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D. Baldridge and Kulkarni, M., The Shaping of Sustainable Careers Post Hearing Loss, Human Relations, 2017.
D. Baldridge and Kulkarni, M., THE SHAPING OF SUSTAINABLE CAREERS POST HEARING LOSS, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
J. Kalodimos and Lundberg, C., Shareholder Rights in Mergers and Acquisitions: Are Appraisal Rights Being Abused?, Finance Research Letters, 2017.
J. Mower, "Shoulder Pads: Design Inspiration for Modern and Postmodern Fashion.". 2017.
T. Paterson, The Social Expectation to Be Ethical: A Role Definition Perspective of Ethical Leadership and Unethical Behavior, International Conference on Social Dilemmas. Taormina, Sicily, 2017.
D. Neubaum, Thomas, C. H., Dibrell, C., and Craig, J. B., Stewardship Climate Scale: An Assessment of Reliability and Validity, Family Business Review, 2017.
Y. Kim, Structural Redundancy for Managing Supply Chain Disruption Risks: An Empirically Informed Investigation of Real-World Multi-Echelon Supply Networks, 48th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. Washington D.C., USA, 2017.
M. Cieri, Supervisor's Tool Chest, Supervisor's Tool Chest. Bend, 2017.
G. Lu, Koufteros, X., and Lucianetti, L., Supply Chain Security: A Classification of Practices and An Empirical Study of Differential Effects and Complementarity, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 234-248, 2017.
P. Schilpzand and Huang, L., Symposium: Workplace incivility: new frontiers and research directions, Academy of Management Conference. Atlanta, 2017.
S. Howes, Weyhrauch, W. S., and Huffcutt, A. I., A tale of two formats: Direct comparison of matching situational and behavior description interview questions, Human Resource Management Review, vol. 27, pp. 167-177, 2017.
L. Steele, Dhaliwal, D., Lee, H. - S., and Pincus, M., Taxable Income and Firm Risk, Journal of the American Taxation Association, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 1-24, 2017.
A. H. Huffman, Howes, S., and Olson, K. J., "This is our house!" Why are I-Os losing at the gender disparity game?, Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice, vol. 4, pp. 584-588, 2017.
J. Blouin, Gibbons, B., Wang, C., and Wellman, L., "Through Thick and Thin: Political Risk and the Interdependencies between MNCs and Host Countries", University of Chicago, Global Issues in Accounting Conference. 2017.
J. C. Rode, Arthaud-Day, M. L., Ramaswami, A., and Howes, S., A time-lagged study of emotional intelligence and salary, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 101, pp. 77-89, 2017.
T. Paterson and Harms, P. D., Too Much of a Good Thing? Grit and the Proliferation of Positive Constructs, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando, FL, 2017.
J. Rose, Rose, A., Suh, I., and Ugrin, J., Unanticipated Effects of Restricted Stock on Managers' Risky Investment Decisions., Advances in Accounting, 2017.
L. Houston, Undermining yourself: A moral emotions perspective on the consequences of social undermining, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
N. Rothman, Pratt, M., Rees, L., and Vogus, T., Understanding the dual nature of ambivalence: Why and when ambivalence leads to good and bad outcomes, Academy of Management Annals, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1-40, 2017.
O. Mason McGonagall and Lee, S., When less is more: Space perceptions of mobile and stationary RV dwellers, Indoor and Built Environment, 2017.
A. Rose, Rose, J., Sanderson, K., and Thibodeau, J., When Should Audit Firms Introduce Analyses of Big Data into the Audit Process?, Journal of Information Systems, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 81-99, 2017.
L. Houston, Grandey, A. A., and Sawyer, K., Who Cares if "Service with a Smile" is Authentic?: An Expectancy-Based Model of Customer Race and Perceptions of Service Interactions, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2017.
P. Frischmann and Tree, D., Who is Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? The Effects of Schedule UTP, 2017 Southwestern Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association. Little Rock, Arkansas, 2017.
D. Ribbink, Pun, H., and Yan, T., Winning the Bid: Competition in NPD Contracting, POMS. Seattle, 2017.
C. Durban, Baldridge, D., Houston, L., and Yang, L. - Q., Withheld Disability Accommodation requests, perceived integration, and desire to stay, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
C. Durban, Baldridge, D., Houston, L., and Yang, L. - Q., Withheld Disability Accommodation Requests, Perceived Integration and Desire to Stay, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
E. Saeidi and Romeo, L., Women's Reaction to Whole 3D Body Scanning and its Influence on Body Satisfaction, in International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) International Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, 2017.
