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L. H. Nishii, Mayer, D. M., Vestal, A., Porter, R. L., and Raver, J. L., Gender diversity and creativity: The moderating role of group LMX, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial & Organizational Pshychology. New Orleans, LA, 2009.
M. Montoya, Massey`, A. P., and Song, M., Getting it Together: Temporal Coordination and Conflict Management in Global Virtual Teams, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 1251-1263, 2001.
J. McAlexander and Schouten, J., The Great Debate: Design Research vs. Marketing Research, Conference of the Western District of Industrial Designers Society of America. Industrial Designers Society of America, 2002.
J. McAlexander and DuFault, B., Genius for Sale: The Conspicuous Consumption of Ideas, Consumer Culture Theory International Conference. Oxford University, 2012.
J. L. Maynard, Floyd, R. G., Acklie, T. J., and Houston, L., General Factor Loadings and Specific Effects of the Differential Ability Scales, Second Edition Composites, School Psychology Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 2, p. 108, 2011.
B. Maue, Murnieks, C., and Ferrante, C., Going to war to keep up with the Joneses: Questions about earnings effects on U.S. military pilot service, Academy of Management. Anaheim, 2008.
A. Marks, GD412 (Contemporary Issues in Design). Oregon State University, 2009.
A. Mahmood, Steggell, C., Yamamoto, T., and Lee, M., Gerotechnology and aging in place: A conceptual model and preliminary findings from pilot projects, Environmental Design Research Association 38th Annual Conference. Sacramento, CA, 2007.
X. Li, Zhang, Z., Chen, H., and Li, J., Graph kernel-based learning for gene function prediction from gene interaction network, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE-BIBM 2007). Fremont, CA, USA, 2007.
D. Li, Eden, L., Hitt, M., Ireland, R., and Garrett, R., Governance in multilateral R&D alliances, Organization Science, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 1191-1210, 2012.
X. Li, Chen, H., Li, J., and Zhang, Z., Gene function prediction with gene interaction networks: a context graph kernel approach, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 119-128, 2010.
G. Leroy, Chen, H., Martinez, J., Eggers, S., Falsey, R., Kislin, K., Huang, Z., Li, J., Xu, J., McDonald, D., and Ng, G., Genescene: Biomedical text and data mining, ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2003). Houston, TX, USA, 2003.
C. - H. Lee, Hoehn-Weiss, M., and Karim, S., Grouping interdependent tasks: Using spectral graph partitioning to study complex systems, Strategic Management Journal, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 177-191, 2016.
K. Leavitt, Zhu, L., and Aquino, K., Good without knowing it: subtle contextual cues can activate moral identity and reshape moral intuition., Journal of Business Ethics, 2016.
K. Leavitt, Getting explicit about the implicit: Nonconscious measures in management research, (Invited Talk). Virginia Polytechnical Institute (Virginia Tech), 2012.
K. Leavitt, Schabram, K., Barnes, C. M., and Prashanth, H., Ghost in the machine: On organizational theory in the age of machine learning, Academy of Management Review, 2020.
A. Joshi, Inouye, T. M., and Robinson, J. A., Glass Ceiling Effects for Minority and Women Technology Entrepreneurs, Rutgers Advanced Institute for the Study of Entrepreneurship and Development (RAISED). Newark, NJ, 2017.
J. Godesiabois, Murnieks, C., and Mosakowski, E., The games entrepreneurs play, Babson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Babson Park, 2005.
C. Gibson and Hardy, J., Gender differences in creative problem-solving may be an artifact of measurement differences, Association for Psychological Science’s 26th Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA, 2014.
R. Floyd, Maynard, J., McGaughey, T., and Houston, L., General Factor Loadings and Specific Effects of the Differential Ability Scales, Second Edition Composites, Me According To Others: A New Perspective On Self-Presentations And The Socialization Of Racial Minorities. Chicago, IL, 2010.
