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G. Archer, Harvesting Rawls Bounty: Growing an Environmental Ethic from the Work of John Rawls, Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, 2008.
J. McAlexander, A Harley-Davidson Story: Marketing and Building Customer Relationships, Presentation to the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce. Salem, OR, 2000.
S. Lennon, Kim, M., Lee, J., and Johnson, K. K. P., Happy as a Lark or Mad as a Hornet?: Consumer Emotions on Black Friday, KAMS Spring International Conference/2011 ITAA-KAMS Joint Symposium. Seoul, Korea, 2011.
K. Mullet and Park, M., Hanbok Sport Cross Cultural Design Process, 2009 CSA 35th National Symposium. Tempe AZ, 2009.
K. Mullet and Park, M., Hanbok Sport, 2008 ITAA Proceedings Annual Conference. Schaumburg, IL, 2008.
L. Kane and Pedersen, E., Half Scale Reproduction of 17th Century Gown, Costume Society of America. San Antonio, Texas, 2015.
J. Elston, Growth of Neuer Markt Firms, Workshop on Financing the New Economy: A German-US Comparison. Washington DC, 2001.
J. Cho and Schilpzand, P., Group Dynamic in Abusive Supervision: Boundary Conditions for Relational and Collective Self-Concepts, Western Academy of Management (WAM). Kauai, Hawaii, 2015.
D. Simpson, Greening the automotive supply chain, Pacific Asian Consortium for International Business Education and Research (PACIBER) Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada, 2005.
J. McAlexander and Schouten, J., The Great Debate: Design Research vs. Marketing Research, Conference of the Western District of Industrial Designers Society of America. Industrial Designers Society of America, 2002.
X. Li, Zhang, Z., Chen, H., and Li, J., Graph kernel-based learning for gene function prediction from gene interaction network, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE-BIBM 2007). Fremont, CA, USA, 2007.
J. Becker-Blease, Governance and Innovation, Financial Management Association. Reno, NV, 2009.
J. Down and Randoy, T., Good corporate governance: A firm life cycle perspective, Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Santa Fe, NM, 2002.
B. Maue, Murnieks, C., and Ferrante, C., Going to war to keep up with the Joneses: Questions about earnings effects on U.S. military pilot service, Academy of Management. Anaheim, 2008.
C. Dibrell, Nicovich, S., and Sakaguchi, T., Global integrated supply chain: A theoretical typology, Global Information Technology Management (GITM) World Conference. Dallas, TX, 2001.
A. Joshi, Inouye, T. M., and Robinson, J. A., Glass Ceiling Effects for Minority and Women Technology Entrepreneurs, Rutgers Advanced Institute for the Study of Entrepreneurship and Development (RAISED). Newark, NJ, 2017.
C. E. Theil, Griffith, J., Hardy, J., Peterson, D., and Connelly, S., Giving perspective: Cross-level effects of supervisor-to-member interpersonal emotion management during relationship conflict, 75th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver, BC, 2015.
K. Leavitt, Getting explicit about the implicit: Nonconscious measures in management research, (Invited Talk). Virginia Polytechnical Institute (Virginia Tech), 2012.
C. Steggell and Mahmood, A., Is gerotechnology in your future?, TRIAD Faculty Club. Corvallis, OR, 2007.
A. Mahmood, Steggell, C., Yamamoto, T., and Lee, M., Gerotechnology and aging in place: A conceptual model and preliminary findings from pilot projects, Environmental Design Research Association 38th Annual Conference. Sacramento, CA, 2007.
C. Steggell, Gerontology research update: How can technology support aging in place?, Advisory Board of Senior and Disability Services. Albany, Oregon, 2007.
C. Steggell, Gerontology research update: Can technology help your clients?, Staff of Senior and Disability Services. Albany, Oregon, 2007.
C. Brown and Baldwin, A. A., The Geography of Accounting Doctoral Placement, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. 2010.
J. McAlexander and DuFault, B., Genius for Sale: The Conspicuous Consumption of Ideas, Consumer Culture Theory International Conference. Oxford University, 2012.
