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K. Xu, Li, J., Liao, S., and Lau, R. Y. K., An effective method for discovering target groups on social networking sites, 2011 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2011). Shanghai, China, 2012.
K. Xu, Li, J., Liao, S., and Lau, R. Y. K., An effective method for discovering target groups on social networking sites, 2011 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2011). Shanghai, China, 2012.
K. Xu, Li, J., Liao, S., and Lau, R. Y. K., An effective method for discovering target groups on social networking sites, 2011 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2011). Shanghai, China, 2012.
R. Khare, An, Y., Li, J., Song, I. - Y., and Hu, X., Exploiting Semantic Structure for Mapping User-specified Form Terms to SNOMED CT Concepts, 2012 ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI 2012). Miami, FL, USA, 2012.
S. Fan, Zhao, J. L., Liu, M., and Dou, W., A Framework for the Transformation from Conceptual to Logical Workflow Models, Decision Support Systems, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 781-794, 2012.
E. L. Uhlmann, Leavitt, K., Menges, J. I., Koopman, J., Howe, M., and Johnson, R. E., Getting Explicit about the Implicit: A Taxonomy of Implicit Measures and Guide for their Use in Organizational Research, Organizational Research Methods, vol. 15, pp. 553-601, 2012.
K. Leavitt, Getting explicit about the implicit: Nonconscious measures in management research, (Invited Talk). Virginia Polytechnical Institute (Virginia Tech), 2012.
D. Li, Eden, L., Hitt, M., Ireland, R., and Garrett, R., Governance in multilateral R&D alliances, Organization Science, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 1191-1210, 2012.
T. Carroll and Long, C. P., How Managers' Trust and Control Activities Influence Subordinates' Perceptions, in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012, vol. 2012, no. 1.
K. Xu, Li, J., and Song, Y., Identifying valuable customers on social network sites for profit maximization, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 39, no. 17, pp. 13009-13018, 2012.
Y. Ling, Baldridge, D., and Craig, J., The impact of family structure on issue selling by successor generation members in family firms, Journal of Family Business Strategy, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 220–227, 2012.
K. Leavitt, Implicit processes in organizational behavior: Research and practice next steps (Expert Panel), Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, 2012.
A. Joshi and Lahiri, N., Information Asymmetry and Partner Selection in International Alliances, in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012.
J. Chen, Reilly, R., and Lynn, G., New Product Development Speed: Too Much of a Good Thing?, Journal of Product Innovation Management, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 288–303, 2012.
J. Li, Guo, L., Handly, N., and Thompson, D. A., Semantic-enhanced models to support timely admission prediction at emergency departments, Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 161-172, 2012.
H. Jiannan Wang, Li, J., and Bai, X., Towards an Intelligent Approach to Extracting Data for Process Mining, SIGBPS Workshop on Business Processes and Services (BPS'12). Orlando, FL, USA, 2012.
J. Cho, Park, I., and Lee, E. T., Transformational Leadership in Software Testing Teams: A Virtual Team Setting,, International Research Workshop on Advances and Innovations in Software Testing. Memphis, TN, 2012.
S. Lee, Universal healthcare symbols and medical tourism, Global Marketing Conference: Globalization and Marketing Performance. Seoul, Korea, 2012.
S. Lee, Way Finding for Older Adults in Health Care Facilities, 36th Annual OSU Gerontology Conference. Corvallis, Oregon, 2012.
S. Lee, Wayfinding Aids for Older Adults, International Journal of Design in Society, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 57-65, 2012.
S. Lee, Wayfinding for older adults, Design Principles and Practices. Los Angeles, 2012.
K. J. Olson, Huffman, A. H., Leiva, P. I., and Howes, S., Acculturation and individualism as predictors of work-family conflict in a diverse workforce, Human Resource Management (US), vol. 52, pp. 741-769, 2013.
L. Rees, Rothman, N., Lehavy, R., and Sanchez-Burks, J., The ambivalent mind can be a wise mind: Emotional ambivalence increases judgment accuracy., Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 360-367, 2013.
L. Jiang, Yang, C. C., and Li, J., Discovering Consumer Health Expressions from Consumer-Contributed Content, 2013 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction (SBP 2013). Washington DC, USA, 2013.
