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J. Cho and Kim, S., The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Affective Organizational Commitment through Trust in Organizations in Service Sector, International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE). Las Vegas, NV, 2009.
J. Yang and Kim, Y. H., The effect of price limits: initial public offerings vs. seasoned equities, Financial Management Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans LA, 2004.
J. Yoo and Kim, M., The effect of product coordination and a model’s face on the Internet, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, 2011.
H. - L. Chen, Baker, L., and Cluver, B., The effect of textiles on perceived physiological comfort while backpacking in the cold, Annual meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association. New Orleans, 2013.
J. Kim, Kim, M., and Lennon, S., The effect of visual product presentation and music on mood, attitude towards the site, and purchase intent in online apparel shopping, American Collegiate Retailing Association Annual Meeting. Fayetteville, Arkansas, 2006.
J. Yoo and Kim, M., The effect of website reputation and brand name on consumer responses on the Internet., International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. 2012.
K. Xu, Li, J., Liao, S., and Lau, R. Y. K., An effective method for discovering target groups on social networking sites, 2011 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2011). Shanghai, China, 2012.
M. Green, Effectively Operating, Protecting, and Preserving the Family Business: How to make it work for both family members and the non-family members, Willamette Chapter, Oregon Nurserymen's Association. Mt. Angel, OR, 2002.
D. Gobeli, Mishra, C., and McConaughy, D., The Effectiveness of CEO Compensation, Financial Management Association Conference. Florida, 1999.
M. Kim and Lennon, S., Effectiveness of managerial responses to stockouts on consumer response, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Alexandria, Virginia, 2005.
P. Mathew and Hibara, N., The Effectiveness of VC Firm Involvement in the Japanese IPO Process, Financial Management Association Meeting. 2004.
J. Yoo and Kim, M., The effects of brand familiarity and website design on consumer responses, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, 2008.
M. Kim and Lennon, S. J., The effects of customer’s dress on salesperson’s service, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Dallas, Texas, 1998.
J. Yoo, Kim, M., and Burns, L., The Effects of home page design on consumer responses: A moderating role of brand familiarity and centrality of visual product aesthetics, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada, 2010.
C. Dibrell and Davis, P. S., The effects of IT in the value cycle—performance linkage, Strategic Management Society Conference. Baltimore, MD, 2003.
J. Yoo, Kim, M., and Burns, L., The effects of online product presentation on consumer responses: Mental imagery perspective, American Collegiate Retailing Association Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2010.
M. Kim and Lennon, S. J., The effects of perceived amount of information on perceived risks and purchase intentions in television shopping, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Santa Fe, NM, 1999.
H. Koenig, The Effects of Power Utilization on Interorganizational Relations, AMA Winter Educators' Conference. Phoenix, AZ., 1985.
M. Kim and Lennon, S., The effects of product presentation on information processing and purchase intent in Internet shopping, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, 2006.
M. Kim, Malkewitz, K., and Orth, U., The effects of thumbnail page design on consumer response in e-retailing, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Bellevue, WA, 2009.
M. Kim and Lennon, S., The effects of visual and verbal information on attitudes and purchase intent in online shopping: PART I, European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS) Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon, 2003.
M. Kim and Lennon, S., The effects of visual and verbal information on attitudes and purchase intent in online shopping: PART II, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Savannah, Georgia, 2003.
T. Jai, Ti, M., and Kim, M., The effects of visual product presentation on consumer response in online shopping, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Bellevue, WA, 2009.
P. Mathew and J Hughen, C., The Efficiency of International Information Flow: Evidence from the ETF and CEF Prices, Financial Management Association International. Dallas, Texas, 2008.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., An Efficient Heuristic for Solving a Generalized Concentrator Location Problem, INFORMS National Meeting. Seattle, WA, 1998.
K. Zhang, Fan, S., and Wang, H., An Efficient Recommender System Using Locality Sensitive Hashing, Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii, 2018.
M. Elton, Ehtics in Advertising: The Unilever case study, Friday Forum. Corvallis, Oregon, 2008.
M. Kim, Email responsiveness of Internet apparel retailers, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, 2006.
E. Tural, Embodying Leftovers in Building Materials Agenda, ACSA Central Regional Conference: Weaving. Muncie, IN, 2003.
C. Akroyd and Kober, R., The emergence and utilisation of management control systems in a high growth firm, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. Washington DC, 2012.
J. Down, The emergent vs. deliberate strategic management process debate: Should we all just get along?, Western Academy of Management Conference. Redondo Beach, CA, 1999.
R. Brooks and Yang, J., Emerging from Bankruptcy with When-Issued Trading, Financial Management Association annual meeting. Dallas, 2008.
D. Berger and Turtle, H. J., Emerging Market Contagion, Midwest Finance Association. Chicago, 2009.
M. Cieri, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Days. Bend, 2017.
W. Jeung, Harms, P. D., and Paterson, T., Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership: What about the Follower?, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Houston, TX, 2013.
E. E. Kausel, Howes, S., Spratt, J., and Jackson, A. T., Emotions and the appraisal-tendency framework: Anger, sadness, and fairness judgments, Annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
J. Yang, Empirical Financial Studies and Policy Implications, 3rd Global Economy and Governance International Conference. Taipei, 2015.
Y. Kim, An Empirical Investigation of Transaction Dynamics in Online Surplus Networks: a Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective, 22nd Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference. Seoul, South Korea, 2017.
Y. Kim, An Empirical Investigation of Transaction Dynamics in Online Surplus Networks: a Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS). Orlando, FL, 2016.
P. Schilpzand and Cho, J., Employee homesickness: Causes and Outcomes, Western Academy of Management (WAM). Kauai, Hawaii, 2015.
P. Schilpzand and Cho, J., Employee homesickness: Remote employees reactions to being removed from relational others, Western Academy of Management. Portland, OR, 2016.
I. Park, Cho, J., and Rao, H. R., Employee Privacy Concerns, Procedural Justice, and IS Satisfaction under Non-Volitional Surveillance: A Comparative Study between Korea and the United States, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Seoul, Korea, 2017.
S. Lee, Employee Satisfaction in Sustainable Design. East Lansing, MI, 2006.
S. Lee, Employee Satisfaction, Perceived Organizational Support, and Organizational Commitment in Alternative Officing, Annual Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) International Conference. Austin, Texas, 2007.
R. Garrett, Employee Stock Ownership as a Moderator of the Relationship between R&D Intensity and Innovation, 2006 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. 2006.
J. Cho and Kessler, S., Employees’ Distributive Justice Perceptions and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Social Exchange Perspective, International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE). Las Vegas, NV, 2008.
M. Swift, Encouraging the Transfer of Exploratory Knowledge, Western Academy of Management Regional Meeting. Long Beach, CA, 2006.
A. Crites, Pedersen, E., Markee, N., and Murray, C., Energy saving potential of low income audiences, American Home Economics Association. San Antonio, TX, 1990.
D. Gobeli and Koenig, H., Enhancing Technology Management Through Alliances, Technology Management in the Knowledge Era, Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology. 2001.
D. Gobeli and Koenig, H., Enhancing the E-Business Value Sequence Through R&D, Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology. Portland, OR, 2001.
