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L. Burns, The 10 Commandments to Being a Student-Centered Organization, Workshop for the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, Region 5. Glendelen Beach, OR, 2003.
C. Steggell and Frater, J., The ABC’s of teaching homebuyer education, Housing and Human Investment Conference. Eugene, OR, 1998.
J. Frater and Steggell, C., The ABC’s of teaching homebuyer education, Regional Workshop for non-profit housing leaders and educators. Roseburg, OR, 1998.
C. Steggell, The ABC’s of teaching homebuyer education, Regional Workshop for non-profit housing leaders and educators. Bend, OR, 1998.
J. Hardy, Day, E. A., and Steele, L. M., Ability, goal orientation, and exploratory behavior in active learning, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 30th Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA, 2015.
N. Roberts, Galluch, P., Dinger, M., and Grover, V., Absorptive Capacity and Information Systems Research: Review, Synthesis, and Directions for Future Research, 2012.
N. Roberts, Absorptive Capacity, Organizational Antecedents, and Environmental Dynamism, 2015.
L. Huang and Paterson, T., Abusive Supervision and Employee Relational Reputation Maintenance: A Self-Verification Perspective, Academy of Management. Vancouver, B.C., 2020.
P. James Frischmann, Academic Perspective, Accounting Career Vision Seminar. Pocatello, ID, 2010.
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A. Kaliyamurthy and Schau, H., Accommodating the algorithmic gaze, Mittelstaedt & Gentry Doctoral Symposium. 2021.
L. Eiler, Accounting Disclosure Quality and Synergy Gains: Evidence from Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, International Accounting Section Mid-Year Meeting. Palm Beach, CA, 2010.
L. Eiler, Accounting Disclosure Quality and Synergy Gains: Evidence from Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, 2009 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, 2009.
C. Brown and Baldwin, A. A., Accounting, Diversity, and the AAA Diversity Section, Diversity Section of the American Accounting Association Mid-Year Meeting. San Antonio, TX, 2009.
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C. Brown, Baldwin, A. A., and Trinkle, B. S., Accounting Doctoral Program Demographics, 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association. New York, NY, 2009.
A. A. Baldwin, Brown, C., and Trinkle, B. S., Accounting Doctoral Program Demographics, American Accounting Association Diversity Section Mid-Year Meeting. New Orleans, LA USA, 2008.
A. A. Baldwin, Brown, C., and Trinkle, B. S., Accounting Doctoral Program Demographics, Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations, vol. 11, pp. 101-128, 2010.
C. Brown, Accounting Expert Systems: A Comprehensive, Annotated Bibliography, Expert Systems Review for Business and Accounting, vol. 1, no. 1 and 2, pp. 23-129, 1989.
J. Rose, Accounting, Organizations, and Society, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, vol. 2, pp. 22-40, 2001.
R. Graham, Accounting practices and market values: Evidence from Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Thailand, The Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting. Melbourne Australia, 1999.
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K. J. Olson, Huffman, A. H., Leiva, P. I., and Howes, S., Acculturation and individualism as predictors of work-family conflict in a diverse workforce, Human Resource Management (US), vol. 52, pp. 741-769, 2013.
K. Malkewitz and Orth, U., The accuracy of design-based judgments: A constructivist approach, Journal of Retailing, 2012.
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W. Duan, Cao, Z., Wang, Y., Zhu, B., Zeng, D., Wang, F. - Y., Qiu, X., Song, H., and Wang, Y., An ACP Approach to Public Health Emergency Management: Using a Campus Outbreak of H1N1 Influenza as a Case Study, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems & Humans, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 1028-1041, 2013.
A. Bourne and Megraw, M., Active Teaching and Learning in a Flipped Classroom, CTL Winter Symposium 2015. Oregon State University, 2015.
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G. Lu and Koufteros, X., Adopting supply chain security practices for the transport logistics: institutional effects and performance drivers, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 611-631, 2014.
