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S. Lawton, Presentation at the World Forestry Center International Forestry Forum, World Forestry Center International Forestry Forum. 2001.
S. Lawton, Presentation to the Oregon Forest Resources Industries, Oregon Forest Resources Industries Forest Sustainability Conference. 2001.
S. Lawton, Presentation to the Oregon State Board of Forestry, Oregon State Board of Forestry. 2001.
S. Lawton, Presentation to the Oregon State University Labor Rights Forum, Oregon State University Labor Rights Forum. Corvallis, OR, 2001.
S. Xu and Pangburn, M., Pricing of Successive Product Releases: e Impact of Prior Versions with Strategic Customers, INFORMS annual meeting. Charlotte, NC, 2001.
T. L. Pett and Dibrell, C., A process model of global strategic alliance formation, Business Process Management Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 349-364, 2001.
U. Orth, Psychographic Segmentation of Visitors to Southern Moravia., International Conference “Region - Services - Travel Industry”. Ostrava/ Czech Republic, 2001.
D. Baldridge, Ling, Y., and Floyd, S. F., Reading the Winds in Multinational Corporations: The Impact of Cultural Beliefs on Issue Selling Behavior, Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Washington, D.C., 2001.
A. P. Massey, Montoya, M., and Brown, S., Reaping the Benefits of Innovative IT: The Long and Winding Road, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 348-357, 2001.
A. P. Massey, Montoya, M., and Holcom, K., Reengineering the Customer Relationship: Leveraging Knowledge Assets at IBM, Decision Support Systems, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 155-170, 2001.
M. Pagell and Krause, D., Re-Exploring the Relationship Between Flexibility and the External Environment, Decision Sciences Institute Conference. San Francisco, 2001.
P. - H. Hsieh, Robustness of Conditional Moments: An Application to Premium Calculation for Reinsurance Treaties, Risk Analysis, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 225-234, 2001.
B. Zhu and Chen, H., Social Visualization for Computer-Mediated Communication: A Knowledge Management Perspective, Eleventh Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems. 2001.
C. Steggell, A statewide program for housing education, Annual Conference of the American Association of Housing Educators. Big Sky, MT, 2001.
K. Mullet, Support for History of Costume Classes in Which they are Located, CSA Educators' Group annual meeting. Providence, RI, 2001.
H. Koenig, Schneider, C. L., and Cluskey, M., Teaching Practices Related to Customer Service Dimensions: A Study of Dietetics Educators, American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference, Foodservice Systems Management Education Council Research Reports. St. Louis, MO, 2001.
M. Hacker and Doolen, T., Teams in Context, Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Dallas, TX, 2001.
C. Dibrell and Davis, P. S., Time pacing behaviors and performance: A three-study exploration, Strategic Management Society Conference. San Francisco, CA, 2001.
D. Baldridge and Veiga, J. F., Toward greater understanding of the willingness to request an accommodation: Can requesters' beliefs disable the ADA?, Academy of Management Review, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 85-99, 2001.
R. Graham and Chrobuck, G. R., Understanding and managing receivables on U.S. government contracts, Management Accounting Quarterly, no. Summer, pp. 4-11, 2001.
J. McAlexander and Koenig, H., University Experiences, the Student-College Relationship, and Alumni Support, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 21-43, 2001.
H. Koenig, University Experiences, the Student-College Relationship, and Survey, Student Affairs Assessment Showcase, Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR, 2001.
C. Gobeli, Untitled. Corvallis, OR, 2001.
C. Gobeli, Untitled. Corvallis, OR, 2001.
J. Bailes and Nielsen, J., Using Decision Trees to Manage Capital Budgeting Risk, Management Accounting Quarterly, no. Winter, pp. 14-17, 2001.
J. Coakley and Gobeli, D., Using IT to add value: Innovation versus Efficiency, Portland Chapter of the Society for Information Management. Portland, OR, 2001.
R. Graham, The value of firms headquartered in Quebec relative to the value of firms headquartered elsewhere in Canada: Evidence of a Quebec discount, Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association. Atlanta GA, 2001.
R. Graham, The value of firms headquartered in Quebec relative to the value of firms headquartered elsewhere in Canada: Evidence of a Quebec discount, Research Seminar Series at Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR, 2001.
R. Graham, The value of firms headquartered in Quebec relative to the value of firms headquartered elsewhere in Canada: Evidence of a Quebec discount, Mid-Year Meeting of the International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association. Phoenix, Arizona, 2001.
B. Zhu, Visualizing Computer-Mediated Communication Process. Bloomington, IN, 2001.
B. Zhu, Visualizing Computer-Mediated Communication Process. Rochester, NY, 2001.
B. Zhu, Visualizing Computer-Mediated Communication Process. Colorado Springs, CO, 2001.
J. Elston, What's New About the New Economy, Workshop on Financing the New Economy in Germany. Washington DC, 2001.
I. Scott, A Window for Change: Conflicting Ideologies and Legal Reforms in Late Nineteenth-Century Oregon. 2001.
C. Dibrell, Cogliser, C., and Hua, S., Adequate measurement isn't just "nice:" A review of measurement practices in management research, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, 2002.
F. Veltri, Administration of Physical Education and Sport Programs, 2002.
U. Orth, Advantageously Positioning Oregon Wine, Presentation to Oregon Wine Advisory Board, Research Committee. Corvallis, OR, 2002.
V. T. Raja, An AI-based Heuristic for solving an Extended Concentrator Location Problem, College of Business Research Seminar Series. Corvallis, OR, 2002.
A. J. Kinicki, Ryan, F. McKee, Schriesheim, C. A., and Carson, K. P., Assessing the construct validity of the Job Descriptive Index: A review and meta-analysis, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 14-32, 2002.
D. Baldridge, Barriers to the Accommodation of People with Disabilities: An Examination of the Information Processing that Shapes Request Likelihood, Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Denver, CO, 2002.
J. McAlexander, Schouten, J., and Koenig, H., Building Brand Community, Journal of Marketing, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 38-54, 2002.
K. Mullet, “Built for Two”, “PFD” and “Breakdown Swimsuit”, Florida State University Tyner Functional Design Exhibit. Tallahassee, FL, 2002.
J. Moulton, "California Electricity Futures: The NYMEX Experience", Financial Management Association Annual Meeting. 2002.
H. Koenig, Giampaoli, J., Sneed, J., and Cluskey, M., Challenges Relative to Food Safety in School Foodservice, California Dietetic Association Conference. Riverside, CA., 2002.
J. Elston, Changing Policies and New Economic Growth: Germany in Transition, Presentation at the School for Policy and Environmental Economics, Institute for European Studies, Indiana University. Bloomington IN, 2002.
J. Elston, Changing Policies and New Economic Growth: Germany in Transition, Presentation at the School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University. Malibu CA, 2002.
J. - H. Hsu and Burns, L., Clothing Evaluative Criteria: A Cross-national Comparison of Taiwanese and United States Consumers, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 246-252, 2002.
S. A. Zahra, Neubaum, D., and El-Hagrassey, G. M., Competitive Analysis and New Venture Performance: Understanding the Impact of Strategic Uncertainty and Venture Origin, Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 1-28, 2002.
C. Dibrell, Harveston, P. D., and Davis, P. S., Competitive Strategy, IT Asset Investment and Firm Performance: Implications for Born Global Firms, Babson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Boulder, CO, 2002.
R. Graham, A cost-benefit analysis of decreasing and maintaining and increasing investments in advertising during recessions, Manitoba CGA Research Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2002.
