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J. Mower, Clothing and Fashion in American History: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia. Volume 2: The Federal Era through the Gilded Age.. 2013.
F. Veltri, Miller, J., and Harris, A., Club sport national tournament: Economic impact of a small event on a mid-size community, Recreational Sport Journal, vol. 33, pp. 119-128, 2009.
K. Malkewitz, Co-Branding with Sports Entities: How Difficult Can it Be?, presented at the 2006, 2006.
K. Malkewitz, Co-Branding with Sports Entities: How Difficult Can it Be?, AMA Winter Educators’ Conference. 2006.
K. Mullet, Cold Control. Live gallery presentation at the annual meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association. Dallas,TX, 1998.
J. Mower and Pedersen, E., College women: Apparel consumption during World War II, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI, 2012.
M. Miles, Shepherd, C., Rose, J., and Dibben, M., Collegiality in Business Schools: Development of a Collegiality Measure and Evaluations of its Implications, International Journal of Educational Management, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 322-333, 2015.
C. Murnieks, Allen, S. T., and Ferrante, C. J., Combating the effects of turnover: Military lessons learned from project teams rebuilding Iraq, Business Horizons, vol. 54, pp. 481-491, 2011.
K. Malkewitz, Communicating with Product Design, presented at the 2007, 2007.
K. Malkewitz, Communicating with Product Design, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. 2007.
J. McAlexander, Communitas Interruptus, European Advances in Consumer Research. 2010.
J. Mower, Pedersen, E., and Jai, T. M., Concept analysis of "cross-cultural marketing:" An exploration, Journal of Global and Fashion Marketing, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 4-19, 2013.
K. Mullet, Concepts of Pattern Grading, no. 3. New York: , 2015.
M. J. Mills, Howes, S., and Fullagar, C., Conceptualizing and measuring engagement: An analysis of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 13, pp. 519-545, 2012.
L. Burns and Miller, F. G., Conformity and Judgments of Fashionability, Home Economics Research Journal, no. 11, pp. 337-342, 1982.
M. Montoya, Massey, A. P., and Khatri, V., Connecting IT Service Operations to Service Marketing Practices, Decision Sciences, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 65-85, 2010.
M. Montoya, Massey, A. P., and Khatri, V., Connecting IT Service Operations to Service Marketing Practices, Decision Sciences, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 65-85, 2010.
J. Morris, Consolidating from 500 Training Departments to One, Elliott Masie's Learning Conference. Orlando FL, 2007.
J. McAlexander, Schouten, J., and Roberts, S. D., Consumer Behavior and Divorce, Research in Consumer Behavior, vol. 6, pp. 153-184, 1993.
C. Bee and Madrigal, R., Consumer Uncertainty: The Influence of Anticipatory Emotions on Ambivalence, Attitudes, and Intentions, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 370-381, 2013.
A. Huff, Barnhart, M., McAlexander, B., and McAlexander, J., Consumers' Assemblages of Fear and Safety with Firearms: Obstacles to Addressing Gun Violence in an Armed America, in Association for Consumer Research, San Diego, CA, 2017, vol. 45, pp. 675-676.
A. Huff, Barnhart, M., McAlexander, B., and McAlexander, J., Consumers' Assemblages of Fear and Safety with Firearms: Obstacles to Addressing Gun Violence in an Armed America, in Association for Consumer Research, San Diego, CA, 2017, vol. 45, pp. 675-676.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., McAlexander, J., and McAlexander, B., Consumers’ Assemblages of Fear and Safety with Firearms: Obstacles to Addressing Gun Violence in an Armed America, Association for Consumer Research Conference 2017. San Diego, CA, 2017.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., McAlexander, J., and McAlexander, B., Consumers’ Assemblages of Fear and Safety with Firearms: Obstacles to Addressing Gun Violence in an Armed America, Association for Consumer Research Conference 2017. San Diego, CA, 2017.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., McAlexander, J., and McAlexander, B., Consumers’ Assemblages of Fear and Safety with Firearms: Obstacles to Addressing Gun Violence in an Armed America, Consumer Culture Theory Conference 2017. Anaheim, CA, 2017.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., McAlexander, J., and McAlexander, B., Consumers’ Assemblages of Fear and Safety with Firearms: Obstacles to Addressing Gun Violence in an Armed America, Consumer Culture Theory Conference 2017. Anaheim, CA, 2017.
