
Qi Zhang

Assistant Professor

Austin Hall

Austin Hall 374

2751 SW Jefferson Way

2751 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

Profile Field Tabs

Research/Career Interests: 

-  Person-Environment Fit and Individual Differences (interests, motivation): theory, measurement, and applications in personnel selection and staffing

-  Person-Environment Fit and Work Relationships: person-supervisor fit, person-group fit, social network in teams, and relational dynamics

-  Quantitative Methods and Statistics: Monte Carlo simulations, person-centered approach, structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, and other multivariate methods

Courses Taught: 

BA 352 and BA 352H Managing Individual and Team Performance (4 credits)

Beyond OSU

-  Ph.D., Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa

-  M.S., Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Peking University

-  B.S., Double Major in Biological Technology and Applied Psychology, Nankai University

Honors and Awards: 

Ralph Alexander Best Dissertation Award (August 2022), The Human Resources Division, Academy of Management

Graduate College Ballard-Seashore Dissertation Fellowship (Fall 2020), University of Iowa

Dare to Discover Research Campaign Showcase (Spring 2020), University of Iowa

Graduate College Summer Fellowship (Summer 2019), University of Iowa

Graduate College Post-Comprehensive Research Fellowship (Spring 2019), University of Iowa

Ross Fellowship (2015–2016), Purdue University

Dr. Charles H. Lawshe Graduate Fellowship (2015, 2016), Purdue University


Dr. Qi Zhang [‘Chee ‘Jahng] earned her Ph.D. from the Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa. Her research focuses on person-environment fit, examining how individuals align with their work environments and the impact of this alignment on workplace outcomes. Challenging the traditional view of fit as purely beneficial and misfit as inherently harmful, her work delves into the complexities and evolving nature of workplace fit, with a goal of understanding how employees experience fit or misfit, and how fit is established, improved, and sustained over time. Recognizing that “others” often form an integral part of one’s work environment, Dr. Zhang also studies social relationships in the workplace. Her research has been published in prestigious journals, including Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Journal of Business Ethics.

My Publications

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