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S. Reddy and Kim, M., Relationship between body appearance evaluation and clothing shopping motivation, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, California, 2007.
S. L. Reddy and Burns, L., Preventing Body Dissatisfaction Among Young Women, Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 55-60, 2011.
M. Read and Upington, D., Young Children's Color Preferences in the Interior Environment, Early Childhood Education Journal, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 491-496, 2009.
M. Read, Contemplating Design: Listening to Children's Preferences About Classroom Design, Creative Education, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 75-80, 2010.
M. Read, Designing with Color in the Early Childhood Education Classroom: A Theoretical Perspective, Creative Education, no. 10, 2019.
M. Read and Owens, N. J., Teaching residential design based on a multicultural education ideology., Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, vol. 103, no. 3, pp. 37-42, 2011.
M. Read, Environmental Color and the Cooperative Behavior of Children with Sensory Processing Challenges: An Exploratory Study, Creative Education, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 2448-2456, 2019.
M. Read, Sustainable Living: Cultural Meaning of Home, Work, and Retail.. 2021.
J. Raver, Nishii, L., and Vestal, A., Gender diversity norms: Influences upon group information elaboration and performance, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Montreal, 2010.
M. Ratchford and Barnhart, M., Development and Validation of the Technology Adoption Propensity (TAP) Index, Journal of Business Research, vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 1209-1215, 2012.
T. Randøy and Dibrell, C., How and why Norwegian MNCs commit resources abroad: Beyond choice of entry mode, Management International Review, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 119-140, 2002.
T. Randoy, Dibrell, C., and Craig, J., Founding family influence and the moderating effects of product market competition on firm performance: Implications for corporate governance, Small Business Economics, vol. 20, pp. 335-344, 2008.
M. Ramsey, Chen, H., and Zhu, B., A Collection of Visual Thesauri for Browsing Large Collections of Geographic Images, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 826-835, 1999.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., A Comparison of Two Modern Heuristics for Designing Local Access Networks, INFORMS National Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1999.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., An Efficient Heuristic for Solving an Extended Capacitated Concentrator Location Problem, Telecommunication Systems, vol. 23, no. 1-2, pp. 171-199, 2003.
V. T. Raja, A Lagrangean Heuristic for the Design of Capacitated Star-Star Concentrator Networks, INFORMS Joint National Meeting. Los Angeles, CA, 1995.
V. T. Raja, An AI-based Heuristic for solving an Extended Concentrator Location Problem, College of Business Research Seminar Series. Corvallis, OR, 2002.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., A Neural-Net Gaussian Machine for Optimal Local Access Network Design, Association for Information Systems, Americas Conference. Baltimore, Maryland, 1998.
V. T. Raja, Lewis, S., and Tolan, J., Teaching and maintaining campus community during a pandemic, Higher Ed Community of Practice - Deloitte Faculty Panel. Portland (Zoom), 2020.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., The State of the Art of Network Design and Management, Decision Sciences Institute National Meeting. New Orleans, 1999.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., Optimal Telecommunication Facility Planning Under Uncertainty, Americas Conference on Information Systems. Pittsburgh, PA, 1995.
V. T. Raja, Untitled, Management Information Systems (MIS) Symposium. La Jolla, California, 2009.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., An Efficient Heuristic for Solving a Generalized Concentrator Location Problem, INFORMS National Meeting. Seattle, WA, 1998.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., Using GRASP to solve the Capacitated Concentrator Location Problem, Decision Sciences Institute National Meeting. Orlando, Florida, 2000.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., Some Design and Planning Issues for Local Access Networks, 14th Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications of Mathematical Programming. Taiwan, 1997.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., An AI-based Heuristic for solving a Generalized Concentrator Location Problem, INFORMS National Meeting. Seattle, WA, 1998.
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V. T. Raja and Kumar, A., Integration of India into the Global Economy ” An Information Technology Perspective, Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs. Dekalb, Illinois, 1997.
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V. T. Raja, Han, B. T., and Chen, B. Tong, A Robustness Approach to the Telecommunication Facility Management Problem in the Presence of Demand Uncertainty from End-Users, Third INFORMS Telecommunications Conference. Boca Raton, Florida, 1995.
V. T. Raja, A Lagrangian Heuristic for Network Design, College of Business Research Seminar Series. Corvallis, OR, 2001.
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M. Puzakova, Kwak, H., and Rocereto, J., When Humanizing Brands Goes Wrong: The Detrimental Role of Brand Anthropomorphization Amidst Product Wrongdoings, Journal of Marketing, vol. 77, no. 3, pp. 81-100, 2013.
M. Puzakova, Kwak, H., Andras, T. Larsen, and Zinkhan, G. M., The Role of Mass Media and Marketing Communication in Consumer Ethnocentrism: A Study from the Russian Market, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD, 2009.
M. Puzakova, Kwak, H., and Taylor, C. R., The Role of Geography of Self in "Filling In" Brand Personality Characteristics: Consumer Inference of Claim-Irrelevant Attributes, Journal of Advertising, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 16-29, 2013.
M. Puzakova, Kwak, H., and Andras, T. Larsen, Mitigating Consumer Ethnocentrism via Advertising and Media Consumption in a Transitional Market: A Study from Russia, International Journal of Advertising, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 727-764, 2010.
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