S. Lee, Enhancing wayfinding with Interactive Map Design for an Academic Library, Brain Korea Plus Seminar. Seoul, Korea, 2013.
T. Moss, Lumpkin, G., and Gras, D., Entrepreneurial processes in social contexts: how are they different, if at all?, Small Business Economics, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 761-783, 2013.
N. Gopalan, Howes, S., and Leiva, P. I., Explaining emotional labor's relationships with emotional exhaustion and life satisfaction: Moderating role of perceived autonomy, Universitas Psychologica, vol. 12, pp. 347-356, 2013.
W. Jeung, Luthans, F., Harms, P. D., and Paterson, T., Exploring the Relationships of Human, Social, and Psychological Capital, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Houston, TX, 2013.
S. Lennon and Kim, M., Fashion students’ perceptions of socially irresponsible consumer behavior., Fashion and Social Responsibility Symposium. 2013.
J. Li, G. Wang, A., Wang, H. Jiannan, and Fan, W., Finding patterns for effective knowledge sharing in online communities, The 23rd Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS). Milan, Italy, 2013.
D. R. Hekman and Leavitt, K., Focusing capitalism on the forgotten internal stakeholder (PDW), Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2013.
S. Lee, Dazkir, S., Paik, H., and Coskun, A., Healthcare symbols tested in three countries, Environment and Design Research Association. Providence, RI, 2013.
R. G. Gardner, Umphress, E. E., Leavitt, K., Stoverink, A. C., and Griffin, R. W., Helping others cheat: The role of positive affect and liking., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2013.
J. Barden, Bluhm, D., Mitchell, T., and Lee, T., Hometown Proximity, Coaching Change, and the Success of College Basketball Recruits., Journal of Sport Management, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 230-246, 2013.
D. Hu, Li, J., Yang, X., and Yan, J., Identifying hidden community elites in online social networks, China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2013). Tianjin, China, 2013.
T. Paterson and Luthans, F., In Search of Human Sustainability: An Empirical Study of Thriving Entrepreneurs, Sustainability, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship. Denver, CO, 2013.
T. Paterson, Milosevic, I., A Bass, E., and Luthans, F., Innovating for Success in Ph.D. Programs: The Role of Psychological Resources and Proactive Behaviors, Southern Management Association. New Orleans, LA, 2013.
A. A. Erez, Leavitt, K., and Woolum, A., Interactions between peers’ and individuals’ personalities affect individiuals’ performance., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2013.
F. Bosco, A, P. Charles, Leavitt, K., and Aguinis, H., I/O Psychology's decline in effect-size magnitude over time., Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology. Houston, TX, 2013.
S. Lennon, Lee, J., Kim, M., and Johnson, K. K. P., Men (and women) shopping on the darkside: Consumer misbehavior on Black Friday, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. 2013.
S. Lennon, Lee, J., Kim, M., and Johnson, K. K. P., Men (and women) shopping on the darkside: Consumer misbehavior on Black Friday, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. 2013.
K. Leavitt, Mindless Malfeasance: The role of implicit processes in unethical workplace behavior (part of PDW on The antecedents, management, and implications of unethical behavior at work)., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2013.
R. Edgeman, Wu, Z., and Laasch, O., Operations Management, 2013.
K. Leavitt, Publication bias might make us untrustworthy, but the solutions may be worse., Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice, vol. 6, pp. 298-302, 2013.
K. Kim, Liu, H., and Yang, J., Reconsidering Price Limit Effectiveness, Journal of Financial Research, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 493-518, 2013.
Z. Jiang, Kim, K. A., Lie, E., and Yang, S., Share Repurchases, Catering, and Dividend Substitution, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 21, no. June 2013, pp. 36-50, 2013.
Z. Wu, Edgeman, R., and Laasch, O., Supply Chain Management, 2013.
J. Chen, Neubaum, D., Reilly, R. R., and Lynn, G. S., Team Autonomy and New Product Development Performance, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, 2013.
T. Paterson, Luthans, F., and Jeung, W., Thriving at Work: An Empirical Investigation of Antecedents and Outcomes, Academy of Management. Orlando, FL, 2013.
D. T. Wagner, Barnes, C. M., and Leavitt, K., Worth what you're paid: A meaning maintenance model of compensation and self-promotion., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2013.