J. McAlexander, Consuming and Consumption in Third Space Communites: Constructing Sanctuary, ACR North American Conference. Baltimore, 2014.
C. Stannard and Mullet, K., Consumption of Raw Materials by Crafters: Desired Characteristics of Yarn and Retailers, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 17-32, 2018.
C. Stannard and Mullet, K., Consumption of Raw Materials by Crafters: Desired Characteristics of Yarn and Retailers, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 17-32, 2018.
A. Marks, Contemporary Polish Posters, Lewis & Clark College Gallery. Portland, OR, 2006.
I. Parkman and Malkewitz, K., Content and Context: Product Design Briefs, Knowledge- based Assets, and Firm Performance, presented at the 2011, 2011.
I. Parkman and Malkewitz, K., Content and Context: Product Design Briefs, Knowledge- based Assets, and Firm Performance, Product Development Management Association Global Conference on Product Innovation Management. 2011.
J. McAlexander and Koenig, H., Contextual Influences: Building Brand Community in Large and Small Colleges, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 2010.
Mellott, Roberts, N., and Thatcher, J., Control Mechanisms and Deployed Electronic Medical Record Policy Compliance: A Principal-Agent Perspective, presented at the 2011, 2011.
M. Mellott, Thatcher, J., and Roberts, N., Control Mechanisms and Electronic Medical Record Compliance in a Combat Environment: An Empirical Investigation, presented at the 2012, 2012.
A. Marks, Core Changes: Strengthening Connections, AIGA Design Education Connecting Dots Conference. Cincinatti, OH, 2014.
C. S. Mishra, Koenig, H., and Gobeli, D., Creating Brand Equity Through Strategic Investments, Journal of Private Equity, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 45-52, 2002.
U. Orth and Malkewitz, K., Creating Brand Impressions Through Package Design, presented at the 2015, 2015, p. 259--259.
K. Malkewitz, Creating Brand Impressions through Package Design, OSU Alumni Association Annual Meeting. 2008.
K. Malkewitz, Creating Brand Impressions through Package Design, University of Oregon – Oregon State University Platypus Seminar. 2008.
K. Malkewitz, Creating Brand Impressions with Packaging Design, Oregon State University Consumer Behavior Interest Group. 2008.
W. Tierney, Hardy, J., Ebersole, C., Viganola, D., Clemente, E., Gordan, M., Hoogeveen, S., Haaf, J., Dreber, A., Johannesson, M., Pfeiffer, T., Huang, J., Vaughn, L. Ann, DeMarree, K., Igou, E., Chapman, H., Gantman, A., Vanaman, M., Wylie, J., Storbeck, J., Andreychik, M., McPhetres, J., and Uhlmann, E., A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 93, 2021.
X. M. Song and Montoya, M., Critical Development Activities for Really New versus Incremental Products, Journal of Product Innovation Management, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 124-135, 1998.
A. Marks, Critical Fabulations: Reworking the Methods and Margins of Design, Oxfordshire, 2021.
K. Mullet and Park, M., Cross-cultural Design Process for Apparel Design, ITAA 2008 Annual Meeting. Schaumburg, IL, 2008.
J. McAlexander, Fushimi, K., and Schouten, J., A Cross-Cultural Exploration of Subcultures of Consumption, Research in Consumer Behavior, vol. 9, pp. 47-69, 2000.
J. M. Mower and Pedersen, E., Cross-Cultural marketing Statement Synthesis, International Textiles and Apparel Association. Charlotte, North Caroline, 2014.
P. Y. K. Chau, Cole, M., Massey, A. P., Montoya, M., and O'Keefe, R. M., Cultural Differences in the Online Behavior of Consumers, Communications of the ACM, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 138-143, 2002.
P. Y. K. Chau, Cole, M., Massey, A. P., Montoya, M., and O'Keefe, R. M., Cultural Differences in the Online Behavior of Consumers, Communications of the ACM, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 138-143, 2002.
A. P. Massey, Montoya, M., Hung, C., and Ramesh, V., Cultural Perceptions of Task-Technology Fit, Communications of the ACM, vol. 44, no. 12, pp. 83-84, 2001.
