Marla Hacker

Emeritus Appointment

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Affiliated with: 
College of Business
Beyond OSU

Marla E. Hacker is Dean of Academic Programs, and an Associate Professor at Oregon State University-Cascades Campus. She teaches both industrial engineering and business management courses.

Prior to returning to the university to earn her doctorate at Virginia Tech, Marla was a Plant Manager at one of Procter and Gamble's largest manufacturing facilities.

Marla now teaches, creates, advises, and applies methods for achieving organizational performance improvement through performance measurement systems, project management tools, customer service interventions, total quality management, and high performance work team initiatives. Her work has been published in many journals including: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; Operations & Production Management; Quality Management Journal; Public Sector Management; National Productivity Review; Managing Service Quality; Measuring Business Excellende; and Team Performance Management.

Her experience includes leading and facilitating improvement activities in public, not-for profit, government, and international organizations. Her sponsor organizations have included Procter and Gamble, the U.S. Postal Service, the Oregon State Bar, Bonneville Power Administration, the City of Beaverton, DAT Services, National Grocers Co. Ltd. of Canada, Volvo-GM, Siemens Automotive, Botswana Africa Public Service, The Oregon Economic Development Department, Hewlett-Packard, United Way, and the Kollmorgen Motion Technologies Group.

My Publications


M. Hacker and Doolen, T., Teams in Context, Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Dallas, TX, 2001.

M. Hacker, Managing Organizational Change Today, National Women's Transportation Conference. Chicago, IL, 1999.

M. Hacker, Research: A Missing Link in Successful TQ Implementation, International Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Minneapolis, 1996.

M. Hacker, Interviewing Skills for Engineers, International Industrial Engineering Conference. 1995.

M. Hacker, Characteristics of Successful Managers, Pennsylvania IIE Regional Student Chapter Meeting. 1992.