H. - L. Chen, Palomino, M., Gutierrez, V., and Robinson, S., Wood-rotting fungal pigments as colorants in oil-based textile dyes, Coatings, vol. 7, no. 152, 2017.
E. Djurdjevic, Stoverink, A., Klotz, A., Koopman, J., Veiga, S. Pires da M., Yam, K. Chi, and Chiang, J., Workplace status: The development and validation of a scale, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 102, no. 7, pp. 1124-1147, 2017.
C. M. Barnes, Dang, C., Leavitt, K., Guarana, C., and Uhlmann, E. Luis, Archival Data in Micro-Organizational Research: A Toolkit for Moving to a Broader Set of Topics, Journal of Management, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 1453-1478, 2018.
J. A. Griffith, Gibson, C., Medeiros, K., MacDougall, A., Hardy, J., and Mumford, M., Are You Thinking What I'm Thinking?: The Influence of Leader Style, Distance, and Leader–Follower Mental Model Congruence on Creative Performance, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 153-170, 2018.
N. Brown, Behind the Scenes With Nikki Brown Business and Marketing Instructor. Corvallis, OR, 2018.
Y. Kim, Lee, H. - S. (Huck), and Son, J., Bifurcating Order Fulfillment Channels in E-Commerce, 2018 INFORMS Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ, 2018.
L. J. Zhao, Fan, S., and Zheng, E., Blockchain-Enabled Trust: The Case of Inter-Firm Dataflow, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). New Orleans, 2018.
P. Mathew, Takahashi, H., and Yamakawa, Y., Board members' influence on resource investments to start-ups and IPO outcomes: Does prior affiliation matter?, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol. 49, no. June 2018, pp. 30-42, 2018.
J. Moore and Xu, L., Book-Tax Differences and the Costs of Private Debt, Advances in Accounting, vol. 42, 2018.
J. Morris and Zwart, J., Business Writing Style Guide, no. 1. Corvallis, Oregon: , 2018, p. 71.
R. Longo, Careers in Accounting Profession, West Albany High School, Business Education. Albany, OR, 2018.
L. D. Burns and Mullet, K., Carter's®, Inc. and Organic Cotton. 2018.
Y. Hee Lee, Lee, S., and Kim, J., A Case Study on the Analysis of Layout and Residence Space Planning for Continuing Care Retirement Communities(CCRCs) in United States, Journal of Korean Institute of Interior Design, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 186-195, 2018.
J. Chen, Gurel-Atay, E., Kahle, L. R., and Suh, W. Suk, Changes in Social Values in the United States – 1976-2017: Is a New Age of Tribalism Emerging?, in Association for Consumer Research, 2018.
K. Mullet and Burns, L. D., Chico's Sizing. 2018.
C. - C. Teng and Yang, J., Chinese Lunar New Year Effect, Investor Sentiment, and Market Deregulation, Finance Research Letters, vol. 27, pp. 175-184, 2018.
J. Wu, Fan, S., and J. Zhao, L., Community Engagement and Online Word of Mouth: An Empirical Investigation, Information & Management, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 258-270, 2018.
C. Stannard and Mullet, K., Consumption of Raw Materials by Crafters: Desired Characteristics of Yarn and Retailers, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 17-32, 2018.
C. Stannard and Mullet, K., Consumption of Raw Materials by Crafters: Desired Characteristics of Yarn and Retailers, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 17-32, 2018.
D. Antons, Joshi, A., and Salge, T. Oliver, Content, Contribution, and Knowledge Consumption: Uncovering Hidden Topic Structure and Rhetorical Signals in Scientific Texts, Journal of Management, 2018.
A. Bolinger, Klotz, A., and Leavitt, K., Contributing from Inside the Outer Circle: The Identity-Based Effects of Noncore Role Incumbents on Group Relational Coordination and Organizational Climate, Academy of Management Review, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 680-703, 2018.
J. Huck, Day, E. A., Jorgensen, A., and Hardy, J., Curiosity, skill acquisition, and adaptation: A piecewise latent trajectory analysis., Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 33rd Annual Conference. Chicago, IL, 2018.
C. Murnieks, Customer Discovery, OSU Accelerator. Corvallis, 2018.