G. Leroy, Chen, H., Martinez, J., Eggers, S., Falsey, R., Kislin, K., Huang, Z., Li, J., Xu, J., McDonald, D., and Ng, G., Genescene: Biomedical text and data mining, ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2003). Houston, TX, USA, 2003.
R. Floyd, Maynard, J., McGaughey, T., and Houston, L., General Factor Loadings and Specific Effects of the Differential Ability Scales, Second Edition Composites, Me According To Others: A New Perspective On Self-Presentations And The Socialization Of Racial Minorities. Chicago, IL, 2010.
J. Raver, Nishii, L., and Vestal, A., Gender diversity norms: Influences upon group information elaboration and performance, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Montreal, 2010.
L. H. Nishii, Mayer, D. M., Vestal, A., Porter, R. L., and Raver, J. L., Gender diversity and creativity: The moderating role of group LMX, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial & Organizational Pshychology. New Orleans, LA, 2009.
C. Gibson and Hardy, J., Gender differences in creative problem-solving may be an artifact of measurement differences, Association for Psychological Science’s 26th Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA, 2014.
A. H. Huffman, Olson, K. J., Klinefelter, Z., Irving, L. H., and Howes, S., Gender and turnover intentions: Why do women quit work?, Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Denver, CO, 2016.
A. Marks, GD412 (Contemporary Issues in Design). Oregon State University, 2009.
J. King, Games That Play People, Office Professionals. Oregon State University, 2006.
J. Godesiabois, Murnieks, C., and Mosakowski, E., The games entrepreneurs play, Babson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Babson Park, 2005.
C. Dibrell, Babakus, E., and Davis, P. S., Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage: The Effects of Strategic Flexibility and Information Technology Among Internationalizing Firms, Academy of International Business Conference. Stockholm, Sweden, 2004.
J. Down and Randoy, T., The future of textbook publishing in management, Caucus presentation at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, 2001.
L. Burns, The Future of Fashion Design Education, Asian Fashion Federation Annual Meeting. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2008.
H. Koenig, The Future of Branding, Seed Research of Oregon, Summer Turf Conference. Corvallis, OR, 2002.
S. Lee, Future Life and Design, Busan International Architecture Forum. 2017.
J. A. Griffith, Gibson, C., Medeiros, K., MacDougall, A., and Hardy, J., Future directions in CIP research., Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 32st Annual Conference. Orlando, FL, 2017.
J. Elston, Funding Gaps in Germany Industry, Funding Gap Controversies Conference Plenary Session. Warwick, England, 1999.
K. Mullet, Functional Design Research. 2017.
J. Elston, Fulbright in Austria, 70 Years of Bright Minds: 70th Anniversary Celebration. Webinar online, 2021.
K. Leavitt, Barnes, C. M., Watkins, T., and Wagner, D. T., From the bedroom to the office: Workplace spillover effects of marital sexual activity., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
D. Baldridge, From Self-Advocacy to Self-Leadership: Getting the Help you Need While Building your Social Capital, Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability & Diversity. Honolulu, HI, 2012.
M. Belkhir, Brouard, M., Brunk, K. H., Campana, M., Dalmoro, M., Ferreira, M. Christina, Figueiredo, B., Huff, A., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A., From Fish Tank to the Open Ocean: Navigating the Institutional Field of CCT, Consumer Culture Theory 2016. Lille, France, 2016.
K. Mullet, From Fabric to Product: Challenges in Design, Meeting Expectations in a High Performance Apparel World AATCC. Research Triangle Park, NC, 2006.
A. Marks, Freedom on the Fence/presentation of film and discussion. Corvallis, OR, 2014.
A. Marks, Freedom on the Fence/presentation of film and discussion. Denver, Colorado, 2014.
A. Marks, Freedom on the Fence: A Short History of the Polish Poster, The Poster; The History & Influence of a Classic Medium. Boston, MA, 2017.
A. Marks, Freedom on the Fence, Watson Creative. Portland, OR, 2016.
