has served as a consultant to a number of national and international governmental agencies, and organizations including the: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Deutsche Bundesbank (German Central Bank), Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates, and U.S. National Academies of Science, Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy.

Dr. Elston graduated from the University of Washington's Department of Economics, and has held academic positions around the world including at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin in Germany, the Hoover Institution Stanford University, and the California Institute of Technology. She was selected as a Policy Fellow in the Robert Bosch Foundation Scholars Program in Comparative Public Policy at Johns Hopkins University; and served as a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Economics in Jena.

Courses Taught: 

Courses taught at Undergraduate, Honors Undergraduate, Masters, MBA, Executive Graduate and Doctoral levels,, including bachelor, masters and doctoral theses.

Beyond OSU


2016-present  Oregon State University, Professor, College of Business.

2010-2016       Oregon State University, Associate Professor, College of Business.

2005-2010       Oregon State University, Assistant Professor, College of Business.


2019             Adjunct Professor, University of Oregon, MBA program.

2016-pres.   Adjunct Professor, Oregon State University, College of Agricultural Science.

2013-2014   Visiting Professor of Innovation and Technology Management, University of Applied Sciences –Technikum, Vienna, Austria.

1998-2005   University of Central Florida, Assistant Professor.

1997-1998   University of Washington, the Northwest Center for Research on Women (NWCROW), Visiting Scholar

1996-1997   California Institute of Technology, Visiting Instructor.

1992-1996   Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Germany, Research Fellow.

Honors and Awards: 

University Grants and Awards

  • OSU Office of Research, “Corporate Governance and Financing in the UAE,” OSU, 2016.
  • OSU Office of Research, “Linking Personality Traits to Culture,” OSU, 2014.
  • General Research Fund Grant, “Entrepreneurship and Innovation,” OSU, 2013.

Honors and Awards:

Visiting Positions and Fellowships 

  • Fulbright-Kathryn and Craig Hall Distinguished Chair for Entrepreneurship in Central Europe 2021-2022. Institut für Entrepreneurship und Innovation, Wirtschaftsuniversität (WU) Vienna, Austria.
  • Fulbright-Kathryn and Craig Hall Distinguished Chair for Entrepreneurship in Central Europe 2019-2020. Institut für Entrepreneurship und Innovation, Wirtschaftsuniversität (WU) Vienna, Austria.
  • Visiting Scholar, Research and Statistics Department, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Central Bank, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2016
  • Fulbright-Kathryn and Craig Hall Distinguished Chair for Entrepreneurship in Central Europe 2012-2013. Institut für Entrepreneurship und Innovation, Wirtschaftsuniversität (WU) Vienna, Austria.
  • Visiting Professor of Innovation and Technology Management at the University of Applied Sciences –Technikum Vienna, Austria, 2013.
  • Fulbright German Studies Seminar, Fulbright Scholar Grantee, 2008.
  • Max Planck Institute for Economics, Division of Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Public Policy, Research Fellow, 2003-2008.
  • National Academies of Science, Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy, 2002-2005.
  • American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS) Johns Hopkins University - Bosch Fellow, 2001.
  • Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt, Research Fellow, 2001.
  • California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, 1996-1997.
  • University of Washington, the Northwest Center for Research on Women (NWCROW), Visiting Scholar, 1997-1998.
  • Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Visiting Scholar, 1995-1996.
  • Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Germany, Research Fellow 1992-1996.
  • Institute for Fiscal Studies, London, Visiting Scholar, March 1995.


  • General Research Fund Grant, “Entrepreneurship Dynamics and Firm Growth in China,” OSU, 2011.
  • L.L. Stewart Faculty Development Fund Grant, OSU, 2011.
  • Collaborative Research Grant, OSU-Cascades, 2010-2012.
  • Scholarship & Creative Activity Award, OSU Cascades, 2010.
  • Newcomb Associate Award for Research, College of Business, OSU, 2010.
  • Excellence in Scholarship, College of Business, OSU, 2009.
  • Newcomb Associate Award for Research, College of Business, OSU, 2008.
  • Newcomb Associate Award for Research, College of Business, OSU, 2007.
  • Carl L. Galloway Faculty Performance Award for Graduate Research, UCF, 2002.
  • College of Business Administration, Summer  Research Grant , UCF, 1999.
  • Editor, Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal
  • Reviewer for US Fulbright Scholar & Student Programs, Fulbright Austrian-American
    Educational Commission, Oregon State University Fulbright Review Committee
  • Reviewer for US National Science Foundation and Kauffman Foundation
  • Reviewer for various academic journals

Julie Ann Elston is a Professor of Finance in the College of Business at Oregon State University. She has published over 60 scholarly articles, papers and books in the fields of financial economics, entrepreneurship, and international business. She has held the Fulbright Kathryn and Craig Hall Distinguished Chair for Entrepreneurship in Central Europe at the Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien over several years, including most recently in 2021-2022.

As a regular contributor to the field of entrepreneurship, she is Editor of Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal and was named the 2019 Editor of the Year.  She has served as a consultant to a number of national and international governmental agencies, and organizations including the: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Deutsche Bundesbank (German Central Bank), Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates, and U.S. National Academies of Science, Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy.

Dr. Elston graduated from the University of Washington's Department of Economics, and has held academic positions around the world including at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin in Germany, the Hoover Institution Stanford University, and the California Institute of Technology. She was selected as a Policy Fellow in the Robert Bosch Foundation Scholars Program in Comparative Public Policy at Johns Hopkins University; and served as a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Economics in Jena.

My Publications

I currently have no publications listed within this site.