
Keith Leavitt

Betty S. Henry Amundson Faculty Scholar in Ethics and Professor of Management

Office: 541-737-8631

Austin Hall

Austin Hall 380

2751 SW Jefferson Way

2751 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
Curriculum Vitae: 
Doctorate in Management and Organization (Ph.D.) University of Washington, Seattle, WA Concentration: Organizational Behavior/ Human Resource Management, Spring 2009. Minors: Research Methods and Sociology (Institutional Analysis).
Master of Science in Business Administration (M.S.B.A.) University of Washington, Seattle, WA Concentration: Organizational Behavior, Spring 2007.
Master of Science in Applied Psychology (M.S.) Montana State University, Bozeman, MT Concentration: Social/Organizational Psychology
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Western Colorado University, Gunnison, CO Major: Psychology

Profile Field Tabs

Affiliated with: 
College of Business
Research/Career Interests: 

Research areas: Organizational Behavior; Business Ethics.

Research interests: Social cognition; workplace identity; behavioral ethics; machine learning and work; epistemology and research methods.

Dr. Keith Leavitt's research interests include behavioral ethics, identity and situated judgment, and research methods/epistemology. Specifically, much of his research focuses on how social expectations and constraints inform or inhibit ethical behavior in the workplace. His research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP), the Journal of Management, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Research Methods, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, the Journal of Vocational Behavior, and the Journal of Business Ethics. He previously served as an Associate Editor at OBHDP and currently serves on the editorial boards of AMJ, OBHDP, and JAP. He is currently serving as the Program Chair (second year of the elected five-year leadership track) of the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management.

Keith's work has been featured in over 200 news and media outlets including the New York Times, Forbes, NBC News, Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Inc. Magazine, Vice News, Wall Street Journal Radio, The Huffington Post, Time Magazine, and prominently on the front of his mother's refrigerator. 

In his spare time, he enjoys mountain biking, fly fishing, skiing, the occasional existential crisis, and trying to ignore rapidly-accumulating indicators of middle-age.  



Beyond OSU
  • Professor of Management, Oregon State University College of Business (July 2023-present).
  • Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Management, Oregon State University College of Business (September 2021-present).
  • Associate Dean for Research and Associate Professor, Oregon State University College of Business (July 2020-September 2021).
  • Associate Professor, Oregon State University College of Business (Fall 2015-Spring 2020).
  • Assistant Professor, Oregon State University College of Business (Fall 2011-Present).        
  • Assistant Professor, Army Center for the Professional Military Ethic, United States Military Academy at West Point (Summer 2009-Summer 2011).
Honors and Awards: 
  • College of Business External Research Award (2024).
  • College of Business Prominent Scholar Award (2022).
  • College of Business Prominent Scholar Award (2021).
  • College of Business Prominent Scholar Award (2020).
  • College of Business Scholarly Impact Award (2020).
  • Best Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Journal (2019).
  • OSU College of Business Betty S. Henry Amundson Faculty Scholar Award in Ethics (2015-present).
  • Betty & Forest Simmons Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, OSU College of Business (2018).
  • College of Business Prominent Scholar Award (2018).
  • College of Business Prominent Scholar Award (2017).
  • Finalist, Academy of Management Review 2015 Best Paper Award.
  • Western Academy of Management Ascendant Scholar (early career) Award (2015). 
  • College of Business Dean's Professorship in Excellence (2013-2015).
  • College of Business 2013 Excellence in Scholarship Award. 
  • Organizational Research Methods 2011 Best Paper Award.
  • Academy of Management Journal 2010 Best Paper Award.
  • 2011 Saroj Parasuraman Award for outstanding publication (presented by the gender and diversity in organizations division of the Academy of Management).
  • Outstanding reviewer award, Academy of Management Annual Meeting (OB division), 2010.
  • Outstanding reviewer award, Academy of Management Annual Meeting (MOC division), 2009.
  • Graduate teaching excellence award, University of Washington Business School, 2007.
  • Kindergartner of the week (with no distinction), Crosby Elementary School, 1982.

Research areas: Organizational Behavior; Business Ethics.

Research interests: Situated social cognition; workplace identity; behavioral ethics; epistemology and research methods.

Dr. Keith Leavitt's research interests include behavioral ethics, identity and situated judgment, and research methods/epistemology. Specifically, much of his research focuses on how social expectations and constraints inform or inhibit ethical behavior in the workplace. His research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP), the Journal of Management, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Research Methods, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, and the Journal of Business Ethics. He currently serves as an Associate Editor at OBHDP.

Keith's work has been featured in over 200 news and media outlets including the New York Times, Forbes, NBC News, Fast Company, Inc. Magazine, Vice News, Wall Street Journal Radio, The Huffington Post, Time Magazine, and prominently on the front of his mother's refrigerator. 

In his spare time, he enjoys mountain biking, fly fishing, skiing, the occasional existential crisis, and trying to ignore rapidly-increasing indicators of middle-age.  

My Publications

I currently have no publications listed within this site.